443434 tn?1255891233

Cipro & Floaters

My floaters appeared after I was given Cipro. This all started April 2006. I was given Cipro for a simple UTI, I was 36 years old. I was dizzy for three and half weeks, vertigo, nausea, then the ear pressure, spots in left eye, flashes in left eye, short term memory loss, horrible dreams, weak wrists and knees, massive floaters headaches, ears ringing, dry eyes, itching all over, rashes, insomnia, dark spots in left eye, eye pain, blurred vision, sensitive to sound, vitreous detachment happened in left eye and now happening with the right eye. I have filed a complaint with Med Watch, those of you that have taken Cipro and have the eye problems should file a complaint. The Doctor said I would get used to them, they would fall out of view. I’m not used to them and they have not fallen out of view. It’s been 2 years almost. It’s hard to wake up each day, my eyes are full of spots, floaters, sensitive to light, reading, night vision. My life was instantly and drastically changed.

This discussion is related to Floaters/After-Images/Photosensitivity/Black Spot: Is Cipro the cause?.
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177275 tn?1511755244
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177275 tn?1511755244
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I also got an eye floater and similar symptoms that you mentioned after taking Cipro about 6 months ago. Also, bad chest pain up to my ears, twice; thought I was having a heart attack.
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177275 tn?1511755244
No relationship of Cipro to retina detachment  http://media.jamanetwork.com/news-item/study-finds-increased-risk-retinal-detachment-use-certain-antibiotics/

Mayo Clinic    http://www.mayoclinic.org/medical-professionals/clinical-updates/ophthalmology/fluoroquinolones-do-not-increase-patients-risk-of-rhegmatogenous-retinal-detachment
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Not really a significant concern:  These limitations, taken together with mixed results from previous studies, mean that the debate over the relationship between fluoroquinolone use and retinal detachment remains unsettled. Although Raguideau and colleagues note that some previous studies that failed to find a significant association may have been underpowered,[13] it would be imprudent to ignore their results solely on this basis, especially given the results of the aforementioned meta-analysis.[12] Given conflicting results and a relatively small predicted absolute risk, there is not yet sufficient reason to change sound prescribing practices solely on the basis of this potential risk.
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Similar story as most above. Cipro for pneumonia.  Have issues with my shoulders now, and - vitreous detachment, in my left eye with traction.
After I took it, I found out about thr tendon issue. Not long after "coincidentally" tore my rotator cuff. Found out a bit later about my vitreous problem.  Didn't think about Cipro being possibly causal until recently.

Of course, it's too late now.
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What is more important, your money or your sight?  See an opthamologist.  They are far more specialized than an optometrist and have a array of highly sophisticated diagnostics tools.  
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Also forgot to add that every sense the gel spots showed up I started having glare problems. Light streaks from light bulbs, car lights, etc. Halos at night with blue street lights. Slight double vision with led clocks and white on black screens and things like that. I have not seen a ophthalmologist because everybody with my symptoms I have seen on the behave said they seen many ophthalmologist and they don't ever find the problem so I didn't want to waste money. But I have seen 5 other optometrist and they see no problem eye pressure fine good veins no MD no cataracts etc. And a couple have even said they doubt a optholmoligist would even see anything.
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I experienced

dry eyes
eye floaters
ears popped and now tinnitus
extreme light sensitivity
gel floaters not black like floaters but clear gel spot
also stationary gel floaters I only notice in a really bright room or reflecting of back of glasses.
visual snow
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Just adding here - I hadn't really had eye problems before I starting taking Cipro for some serious UTIs.  The problem worsened - doctors didn't see the connection.

I was stressed dealing with both UTIs and eye problems.  But I do think their was a connection.  2 months later, the dry eye continues.
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I hope you have changed your mind about FQs and eye issues after you wrote about retinal tears. As someone said just because floaters didn't happen to you  it doesn't mean it can't happen to others. I was just diagnosed with optic neuropathy and although I told my ENT surgeon NOT to give me any FQs as in 1997 I was and still have very bad health issues from the Floxin and Cipro given to me. She didn't adhere to my wishes and put Floxin soaked gelfoam pledgets in my head during a facial nerve decompression. I have been very very sick since then although "topicals" are not included in most research because people don't report their ADRs to the FDA/Medwatch and the FDAs database is not kept up to date anyway.

Sherry Reiver
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Most of the people on this site are posting about eye problems, and eye problems caused by fluoroquinolones are very real, no question.  But you can actually google ANY serious problem of the aged, adding the word "Floxies," and you'll come up with a plethora of information regarding fluoroquinolones as the cause.   For example, kidney failure, lung problems, heart problems, wrinkles, dry flaky skin, collagen loss, ruptured tendons, inability to exercise, chronic fatigue, seizures, leg cramps, spastic muscles, dry mouth, dry eyes, itching, nausea, weight loss, hair loss, diabetes, heart trouble, mitochondrial disfunction, double vision, retinal detachment, anxiety, Dizziness, lightheadedness,diabetes, high blood pressure, low bloodpressure, hearing problems, forgetfulness,cachexia, reduced blood flow, peripheral neuropathy, hypothyroidism, digestive problems due to devastation of microbiome), adrenal problems, insomnia, central nervous system and parasymathetic nervous system dysfunction, anxiety depression, insomnia, joint pain, headache pain, etc....the list is endless and entails just about anything you can think of.  What you would probably NOT think to search for is DNA damage.  But this, to me, is the most devastating damage of all...this, and mitochondrial damage.  There is no way that your DNA can be repaired once it has been destroyed. fluoroquinolones are "Topoisomerases."   All you to do is look up this word to see exactly what has been done to your DNA after fluoroquinolones.
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Cipro is nothing but poison designed to keep you coming back for the treatment of side effects, money money money!!!
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That's exactly right!  Our bodies have been destroyed molecularly; and since doctors are not molecular biologists, they are completely clueless!  All they can EVER  do is to give you MORE poisons to treat your myriad symptoms.  And if you continue to accept the poisons they so smugly hand out, you can kiss ANY hope goodbye.  
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Very well said!  
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You need to educate yourself on fluoroquinolones dr.  Better take a brush up course on pharmacology. Cipro is posion to the CNS and causes a long list long term symptoms. CIPRO does affect the optical discs and fluid in the eyes.
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...and everything else.
443434 tn?1255891233
Hi, I am the original poster of this thread.  I'm so sorry you had a vitreous detachment like me.  I had to wait over a year and they did surgery to remove the large floater in my left eye. They had me wait to see if it would drop out of view, but it never did, so surgery was the option.  It was a breeze and I was able to see again out of my left eye without the massive floaters. I hope this is an option for you.  My right eye still has them, but not as bad and I can so far at this moment, live with those.  Take care and I hope you feel better soon :)
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I took only 4 doses of cipro and started having anxiety attacks (had never had them before and I'm 60 years old) and developed floaters which caused even more anxiety attacks. I've been seeing an opthamologist ever since and was diagnosed with vitreous detachment (which I had never even heard of before taking cipro). My question now is there anything to reverse the damage? I just want my former eyesight back. I especially notice it now after a snow fall - it's so white outside. This all happened last April. If anyone has suggestions as to how to restore what was destroyed I'm all ears! What's done is done and I just want to move forward and see if there is anything that helps this situation.
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443434 tn?1255891233
Hi Shelly8884,

Thank you for the reply! I will definitely check into this :)  
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Hello, your symptoms are serious enough I signed up to comment. I am so sorry you're so ill! Me too.. I have all those same symtoms, but I've found some answers:

It sounds like you could have Bartonella (cat scratch disease). It's a disease commonly found along with Lyme disease, and can be transmitted either from ticks or scratches from cats or other animals. It's common and can be a very stealthy disease until provoked by certain antibiotics.. and it is notorious for vision/eye problems.

I have both Bartonella and Lyme, and I experienced the exact same flare of symptoms you described, but from a different antibiotic (completely different class). It isn't the antibiotic itself, it's because of the infection. Bacterial reactions to abx result in a lot of toxic die-off, a LOT of inflammation, and sometimes worsened symptoms if the antibiotics aren't taken long enough.

So many doctors have their heads in the sand.. I was misdiagnosed for over a decade and have had to live half-dead all these years with those awful symptoms.  The tests for these infections are garbage I tested negative the first time and know many other people with the same story! I can direct you to help, there are many of us going through treatment and dealing with these problems.

One by one the symptoms improve with treatment.. If you want help, google ilads (It looks like I'm not allowed to link you) and send them an e-mail through their website, they can tell you what doctors are properly trained and able to help you in your area (they know the good ones!) Those doctors are called Lyme Literate Medical Doctors (LLMDs) they are experts in Bartonella as well, and all other diseases that go along with lyme. No average doctor can or will help you

If you're unsure, google lyme and co-infection symptoms.. it's likely you'll find similarities. Every single one of your symptoms can be explained by tick-borne illnesses.. Good Luck, I'm truly very sorry you are unwell..
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Many "Floxies" have gone for Lyme testing, including myself, and tested 'negative;' would that it WERE Lyme or cat scratch disease!. :(
  No one wants to think an antibiotic could cause this much devastation. But without a doubt, fluoroquinlones do.  Keep in mind that Ciprofloxacin was engineered, by Bayer's scientists, to kill Anthrax.  it is also a chemotherapy drug. (I guess doctors go on the premise that cancer patients don't have long to live anyway, so why NOT give them Ciprofloxacin.)  Also, if you've ever wondered why suicide is so rampant among our Gulf War veterans,   consider this:  They were all given a month's-worth of Cipro as a prophylaxis to 'protect' them against germ warfare - Anthrax, to be specific.  It was an experiment......we are ALL experiments!  
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I have all the things tht you just listed and adrenal problems are caused
by stress .  The adrenal failure causes the thyroid disease, I also have numerous lesions on my brain.  I have never taken Cipro, till recently but i had al these other problems. I will agree it gave me a headache.  Just thought I would add my story but you probaly had thse her things before
you took the Cipro.  Hope this helps
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Wow...I started cipro about a week ago and 3 days after starting it I began having ear pressure and pain. Doctor says it is not related to the Cipro and to take some decongestants. Do not have any stuffiness or anything just ear pain and feels like they need to pop and won't. After reading all these wondering if it is related???
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Did this ever gwt resolved? If so, how long?
Educated guess:  YES
443434 tn?1255891233
It is a quinolone antibiotic, same family as Cipro, so my answer is yes.
I hope there is a class action regarding Cipro and vision because it has ruined my life.  I am the original poster and look at all of the people that posted below me with the same exact issue.  I was given Cipro for a MILD UTI, never should have given it to me and I am to this day very upset about it.
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How about Levaquin?  Can that cause vitreous detachment?  I only took one pill (have taken it many times in the past) and got tendonitis immediately, which hasn't gone away after a month, and a vitreous detachment 2 weeks after taking it.
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Have you seen any connection between Ciprodex ear drops and retinal detachment?
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I am truly sorry to hear these horror stories.

I got my first detachments within 2 days after taking tobramycin (tobrex) eye drops. Although belonging to a totally different family of antibioitics (aminoglycosides), I strongly suspect the detachments were caused by the antibiotic and not the eye inflammation, because it was mild (the eye was only slightly pink) and I am fairly young at 33 years.

I did the dosage of the drops according to the instruction, the only thing that I might have done wrong is that kept the eye wide open with two fingers when instilling the drop, to stop the blinking reflex, and therefore the antibiotic ended up also under my upper eyelid. Not sure if this results in overdose? Does anyone know?
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The major irreversible toxicity of aminoglycosides is ototoxicity10 (damage to the ear and hearing). Among them, streptomycin and gentamicin are primarily vestibulotoxic, whereas amikacin, neomycin, dihydrosterptomycin, and kanamicin are primarily cochleotoxic.
Another significant concern with aminoglycoside antibiotics is nephrotoxicity11 (kidney damage). Renal damage is related to the accumulation of high concentrations of aminoglycoside antibiotic in the renal cortex.

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