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small 2mm hyperintense

Im a 22yr male. once very athletic in my prior days before i decided to join the military. Anyways, everytime I get seen I feel like im getting blown off and told everything is okay. Im no hypercondriac, but i do require answers. Especially after this past episode which led me to my first ride in an ambulance and IV and heavy meds to make the pain go away.
So ive tried searching all over google trying to find someone with similar questions or answers for this MRI. Anyways, Ill just start off with the last episode and a few symptoms here.
To keep a long story very short and sweet.

I got off work, was standing talking on the phone with a friend in my bedroom. Got some very weird sensations in body. started with a "shockwave" of pain through body almost made me sick to my stomach and happened very fast and went away. seconds later happens again. I get cold feeling underneath left lower ribcage, lose sensation in my mid back. that sensation shot up my neck to the center top of head.  By the time paramedics arrived at my house I had a loss of sensation in my arms and legs(knee and below) as well. Took me to hospital shot me up with heavy pain meds and antiinflammatories and said it was a back spasm and sent me home.

Follow up with a doc on base. Ordered Brain/Thoracic spine MRIs to check for MS and something else not sure. I received the brain MRIs only so far and here is how it reads. I have the disc with images if anyone would like to see.
just looking for input, i have no family history of any illness, no allergies, ive been healthy all my life and pretty athletic.

here is the MRI "FINDINGS":

" There is no acute intracranial hemorrhage or infarction.
On the FLAIR and T2 weighted images, there is a single, tiny, punctate, mildly hyperintense 2mm focus of increased signal at the right frontal deep white matter (axial image 14). There is no appreciable mass effect or enhancement associated with this focus. The remainder of the brain, cerebellum, and brainstem are unremarkable. No abnormal enhancement. The ventricular and extraaxial spaces are unremarkable. Flow voids within the major intracranial arteries are grossly unremarkable. Orbits and globes are unremarkable. The sinuses and nasopharynx and mastoid air cells are clear. "

anyone got anything? ill be seeing my doc Monday
I just like multiple opinions

44 Responses
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They do not make ranges by M vs F or by body type. But your doc is running the worst tests possible. TSH tests what the pituitary is telling the thyroid to do (and that is a mix of the old range and the new one, nice, not) and that T4 test is well, not the most useful one. Even so, for T4, when you are on meds at least, you should be at the high end, not the low. But your doc will say you are normal.
Better tests are to test the antibodies, to test the Free T3 and Free T4 (that tests what the thyroid is actually doing itself). Your TSH is in range for the .3 to 3. that is the new range.

For blood pressure, that is sodium, potassium, renin and aldosterone tests, that I know of.
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I have a question. I have my Thyroid results says Thyroid panel (T4+TSH). Im trying to understand Thyrotropin. Thyrotropin result came back as 0.59  and reference range is 0.34 - 4.82 ..  My Thyroxine Free  came in as 0.89  range is 0.56 - 1.40

Is this normal for a 22 yr old male athlete ?  

Also I looked through my medical record. As of December 2008. My blood pressure readings were much much lower compared to now. After 26 March when I had the whole incident with paramedics and my back arms legs losing sensation and breathing getting difficult along with the right arm feeling cold inside. My resting blood pressure and heartrate have been pretty high everyday since then.
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when i get hungry its usually sudden. Like out of nowhere instantly hungry. Its not salt that I crave. Its usually high carb meals or high sugar like ice cream..Ive had very high craving for this place close to me they serve Chicken and Beef Teriyaki served with rice..  craving it ALL the time. I try hard to beat these urges and go for salads but sometimes just doesnt do it for me.
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Are you craving salt, by any chance? Does that coincide with the wonky feeling?
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I usually have to wait to get my test results about a week but I definitely have gotten copies of everything so far.
So If my blood pressure and heartrate get worse and symptoms act up more in the afternoon I should try and get them to do all those kinds of tests around those times because usually my appointments are in the morning time or around lunch not later in the afternoon when Im feeling "wonky".
I asked him about that or orthostatics, I showed him my logs of blood pressure and heartrates for the past 5 days when I bought the BP monitor. But he still insisted on me taking the blood pressure medication and taking Motrin because my body is tender all over which he says inflammation.
He wants to see me after a week on these meds then have me come back in and see if any improvement. Ill see a neurologist within 3 weeks  hopefully sooner than that. If I cant get my primary care to get me any of these tests Ill get the neurologist to.
Ill let u know what they say or if anything new comes about!
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Did you get a copy? Always get copies - of everything.
That was low at the time of test, not when you were feeling wonky!
They may have no idea about the adrenals. Few do. Are they sending for a tilt table test?
The med they will give you may not be a typical beta blocker but something to replace aldosterone.
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