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Is there any relief from constant nausea?

For the past few years I have had problems with my digestive/gastro-intestinal health. About two years ago I noticed that I seemed to be having a more frequently upset stomach (usually diarrhoea) than was normal. About once a month I'd have a severly upset stomach but the rest of the time I'd be fine. Then about a year and a half ago I realised that I was feeling nauseaous every single day, usually in the morning, but sometimes in the afternoons too. Often eating would relieve the feeling for a couple of hours, but at other times eating would make me feel much worse and even sicker. Since then I have been to see various doctors and gastro specialists, I've had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy but they have not discovered anything. The common diagnosis is that it is IBS, but I don't really suffer from the constipation/diarrhoea pattern and nausea is my biggest problem. I have also noticed that I am quite bloated (much more than I used to be) and my stomach is constantly churning, grumbling and making noises. I feel like I constantly want to press and kneed my stomach, because it is so bloated, pulsing and gassy. Despite the never-ending nausea I have never actually been sick, however when I'm feeling really nauseous I seem to swallow excessively which can make me feel terrible.

Although nausea doesn't sound like a particularly bad problem it affects me every day and can prevent me living my life as I want to. I often feel that I can't be active or do excercise because my stomach feels so uncomfortable and I feel so sluggish. It can disrupt nights out with my friends when I suddenly feel incredibly sick or my stomach is upset. Frustratingly doctors seem to lose interest in finding out what's wrong now that they know it's nothing serious, but I long for the days when I didn't worry about what my stomach was doing or how I was feeling.

Can anyone help or does anybody else suffer from similar symptoms? Furthermore does anybody have a cure for nausea that really works? I've tried Dom Peridone (Motillium), peppermint capsules, ginger capsules and so far no relief!

Any input gratefully received.

82 Responses
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I am going through the very same thing...
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A friend had this happen and it turned out she had giardia--water born parasite--testing involves getting 3 stool samples.
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I had the similar IBS symptoms with no side effects other than nausea, generally after eating food. It was so bad to the point that it made me feel very anxious and depressed. I had every single diagnostic test available to no avail. I eventually found the correct treatment, from advice from my gastro specialist

Potentially medications, remedies and treatment that I tried included:

Peppermint oil
Elimination diet
Sedating antihistamines
Low dose amitryptiline
High fibre diet
Milk thistle
Other herbs recommended by a Herbalist

None to any avail, however through my research I discovered that each treatment had success with particular patients.

My gastroenterologist was brilliant, reassuring me that this nausea will not last for ever. It is common for it to eventually disappear, whilst being a frequent problem in patients aged 20-25.

I got results on a low dose antidepressant called sertraline (zoloft). Antidepressants work by supressing the vagus nerve in the stomach which was sensitive to my symptoms.

I feel that the anxiety that developed really exacerbated the feeling of nausea in a viscous cycle of negativity. Stay positive, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel with persistence.

Note: this is not medical advice that is a substitute for medical information from your doctor/specialist. Always seek medical advice and don't self-treat.  
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I understand completely how you are feeling! For the last 2 years I have struggled with feeling nauseous daily, abdominal pain, grumbling stomach constantly, and burning feeling in my stomach and throat. I to have been to doctors and been told there is nothing structurally wrong with me and they have labeled it IBS and are just trying to treat the symptoms. Which *****! I understand how it affects your social life and even your work life at times. I often wont eat if I have something planned for the day or am out for a night with my friends because I am afraid of feeling nauseous and having to go home. Some things that have worked for me are taking Essential Oils peppermint oil or anise star oil. Sometimes I will rub a little bit of the peppermint oil on my throat so I can inhale it and that relieves some of the nausea or just put a few drops in a capsule. My doctor has me taking Promethazine and Nortiptyline to help control the nausea and IBS symptoms. Those may be some medications to talk to your doctor about. Some other good nausea medications are Zofran or Compazine. Also I have tried an all natural product called Plexus and I take their ProBio5 and Bio Cleanse which have helped my IBS symptsoms. The Plexus can be ordered online!! I would give that a try!! Many people have found relief from IBS with these products and I have personally read many many testimonials.  

I honestly hope you are able to get some relief for your symptoms! I know how much it can suck feeling nauseated everyday and it brings me to tears just knowing you feel that way because I know first hand how that feels. I hope those medications give you some ideas to talk to your doctor about.
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Hi guys,

Nausea can be caused by many things. I know I know I am not helping.

Ok so here it goes. From most likely to least likely.

1)Gastritis- nausea present on empty stomach mostly morning, can wake you up but it's often accompanied by a burning sensation/knawing sensation and always made better by food. Spicy food can make it much worse, not necessarily hot by spicy. Made much worst by anti inflammatory medications such as Disprin but more obvious effect will be seen if you take a stronger Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). ( so try this combo next time your back seizes up and see what happens after a day or 2 of nsaids and some spicy food). Nausea will present when stomach is empty, bananas help me. Hence why it can be bad in afternoon. But mornings is often a guarantee.

2) Anxiety- ok please note anxiety is not like stress it is not felt or something you may be conscious of. It can be caused in the subconscious. Causes could be a job, or traumatic event or anything. Causes could have occurred years before and only surfaced or could be current. Anxiety from a break up for example could just be you avoiding malls or areas your ex spends his time. This of course manifests worse later. Or just a robbery and you feel fine. or even a change in environment, most people fight change(going to varsity away from family support structure).
Anxiety and stress increase stomach acid and unfortunately give you the same symptoms as above. Hence why these doctors are perplexed. I would tell you to take a red bull and see what happens but stimulants make gastritis worse as does alcohol. Please google GAD, generalized anxiety disorder. But that is also extreme anxiety. It's important you under stand anxiety is not felt by those experiencing it. If you are brave and want to experiment, ask your doctor for anxiety medication, symptoms will improve within a week or so. Unfortunately for you if you are the anxiety case this means you need to visit a psychologist etc, medication not a long term solution, it's treats the symptom not the cause,you need to resolve the issue. Only way you could figure this out is if your anxiety creating situation is current, coffee will make it much worse and during times of pressure nausea will be very bad. Of course if it's stress then this is the cause and you know it.

3) Motion sickness/ or inner ear problems - divers ear, full feeling ear, constant ear infections, dreams of movement which make you sick, sickness when driving or being on a boat. Need to equalize especially when driving. Well anti motion sickness medicine over the counter will fix this. Also ear nose and throat specialist can fix ear pressure problem, gromits have helped many. But some people have sensitive hairs inside the ear and again a ent will help or prescribe the right medication. Over the counter anti histamines too will help, these people.

4) others- vertigo, food intolerance(allergy), blood sugar, hormones(of course), polycystic ovary syndrome, even blood pressure, thyroid and even certain medications and vitamins(iron etc)But these are so unlikely.

Things that always help nausea is bland food, no dairy, eat frequently, avoid alcohol and coffee .Eat bananas and ginger lolly pops(pregnancy pops).

Good luck.

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I could have written this myself. Honestly, this is very much like what i am going through and i am 15!! It ***** because people think, oh, it is just your horomones, or it is just you starting your period, but it isn't!!!
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My girlfriend has the same thing. Nauseous all day and constipation. They haven't done every test yet, but a lot of them.

For STRESS relief. Find an active hobby you enjoy: rock climbing, swimming, boxing, Jiujitsu, meditation, etc. Exercise helps anxiety and stress. If I don't exercise regularly my anxiety gets worse.

However, what helps her the most is smoking marijuana and now shatter, oil. It is stronger. It is the only way she can exercise and do things.

The nausea pills do pretty much nothing for her.

So, maybe try to get a medical card if it is legal where you live.

She also has anxiety.

I find after reading ALL these post that a common fact is stress or anxiety. It seem that could be causing the problem or at least making it worse.

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It gives me just a bit of relief knowing I'm not alone in this although it's so unfortunate and discouraging to read that many of you are still going through issues years after the initial posting. I have been nauseous all day every day for about 3 months now. I had an endoscopy done as well as an abdominal ultrasound. Ultrasound was negative and endoscopy showed mild gastritis. My doctor says I probably have IBS as well. Now just to make it clear, I do stress a lot. I am on Protonix and Zantac....and it barely helps if any.

My current symptoms are nausea everyday, bloated feeling in stomach and intestines, stomach always feels full of liquid (I can hear it slushing around), occasional right side intestinal tenderness, recurring headaches, and dry/irritated eyes. As bad as it all sounds, it doesn't completely disable me but it's gotten really annoying that the doctors can't find something or prescribe something that will actually help.
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10788823 tn?1412801438
Also I have no gallbladder, no appendix, I am running out of things to be removed.  SOMETHING has to be causing this, and it started before any real stress was added, but I am sure stress is not helping now.
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10788823 tn?1412801438
Here is what I am going through.  Diarhea(SP) part of the time, constipation part of the time, nausea all the time, vomiting 8 - 30 times a week.  No food does not help, any food does not help.  B6 was something I was already on, does not help, antacids do not help, anti-nausea meds do not help.  I do not sleep because I feel horrible, dread my days.  I am 33, lost 130 lbs healthy, and then bam sick as a dog.  Still seeing a specialist.  Going to start harrassing them until we figure this out.  Ginger has helped, but as I am finding tonight it has lost its effectiveness.  I am really starting to wonder whats going on with me.
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It is amazing how many people share the same symptoms and for so many years and still there is no solution. I too have been tested for everything I gave up my job  (took that stress out of the equation) I had diarrohea, reflux, cramping, bloating, spasms, nausea. I was diagnosed with post antibiotic IBS. I have been on so many different medications and all have worked for a while but none have solved my constant nausea. Like most of you I have suffered side effects that have set me back so much that I am reluctant to try any more drugs. I have a very sympathetic doctor but nothing has really helped with the constant nausea. I am now attending a dietitian who has suggested I go on a Low FODMAP Diet and it has really worked. I recommend giving it a try but you must be strict with it. I also tried to boost my system (hurry the healing process) by using natural remedies..... unfortunately for me it has set me back about six months and 1/2 stone in weight which I could not afford to lose and am finding it difficult to gain back. I am off all drugs and am focusing on the FODMAP Diet plan again. I still have severe nausea every day esp in the mornings but sometimes all day. My doctor and Dietitian are confidant I will beat this if I just have patience cause it takes six months or more before real benefits are felt. Heres hoping. Before I destroyed my system  with the herbal remedies I really was begining to feel me again. I am not saying herbal remedies dont work they just didnt work for me. Take care
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Hi there,

I wasn't ever intending to post on this thread but I was really struck by how remarkably similar your story is to mine.

I'm 23, always been super healthy in the past, landed the dream job four months ago, and up until two weeks ago had been completely unable to function like a normal human being and go to work due to crippling, unabating nausea (although never actually vomit). I had the same fears of losing my job, and the same horrible transformation from extrovert to hermit.

Tests haven't been very helpful so far, my everything-levels are normal, I'm scheduled in for an appointment with a gastro specialist but NHS waiting lists are /long/.

I too was on omeprazole and it did nothing for me - my doctor has shifted me on to Nexium (esomeprazole) which is a stronger dosage and seems to be bringing improvements.

However, my absolute biggest recommendation would be to get hold of some Motilium (domperidone), its an anti-nausea medication and its done wonders for me. I can still feel that my stomach isn't 'right' but the nausea has almost completely gone and I have been able to return to work and feel less anxious about my job stability.

Becky x
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I recently just started having this issue as well. It is completely debilitating. I am horribly depressed because of it.(the depression didn't cause this) This is coming from a very healthy 135 pound 22 year old, who just landed an awesome job seven months ago. Now I have been off work and working from home for going on the third week. I fear I will lose my job soon, and my medical insurance. I can't do anything anymore, used to be an extrovert, lots of friends, and went to see concerts constantly. I stay in and am a hermit now because i cant really even go out without horrible crippling nausea. I have had an endoscopy done, i have esophagus damage as well as a hiatal hernia. I'm down nearly ten pounds in a month. This is weight i cannot afford, as I have been thin my entire life. The course of treatment they have me on is omeprazole and xanax as needed for the anxiety that this is now causing. I am debating Lexapro to take the anxiety out of the equation. Or at least help. Has anyone has any success on any good and relatively inexpensive anti emetic meds?
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I am 18 years old and have been experiencing this exact thing for maybe 4 to 5 years now.. its so annoying to constantly feel nauseous. It hits me bad in the morning that's why I have been prescribed this medication called lanzaprozale. Funny that the medicine just makes me feel worse but after it wears off i have maybe 2 to 3 hours of peace. I have been to countless doctors that just say its just acid reflux,but a little thing inside me is saying it is something more. I have had an edoscopy done,but everything showed up normal with a bit irritation due to acid. I feel your pain when it comes to this becoming an obstacle. I used to be in sports and well now it just causes me to not try,when I'm out with friends I have to suffer through the fun night with stomach aches and feeling sick, and my sleep has been ruined. It usually takes me about 2 hours to get to knock out and I have to sleep completely sitting up to feel comfortable..I'm just eliminating alot of foods that irritate my stomach,take my medicine as regularly as I can,and eat better. It's nice to know I am not alone
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7505461 tn?1391429996
Ive been living with IBS for about half a year now, and the "iberogast" just doesn't work. which is supposed to relieve symptoms.
My symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating (bad), nausea, constipation and very gassy  
I just can't seem to control any of these
someone please help  
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I sufffered from constant nausea for 4 years. Saw over 30 doctors and had numerous tests but nobody had any ideas. Then finally saw a doctor who said he could help and he put me on Duloxetine which is an anti depressant even though I am not depressed and even though he told me that I wasn't depressed. He explained that this would enables certain chemicals in the brain to give the digestive system a boost and get the 'software' working again. It worked and I started to improve from day one. Tat was 2.5years ago and I am 95% better.
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One other thought....probably a controversial one. I had appendicitis earlier this year and had my appendix removed. Since removal of the appendix I have generally felt a lot healthier. I don't suppose there's any way that my appendix could have been causing trouble to my health in a general way before the appendicitis struck? Obviously removal of the appendix is a bit of an ordeal so I wouldn't recommend it but just wondering if anybody else has experienced anything similar?
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Hi Everybody, it's been a while since I checked this site but just had a read through of all the comments over the past years. On the one hand it's really reassuring to know that I'm not alone and other people suffer with my symptoms, on the other it's so frustrating that there are so many of us and the doctors in general aren't particularly helpful.

I definitely still have symptoms and I worry that they'll never completely go away, but there are things which can improve things like probiotics, digestif tea and stress management rather than taking streams of pills.

I'm curious to know whether anybody has discovered any really helpful alternative therapies or stress management tecniques? I know lots of people recommend yoga but I can't get to grips with it and find it a bit boring.

Thanks for all your responses and good luck to everybody!
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I recommend you change your diet there are certain food combinations that you're not supposed to eat together which can increase the likelihood of having nausea Google food combinations to get a list
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974371 tn?1424653129
I am not sure what I have either.  Been diagnosed with IBS, SIBO and a motility disorder,  saw 3 GI doctors.  Aside from that nightmare if a story, I am again having horrible bloating, one day of horrible pain, on and off since then and nausea.  Have had the nausea problem for quite a while.  I also wake up with it.  Had problems with meds prescribed.  The one thing that will help is Pepto Bismol, but you can't use that a lot if you get constipated.  I will take 15 ml which helps.
However, a doctor I saw at Stanford suggested ginger and honey and acupuncture.  This was about 8 months ago.  I started drinking that about 3 times a day, or sip on it throughout the day.  I also started acupuncture and after about a week, I was able to enjoy a meal and actually go out once in a while.
Not sure what the problem us now, but I am again drinking the ginger and honey and it is keeping the nausea at bay.
No acupuncture as it is the Holiday weekend.
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lala...i am like this also...i wake up and i am hurtn in my tummy and nauseated...i am nauseated all day everyday..it is taking its toll on me...i cannot do anything,if i go somewhere i am afraid im gonna get sik,it is really bad!!! i had a colonoscopy and all done and it was normal..and of course they say its ibs,but i think thats what docs say that are lazy and dont want to do more work to find the problem...have u found out what the prob is yet?
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I am the same as everyone.And it does go away for a while.My family/boyfriend id say think im making it up at this stage.I noticed lately I burp a lot but I would have only had a glass of water or a cup of tea.Gurgling really loud,i sometimes feel as if mayb its hunger but its not.motillium 3 times a day is the only thing that works.and like a lot of you I also suffer or used to with IBS.I HAVE  very bad constipation all my friends used to be horrified at the size of my belly really bloated and hard all the time.I do suffer with anxiety too.I wonder are these all related?I have puked with it only bile comes up or is left lodged in my throat.I would like to find out what it is,doctors don't seem to know.   Thanks :)
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Please do keep us updated! I've wondered the same thing and they did an ultrasound but didn't see swelling, perhaps I need futher tests..
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I found out yesterday that with ibs it doesnt have to be what you have just eaten it can be something you ate the day before that triggers it, hope this helps.
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