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1262699 tn?1277854959

Full recovery after laparoscopic surgery

I had laparoscopic surgery to remove some endometriosis and i am on my fifth week now. The first two weeks were kind of rough, the third week pain at the incision sites was getting better, and by the fourth week i was walking 20-25 minutes each day. I was comfortable going up and down the stairs, and i did minor things around the house like washing dishes and doing my laundry and stuff. i felt i was getting better and then by the end of the fourth week my incision pain got worse all of a sudden. the pain was so bad i had to go to the ER. the doc did a CT and said my organs looked fine and i had no sign of infection. However, he suggested i get checked by the GYN who did my surgery. The pain around the incision site got better after i rested in bed for three straight days. How long does it take to fully recover from your experience? they tell u 2-3 weeks and i thought i would spring back to normal in that time but i am still home. thanks for all your advices
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Hi Mimi, I went through the same concerns as you! They told me it would be a small procedure and i should take a 'week off work'!. After my extensive surgery 18 months ago, it took me a long time to gain back my full strength and full fitness regime, i would say up to 3 months before i was 100%. You may be dealing with actual symptoms from the surgery for the first month, but then you have to slowly regain your strength and fitness.
I took 3 - 4 weeks off work, then spent the rest of recovery time to just doings at my own pace. I was very dizzy and very naeucious for a long time after my surgery which made things really difficult. But everything got better after around 6 weeks. I didnt drive for about a month either.

It sounds like you are doing great. It takes time and you have to be annoyingly anf frustratingly patient! By listening to your body but not getting too anxious about over analysing everything! Very difficult. I ended up seeing a natropath and GP for weeks after because i just felt so awful for so long i was convinced there had to be a hundred other things wrong with me! But it all just healed itself eventually.

Sounds like you are in more pain than i was, which i hear is very common. I would speak to a good GP about it or even seek a natropath. They can speak to you about how diet can affect your body and hopefully give you some help on a different level.

Take your time, sounds like you are doing everything you should and it will get better x
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Hi leal,

How did they know that you had Endo?  From what I know, there is no way to diagnose Endo except for the laparoscopic surgery, which sounds like they have not done yet.  I would think it would be very hard for them to say that you will not have children.  Do not believe that until you have the proof.  Many women with Endo have children.

I am quite sure I have had Endo since being a teen (29 now).  I had my daughter at 25.  Had a Lap last week and found out for sure I had Endo, after having more severe symptoms for the last year.  They were able to laser the Endo off of my uterus and ovary.

I was extremely scared to have the surgery.  Very very scared.  It turned out okay, although I have had a difficult surgery so far.  I would recommend that you have the surgery if you are comfortable with it, so that you know what you really are dealing with.  That way, if it is something else, they can then treat it before if gets any worse.  

My doctor says I should still be able to have more children, however, my chances are best if I do it sometime soon after having the surgery just in case the Endo would grow back.  She thinks the chances are good that it won't (I am not so optimistic!).

Get the facts before you worry.  If you ever want to talk about it, I would be happy to!
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1566323 tn?1295311557
Hi Ladies,
I am 21 and have been told i have endo. :'( I have also been told i have next to no chance of having kids as i have had endo for quite some time and has gone un noticed and treated. I am due to have surgery soon and am quite scared. i dont no what to expect, i have told work ill need about a week off. what should i expect and shoud i deff take more time off??
Thanks Lea
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I had pains in in the top of my arms and legs too, and at the bottom of my back, they were worse than the abdo pains, they felt like dead weights, had trouble carrying the shopping, and sometimes got very breathless, sometimes gasping for breathe. My gyno says that they can't be anything to do with what could be wrong with me, however since my surgery 1 wk ago, they have totally gone.

I had endometriosis and adhesions to my ovaries, tubes and bowel, also had a Mirena coil removed as it was causing an infection.
I have been given diclofenic painkillers to insert, which aren't too bad and take away some of the pain and co-amox something for the infection. Have felt very dizzy and sick too.

I just want to get better now, am doin light duties at home like, washing etc, however if i do too much have abdo pains in the evening that i cannot get rid off. My tummy is still swollen and tender.

I have had heavy periods for years and have not been able to go to the toilet for at least 18 months unaided. I was told that i should have an hysterectomy 5 years ago, due to the periods and having a large fibroid in the wall of my womb, however seeked further advise and had a Mirena coil fitted. The Mirena coil stopped my periods for 3 years which was bliss, after years of suffering.

Did i do the right thing, i am wondering, would the hysterectomy saved me from endometrosis ?

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1002983 tn?1349822086
Gosh, I really have no idea about the pains in your arms and all.  I thought maybe the other symptoms sounded a bit more like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome maybe.  But I'm no doctor.  I've never had PCOS or Endo.  It's best to try not to worry, see your gynaeocologist, and take things from there.  Try not to stress too much.  Our hormones really affect our body.  I hope all goes OK with the Dr.  Please take care, and don't worry.  Things will get sorted!!
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902536 tn?1326914250
is it wierd that all of a suddon my elbows, my head, my arms. everything is starting to hurt. i feel like sitting down and not moving. my arms feel like they weigh a 100 pounds a piece. and one minute  i am roast my butt off and the next i am freezing. got any ideas of what it could be?
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