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tiny little mites coming out of me

please help i went to the e.r tuesday and was told i have scabies,still crying my question is after i used the scabies treatment creame am i suppose to see the mite come out i can feel prickley feeling when i look i can see some white and black dots about the size of pepper and salt coming out my skin is the suppose to happend dose the treatment make them leave your body? help me please?????
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i also had scabies im not sure about seeing them come out but i wasnt really interested in looking at it. i was horrified like u crying felt dirty etc.mine was years ago never came back. so the cream worked but i like u i wanted to keep treating it wondering if it worked. i actually have ptsd from this i hope u get past this quicker than i did. u r not dirty and did nothing wrong its more common than u think lets just try to be thankful thers a cream to cure. i guess thats what kinda saved me wondering what id do if it wasnt treatable hang in there
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Since you get relief from the ceterimine perhaps it is allergy related. What ever the trigger is may be affecting your nerves. Also, it could be that the hot water is affecting your nerves. My sister in law has this happen. She has a neuropathy that she found was causing her to itch badly when she went in the sun. One of her medications also made it worse. So it is possible that is nerve related. So, it may not be a bug or parasite. Do you see any tracks on your body or if you get a magnifying glass see any bugs or parasites of any kind? If not it can be related possibly to an allergy or neurological problem. Just in case I would keep a diary of different things you put on your skin to see if that makes a difference too. But you could also see a neurologist.There are thermal nociceptors on the skin that detect pain from heat. It could be a type of fibromyalgia. It is something to think about.
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MS:  I have this pin prick going on as well.  I have had it for 4 yrs now.  It was mixed in with sensitive to heat.  Well I have that under control and the pin prick has surface by itself.  I have the salt water system in my house and shut it off I found that with it off it has gotten better.  I notice with any change in body temperature I have a reaction.  As soon as I get out of the shower it starts back up again.  I've taken ceterimine and it helps a bit.  I don't have any marks on my skin from it nor do I get rashes from it.  I have nothing but those darn pricks all over my body.  It drives me crazy.  
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thank you so much for that!!!!!!
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