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all itchy arm sufferers....please look into brachioradial pruritus.  My arms, and only my arms, have itched for 10 years.  no rashes, no psiorias, excema etc.  The creams, allergery pills..my list is extensive as to what I have tried but nothing worked. ---------------The only thing that helps are ice packs. -----------------------
Recently,I had an x-ray to check if I had any nerve impingement in my cervical spine - one of the possible causes but nothing showed so I continue to search for answers.  I did get confirmation of the brachioradial pruritus from a great dermatologist who has only seen 3 cases in his 15 years on the job.  He did a biopsy that he sent to UC Davis for confirmation.  The diagnosis was actually a relief as I have been told that it is so many other things.  
I hope this helps.  I will keep posting if I find anything helpful solutions.  
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Hey Vicky
Have same problem during summer months, drove me mad
One night just went crazy trying every cream in the medicine cabinet and then whella, an anti fungal athletes foot cream worked! stops the itch within a few minutes and stays gone for a few days. when it returns i just re-apply. it was called daktarin. hope you can find something similar. it has benzoic acid 2mg/g, butylated hydroxyanisole 52ug/g, miconazole nitrate 20mg/g. not alot of people like using chemicals on themselves but when the alternative is being driven mad then I'll apply a little cream. someone also mentioned coconut oil, haven't tried that one yet
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Just stumbled across this site and it's been very informative. I'm going to give a few of these suggestions ago and see if they help at all. As I've also tried all the creams.
Everything I've read sounds like what I have. I've had itchy arms and shoulders for the last few years and the only thing that seems to help is ice. It wakes me up at night which breaks my sleep pattern and as you know sleep is one of the most important things for your health. It doesn't leave a rash just little scabs from all the scratching. It can be hell at times.
I seem to get it the most when it's going to rain. I know it seems strange but I quite often out do the weather man when it comes to predicting forecasted rain. When the arms itch it will rain within a 24-48 period. So I don't if it has something to do with the atmospheric pressure.
As the others have said I also get it when it's hot and humid. But the rain on coming rain seems to have the worst affect on it.
Thanks to everyone for this informative site.
All the best.
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How do you "pop" your back?
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Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I don't follow this site any longer as I get tired of people not reading previous posts thereby rehashing the same old stuff. Thank you for reading previous posts =) Yes, BRP is caused by damage to the neck, specifically C4-C6. Compression of the nerves in that region give a 'false' itch signal instead of pain....inflammation compounds the problem and is key to getting the area to heal. I am symptom free personally and have gotten my herniation to fully heal by continuing to control my inflammation. Yes, exposure to heat/sun will increase those symptoms because it increases inflammation. Stretches can help as well as massage, but controlling the inflammation is the key to healing! Good luck!
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Wow never thought before to look for a forum on this darn itch! From the UK and after lots of Dr's apts and dermatology taking a biopsy on my arm, giving me a huge bag of creams and showr wash stuff, itch is STILL here and Inow know from reading this page, I'M NOT IMAGINING IT!!

They look at you like you're a hypochondriac! "don;t itch it just blow or tap the skin" haha WTF, i want to peel my skin off on occasion, I feel patronised when I seek help...... I'm currently under dermatology but when I mentioned my back injury and maybe I need Chiropractor to look at me they just stare at you like you're mad..........

A Dr / GP should just try to find the cause and solve the issue, regardless of the way they go about it. I think most are still learning as this seems to be very common but Drs act as if they have very little knowledge of it and as if they've never seen it before.. I'm depressed to an extent, it seriously does impact on your daily life, I cover my arms everyday,

I was told years ago by one GP it may be an allergic reaction to the sun and to stay out of it, recently the dermo guy at hospital said get some sun on my arms!? HELLO which is it grrr. My arms are a mess, itchy rash like spots and I hate going swimming, I look like i have the lurgy, you notice people staring at you. I'm not a dirty person but it makes you feel unclean :(
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I also feel there is a seasonal component,  but I'm unable to pinpoint it.  My mother suffered with this condition so I feel strongly that it is an inherited condition and not spinal related. Although this is no conclusive cure it is reassuring to know I'm not alone.  We could all exchange phone numbers so we can commiserate when we are awake in the middle of the night
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