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Please help I am LOST


Here is my story. I would be very grateful for any input.

Day 0:  Unprotected received fellatio and protect vaginal sex with an escort. Mutual masturbation and vaginal secretion probably in contact with my penis from hands
Day 1: frequent urination and burning tip of the penis for 2 days. I do not urinate frequently anymore
Day 4: intermittent discomfort in the left testicular lasting for 8 weeks as well as discomfort in the upper legs area.
Day 10: a rash, probably a Maculopapular very itchy rash lasting for 6 days. (I had gone to the beach the same day and I started to feel itchy while in the water. I had taken also the day before 1,5 mg of Zithromax)
11 week: White furry tongue (neither fungi or bacterial infection) with a fever of 37,2 Celsius lasting for a week. White tongue persisting until now (3 months) as well as a loss of appetite and weight loss in the legs area. (I had gone to the dentist on the 8th week for a root canal treatment and was on antibiotics Dalacin C 300 for 8 days)
22 weeks: hair loss, mainly from my eyebrows and hair on my torso and stomach. Lasting till now (week 26)
As at today, I still have a white tongue, a loss of appetite and hair loss issues.
I have made STDs check and 7 HIV 1&2 tests all negative. My blood picture is normal. I have just noticed that my WBC and lymphocytes fluctuate within the normal range. I have also done a CD4 CD8 count and they were within the normal range.

What kind of infection could I have caught?
I have come across this new HIV like disease:  


Should I be worried about this disease? Should I do an interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and a  quantative immunoglobin tests?
Thank you.
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I have to read your last link, and I want to look up if the high progesterone in a man, will cause the hair loss and I think it is possible. I don't know the normal range of CD4 and 8 and the C3 and C4 I would have to look up.  I am a microbiologist so I didn't get some of this. Although believe me I took many classes in biochemistry, organic chemistry, and internship which included immunology, parasitology, mycology, general medical microbiology, etc. and I took hematology as part of my major but didn't work in hematology. I used to read my own slides, LOL.  I think you are worrying too much. As for the STD's and the urine culture and all that I think you have covered your bases. I think you are right it was probably irritation from the soap. You didn't have pain on urination, hard to urinate or a discharge? If not I wouldn't worry about that any more. The immunoglobulin level can be higher or lower due to your immune status such as if you are immune competent (can fight off an infection) or not. Also,  if you are fighting something off the values may change. But I will read your link. It is interesting. I also wouldn't worry about the 6000 WBC count as that is totally normal and fluctuates from 5000-9000 normally as you encounter bacteria, viruses etc. on a daily basis. Going to the dentist may make your WBC count go up for a day or two then it may go down. It isn't low normal it is normal. The 27% Lymphocytes is normal as well. You are fighting off having a pathogenic parasite. So, I would expect to have some variation in your values. The Eos (short for Eosinophils) can be high with a parasite but not always. I have seen them not change. You don't have severe wasting of the muscles do you? They just some what smaller? I have that too> I used to be a college and tournament tennis player and now I am weak and have small muscles especially on my non-dominant left side mostly due to a back injury. But I don't think that is abnormal if you had a change from doing a lot of sport to not much. Your tongue doesnt' look white to me. If it was yeast it would be very bright white. It looks yellowish to me and normal. I have the same color. Also, your yeast test was negative. You had no bleeding or pain on the tongue so it isn't yeast. I wouldn't worry about that. Your loss of appetite is most likely due to the parasite and probably weight loss. I want to review that too. But I'm pretty sure E. histo causes that. I will talk to you later. I need to cook dinner. I'm not sure If I can read those things tonight but if not tomorrow.
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I have done ANA, ESR, ASO, RPR, TPHA, MRSA,HSV 1&2, HPV - DNA by PCR, CMV, HBV, HCV, HAV (IgM (at 2 months), 7 HIV 1&2 and one HIV Western Blot, Liver and Kidney function tests, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, AFP, CEA, Ferritin, haemoglobin A1C, Testosterone total, Calcium, several urine analysis and culture, mycoplasma hominis, ureaplasma,, progesterone, zink and stool analysis. I also did HTLV test and waiting for the results

From all these tests I just found out about the parasite. and my progesterone and zink levels were high.
Progesterone 1.4  Nrange: 0.4-  1
Zink 160       Nrange: 46-150  
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Many many thanks for your answer, it is greatly appreciated.

I have done a TSH, free T3 and free T4 test and they were within normal range.
I will do another stool analysis tomorrow, which would be 10 days after taking the medication which is in this link http://www.amoun.com/index2.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=143&category_id=32&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=59
do you think it is a good one?

with regard to the immunoglobolin test from what I understand it is useful for knowing if I have a parasite or infection or other diseases. http://labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/immunoglobulins/tab/test
But please correct me if I am wrong. I am also thinking of doing a CH50, C3, C4 test.
My CD4 was 850 and CD8 530

Why do you think my STD tests were false negative? which ones? well this frequent urination continued even after taking Zithromax. I had done like 5 urine tests, ureaplasma, mycoplasma in urine, Chalamydia x2 (blood), Gonnorhea and all were negative or normal. Maybe it was only stress I dont know :s. the burning sensation lasted for 1 or 2 days I think because of washing the tip of my penis with soap.

What I have on my tongue is not fungus, since I have done two oral swabs and no pathogens were found after 36 hours of incubation, I did a KOH test, and a last one for candida, all negative...
When I brush my tongue it doesn't go away and I have no bleeding.

Regarding my led weight loss, I think I lost more from my left leg (I am right footed and I used to play soccer often) but since 6 months I played like 5 times. I am well built as I used to go to the gym. I have lost also from the arms and waist. But the legs and waist were the first to be noticed.

I am worried about this new HIV like diseas because amongst its  symptoms, I have the white tongue, the loss of appetite, weight loss, mild skin peeling on the palm of the hands, hair loss...:s

In my last blood picture which I have done mid april I had 6000 WBC and 27% lymphocytes.

I look forward to reading you.
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p.s. the burning and frequent urination may have been a urinary tract infection rather than an STD. The Azithro would have taken care of most organisms for that too.
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So, I did look at the link and it is only so far, seen in Asians. Your symptoms don't really sound like that either way. The rash you had and other symptoms may have been due to an allergy to something in the ocean or due to skin contact with something on the person you had sex with. Also, it is possible the lab test had a false negative STD since your original symptoms were similar to an STD and the Azithro took care of it. If not the Azithro may have caused a yeast. I looked at your lab results and yes they do look good and the minor fluctuations are normal. The tongue photo doesn't really look like yeast it is not white enough. But maybe it is the photo. If you use a tongue scraper usually yeast will make your tongue bleed with normal scraping. It looks like cottage cheese and can hurt. It sounds like you were in contact with polluted water in any case because of the E. histolytica. I'm not sure about the weight loss in the leg area? Hard to say on that one. Did you measure your muscle before and after or does it just look like it? Is it substantially different than the other leg or are both the same? I'm not sure what else to suggest. I don't think you have this new form of HIV-like immune problem. But if you would feel better you can get your immune system checked. But I think it would show up some in your labs.
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Ok, now I understand things a little more. So no the immunoglobulin test won't tell you if you have an infection. It will tell you if your immune system is working ok. Some diseases can make your immune system not work properly but that is not what I think is going on. So, I have seborrhic dermatitis too and it doesn't make my hair fall out, it gave me some danderuff and a little itchy scalp. It is pretty common to get that. But hypothyroidism may make your hair fall out and some other hormonal problems. I have hypothyroidism too. You may want to get your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) checked. If it is too high that means you don't make enough of it so then you would be hypothyroid and they would give you synthroid a thyroid hormone. A lot of people have this. I was normal all my life and just became hypothyroid this year.  It causes fatigue as well. The white tongue is probably a yeast from taking the antibiotic or from a lowered immune system. Having E. hystolytica will make you loose your appetite, cause diarrhea, and sometimes blood in the stool.  It can be serious and i'm glad they caught it. Have you been out of the country? It may be affecting your immune system as well. You may have to take a couple of stool samples over time to make sure you get rid of the parasite. It is very important to follow up on that. I have to go back and read the link. I will do that now.
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