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Ladies I need your expertise with Depo Provera 150mg

I had a laparotomy 8 weeks ago for bilateral endometriomas and adhesions. My follow up with the gynecologist was today she wants me to have Depo Provera shots every 3 months 150 mg for the advanced endometriosis. She said this can cause weight gain. Then when she saw my reaction she said only a couple of pounds. Will this stop the endometriosis or only provide pain management. I don't want to go against her recommendation but I wonder if I should get a second opinion.
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Yes, I had a laparotomy and had the endometrioma excised too.

That's what my gyn told me. He said everytime I have my period, a little blood will collect in the endometrioma. But I assume that there has to be an adhesion there in order for the blood to collect.

Maybe you should see another gyn? I remember before my surgery, I saw a gyn who said I needed a hysterectomy! I totally freaked out and went to see another gyn. It's better to find a gyn who actually cares about his patients and do what's best for the patient. I find that many doctors I've seen just throw random answers at me. They don't even take the time to ask me about my symptoms or how I feel.

This is my third day on clomid. I feel normal so far. But I do worry that my endo will grow back since that's what I read.

My gas/bloating situation is the same as yours. In the daytime I feel fine, but by evening, I am all puffed up. Does the area around your incision site still hurt?

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What do you mean the endometrioma will collect blood every month. I had two endometriomas one on each ovary but they were removed completely, not drained but excised and a biopsy was even performed on them. Weren't your endometriomas removed by laparotomy ? My doctor did not explain that to me that blood would recollect in them she said they were gone. My god I certainly hope not anyways :(

My gas and bloating is better during the day but by suppertime I still feel like a balloon :)

are you back at work yet ? If so how is it going. My doctor wouldn't suggest anything. It is as though he wouldn't go against the gynecologist recommendation of the depo shot. And the gynecologist I have only seen one time since my surgery and I don't see her until next February now she said I can't give you pills the dose would need to be too strong. It was take the depo and don't bother me anymore.................

How is the clomid going
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Yeah, I know the frustration. That's exactly what my gyn told me before. He also told me that there's no guarantee the endo won't return. He said since mine was an endometrioma, it will collect blood everytime I have my period.

He suggested that after my 6 months of Lupron, I should take birth control pills that will let me know a period once every 3 months.

But even if that's the case, it's still a long time before I reach menopause, and there's still a good chance that the endometrioma will grow back.

My doctor keep telling me to try this and try that. I feel like there's no end to this.

How's your gas and bloating? Is it improving?

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I saw my doctor today. He said that the depo should finish the job the surgeon started because it is impossible to surgically remove all of the endo. Some of it can be too small to see with the naked eye. The depo will melt the small amounts that remain. He agreed it has a lot of side effects and that there was no guarantee that in 6 months when I stop taking it that the endo will return.

I am so frustrated and confused I just don't know what to do anymore :(
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Hi there,

Thanks for your response. It is so frustrating I went to see my doctor today and he told me that the depo could help while I take it but that there is no guarantee the endo won't come back after the 6 month treatment. I just don't know what to do anymore. Not take any treatment and hope the surgery worked or risk all those side effects for a treatment that has no guarantees.

It is so frustrating
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No i dont get chocolate cysts, mine are called functional. I had my surgery on Jan 28, 2009. And they couldnt remove all of it. My doc is tryin to push BC with estrogen in it. Since i already tried that and had a reaction i refuse. I asked about the depo my doc starts with all the side affects, instead of telling me if it will work or not. I know its still there and has come back, because even after the surgery i was & still am in pain. I am not taking any treatment at this time, and dont know what do do.
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