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807420 tn?1238222028


Please give me some advice.. HELP!!!! I have headaches all day every day....... worse when laying down to sleep, or in a recliner!
When I lay down in bed prone, I begin to get a headache. It is Not the pillows, not the position. When I wake up my head is in horrible pain., bad headache. The same when I sit back in a recliner. When I get up to walk, it subsides. But does not go away.
I have been to all the test. MRI, Cat Scans, x-rays' you name it. All negative, brain scan, neg also. Chiropractors', trigger point injections, facet injections, even acupuncture, no help from the headaches/pain.
Have you heard of this type of headache? Worse when laying down ??When I get up from sleep, and get out of the bed, the pain subsides a bit, from a 10, laying down, to a 4 or 5 all day every day. Again increases when I lay down in bed at night. It is terrible existence.
Please help me out, or steer me in the right direction.
I am seeing a Neurologist right now. Do I have, Occipital Neuralgia, Giant Cell Arteritis, too much or little Brain Fluid, Cervicogenic Headaches?
Any idea what type of headache I suffer?
I am very healthy, 51 year old male, no smoke, no drink, blood pressure excellent... I am 6' 2" 185 lbs, active, normal, work full time.
I live in Palm Springs Ca.
Any advice??? I thank you very much!

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I am also having the same symptoms as you. I am having a MRI tomorrow to see what is going on. I also have ear pain and the doctor says I have nothing wrong with my ear. I am thinking now the pain is behind my ear and it just makes it feel like my ear is hurting.  I am anxious to see what is going on. I am a 53 year old basically healthy woman until this started bothering me.
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I'm in the same fuckn boat yesterday I got a fuckn serve headache out of no where it feels like people is banging inside my fuckn head. Sitting up doesn't work not even a lil bit but when I stand up some how it go away even if it's me just using the bathroom. But I lay down and it starts back up horribly. I literally took 2 800 mg of Advil and I still couldn't get no sleep. today 7am; mind u I haven't slept since yesterday morning and the banging got worse then when I was trying to get some sleep. They said put a warm cloth on my head n neck n don't sleep in a real cold because it is going to stiffen your neck n jaws but my fuckn head is beating me up still. The warm cloth works for a sec n that's it. I'm so fuckn irked n I really don't want to go to the hospital. I'll try the peppermint next, your supposed to wet it n rub on the parts that hurt. Neck, head, n jaws God willing this works cuz I can't deal with this **** I'm a cranky ***** when I don't get sleep n it's bcuz of this damn headache. I think I got it from yelling at my son n nephews for 3 days straight. Something gotta give!
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I have had chronic migraines my whole life with one nearly every single day.  I a also have the problem lying down where my headache begins and if I stay that way it will get out of control. I went to a headache specialist or clinic and they have decreased my headaches I would say 65% I suggest that you find a very good headache specialist to help you with your problem it is very common for chronic migraine sufferers to have a headache when they lie down all the nerves in the head are very sensitive. Good luck to you in the future
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12217615 tn?1424098873
I have been diagnosed by 3 different neurologists for tension migraines and mine are ongoing 24-7. I've lost jobs, I've lost my social life, obviously can't keep a man in my life, but the most important task right now is finding a solution to help these migraines. BUT like others my migraines become onset as soon as I lay flat on my back, and it seriously feels as if I'm standing on my head because it feels like the bloods just rushing to the back of my head. I've had two spinal taps, and I'm questioning if maybe I need a blood patch? Maybe I have the small hole that's letting the air flow, and it has to do with the CSF (fluid)? It doesn't seem like I get any answers, all I get is you have "onset migrainous migraines" which means the same as your migraines are ongoing 24-7 and there's no cure (obviously) and they can't find meds to help me. I've been through so many meds and it either makes me sick, or I have such a high tolerance it doesn't touch the migraines I have. Disability does not recognize migraines which I think is outrageous because I can't function with these migraines, when I hurt so bad, and I've tried physical therapy, I'm having memory loss, I'm at a loss myself on what to do. It effects my speech and writing at times. It's extremely scary, but every MRI, CT Scan (with and without contrast) come back negative, they see NOTHING except bulging discs in the cervical area but nothing they can do about that they say. SO if anyone has any insight on my condition and it worsening plus no medications are helping. I've been asked more than I can count if I've been in an accident and the only thing I remember is hitting my head on the gym floor like a whiplash moment which has been almost more than 20 years ago, and my migraines just started it seemed like after I rode a rollercoaster and when I had my first spinal tap, so it's hard to decide what caused them or why. I NEVER had headaches before 2007!  And I was born in 1979. So they came on suddenly and just got worse, along with my neck. BUT I have tried physical therapy and strengthening exercises for my neck/shoulder muscles but unfortunately I just couldn't tolerate it. I've tried a tens unit, I now sleep in a temperpedic bed, with a temperpedic pillow. ANY suggestions would be great! Thank you.
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Normally, when a person has headaches that are worst lying down or in the mornings it is an indication of too high intracranial pressure (not blood pressure). This in turn can be caused by a number of things such as chiari malformation, dural venous thrombosis, subdural bleeding, aneurysms, brain tumor etc plus an idiopathic version called IIH, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, (high pressure in skull without known cause). In other words, it is serious and should be checked up immediately!

In your case though it doesn't sound like high pressure is what you are suffering from. It sounds more like migraine or tension headaches. And it is good that you had a normal ct scan of coarse.

What people need to understand though is that migraine or tension type headache are serious diagnosis as well. Sure, we don't yet know the real cause for them but they can be absolutely dreadful and ruin people's lives.

Unfortunately the field of medicine has yet not so much to offer us to help with these terrible headaches. There are some medicines proven efficient. Amitriptyline is one of them, there are others. But they all have side effects and they are not a cure. Aerobic exercise can also help, regular sleeping habits and strength training of the trapezius and neck muscles can also help in some cases.

Try to maintain a healthy life style and ask your doctor for a new medicine maybe. Perhaps a beta-blocker for example.

If you still consider the high pressure thing, even though your ct scan was normal, you could actually make a try with a diuretic like diamox for a short time to see if it helps. This is a serious drug though so you need your doctors advice on this.

Take care and let's hope for a major breakthrough in the migraine research in the future!
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I also have these symptoms. In some ways although awful it is nice to see I am not alone. I am a 27 year old female, fit and active lifestyle (when i dont have a headache) i wake up most mornings with one. A constant dull throbbing pain that starts in back and sides of my neck and goes into my head. It eases a bit when i get up but the whole day then i am doomed...having to carry on driving, work, daily life with a background throbi g in my head making me feel sick. I want to lay down but i know that would make it worse. Im sick of being the person complaining of headaches. Massage to neck helps but only short lived. Some people say oooo im not a 'headachy person' and i think well lucky you! As if we are just that type that complain over silly things. No one knows how much we suffer each day. I have had a ct which was clear. Ive had physio and accupuncture. Didnt work. Ive also had amitriptyline 10/20/30mg a night. Which worked for a few weeks each time then stopped to the point i was on so much amitriptyline i was putting on alot of weight. At the beginning i used to have to time my alarm in morning to wake me up two hours before i got up...just to take ibuprofen so i didnt wake up with a headache but this stopped working as i had med overuse. I was diagnosed with tension headaches. I need help! Thinking of paying to see a neurologist.
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first of all, find another md!  you need to see a neurologist and maybe even a headache specialist.  have you ever had an occipital injection?  i was getting occipital steroid injections that were bringing some relief unit my insurance decided they were not necessary any more. i did no fight it b/c the relief was not as good as i was hoping for.  i am now taking trileptal as a preventative med and it is really helping!  i take 300 mg 2x/day.  there are side effects that, for me, have lessened over time, and are far less incapacitating that having such frequent migraines.  mine headache numbers are down from high teens to 20 days per month, to mid to low teens!  hope this can help you!
ps-botox is now approved for prevention of migraines,  ask your md about occipital injections and/or nerve blocks
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sorry for the multiple posts, my page timed out so i did not think it went thru!  i then spent a long time trying to find u again, but couldn't remember your full nickname 9not the # s) so please try this and please message me and tell me if you have gotten any relief
feeling your pain,
Jen (DubsJ)
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as u did not mention your age (wink wink, me either) maybe u should consider hormone changes.  these can affect women of any age, and contrary to popular belief, perimenopause (or pre-menopause) can happen to women of any age.  i think i have had it since my mid to late 30's  have u ever considered a low dose continuous birth control?  i use that for terrible, ongoing menstrual h/a's.  also, use ice!  particularly at the base of your skull.  this can help shrink the inflamed vessels that may be contributing to your h/a.  i sometime use 2, one at base of skull and one on top of my head, just for some pain relief.  hope these tricks work for u1
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And to Zoso's post on March 27, 2009. When I read your post I actually thought you were writing about me. Whenever I tell "one" of my many Dr's. That my headaches always seem to start in the evening as soon as I sit in my recliner to relax and watch tv, boom here comes the headache! It's insane. They just look at me like...huh, I've never heard of that before and I can assure you that sitting in your recliner has NOTHING to do with your headaches. Let's try giving you some Nortriptilyne for those tension headaches and see how that works! I live in Arizona, that medication makes you so dry you can't talk and have to suck on lozenges all day it's insane, and if you don't mind being constipated all the time then be my guest!
So after that discussion not going very well I went on to tell him I couldn't get enough sleep at night because my head felt like it was going to explode! Worse toward the morning hours. His suggestion was to find a new pillow that sleeping shouldn't have anything to do with making my headaches worse. On the contrary, if you have a headache you should go lay down!!! Haven't we all heard that before?! I'm not a morning person, never have been but the only relief is to get out of bed. Problem is I'm back in bed before long for a nap trying to catch up. It is never ending, a very vicious cycle.  I'm only 59 and started migraines when I was a teen with just PMS migraines for 3 days a month. 20 years ago they increased a lot. Menopause came and everyone said I'd be rid of them well that's come and gone and didn't happen. 10 years ago the migraines came every day!!!! 5 years ago these so called "tension/sinus" headaches came on with a vengeance every single day and still have the migraines. Dr. Says that's rare, people don't usually get both. But then again DR's DON'T READ WHAT WE ARE WRITING HERE AND ARE NOT LISTENING TO US!!!!! Otherwise they would see a pattern amongst us, we're not all making up the same symptoms but yet they've never heard of them before?
I do have a trashed neck do to arthritis and have a lot of muscle spasms a tightness in my neck and shoulders. Know this is the ONLY thing to me that makes sense for these recliner and laying down headaches. So, with all that being said and having tried everything else I can think of.... I am going to try and find a way to relieve my muscle tightness in my HEAD NECK and SHOULDERS, and be diligent about it. Good luck to all of you who suffer with me, we will get through this with God's help.
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I too was at Camp Lejeune from 83 to 85 when we all got transferred to supt. battalion from 1/8. I have had these headaches for years and could never figure out why. Had a headtrama when I was in the corp but, no one could explain. I just could not understand why I can't even sit in a recliner and rest my head back without getting the pressure ,pain and headaches. Never have gotten an answer. Just that u have migraines. I hope your still around on the website and can share some info on the water issue at Camp Lejeune.I put in for the claim but, have not heard anything back.
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I too have this, except I will already have the headache and then when I lay down it gets worse.  You are not alone.  This could be something as simple as tension headaches, which you can have all day.  That's what I think I have.  Read this post and good luck!   http://www.*************.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-problems-2402-108.html?ic=506048
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Does anyone have TMJ pain as well? I have co stand headaches and TMJ pain 42/7 and I can't lay down to sleep so I sleep in a recliner. However even leaning back in the recliner puts pressure on my head and upper back worsening my pain. I also have burning pain in my face, nose, teeth, tongue. It's been getting worse since age 30. I'm 46 now. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2009 and ehlers danlos Syndrome (-hypermobility type) a month ago. Trying topamax now. Seems to help with sleep a bit but not with headaches so far. Still increasing the dose though. I'm at 100mg now and going up to 150mg over the next two weeks.

Good luck everyone :)
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I too have had a long history of migraine headaches...I'm now 62.  I've tried to live with them and keep going but the older I get the less tolerance I have.  My headaches have changed over the past 15 years and they are worsened by reclining or lying down......now worse in frequency.  I know about occipital headaches and assumed that's what I have along with what the MDs call chronic headaches......also labeled me with rebound headaches from taking meds too frequently.  I wake up nearly every day of my life with a headache.  Over the past couple of years my heart rate has increased and I can usually count my pulse by counting the throbbing in my head.  I stopped any OTC meds and prescribed meds as the docs were convinced I was causing this myself from medication overuse.  It's bad enough to deal with a headache every day of your life but to then feel the guilt of having caused them.....well it's very stressful as you all may know.  I have been to many neurologists and most of them give up on you when nothing works. I am very active for a grandmother and not overweight, don't smoke and only drink on holidays....so why does this chronic condition never get better.......dealing with migraines since my teens and now this occipital type.  One clinician thinks stress is the major component and if "I just took better care of myself I could control these headaches.  Well life doesn't always allow a person to sip chai tea and meditate....so what can I do? Is there an answer or at least a place where a person can go for help? It's hard to find help since so many people just don't get what it's like having a headache all the time.  I sincerely wish all of you luck and good health.
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I too googled headaches when laying down and encountered this group.  Mine started about 5 years ago but was not consistent.  I noticed back then that when I reclined, my head would start hurting and it would feel much like a high pressure sinus headache.  The minute I sat up it would go away.  It was accompanied by some neck stiffness, tightness in chest, and my heart rate would change.  Lying on back, side, or stomach was no prob.  Again, it would only happen now and then with no obvious triggers.

But 1 month ago I had laproscopic surgery and all that's changed.  Since then  I can't lay down in any position or recline without getting that awful headache.  It's again accompanied by changes in heart rate, except this time my pulse drops but my bp stays normal to slightly elevated.  And i get nauseous, sometimes to the point of vomiting. Again, it goes away after I sit straight or stand.  My doc thinks I have syncopy/bradycardia and is scheduling me for a tilt table test to confirm.  It will be nice to finally know.  Good luck to y'all.

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I have been experiencing the same kind of pain in my head.  When I am lying down I get the pain on the top of my head.  It feel as if my head is thrust against a wall, a kind of pressure, when i raised my head the pain eases in seconds.  During the day the pain is not always there and if it is it is very dull and mild but feels as if weight is on my head.  I do suffer from blocked and stuffy nose, sneezing.  I was treated for vertigo and ear infection.  I suffer from low blood pressure always 100/60 or sometimes less.  My neck feels tight, i do exercise everyday - walking on the threadmill for 40-45 minutes.  Any suggestions and/or comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Ive been having the same problems and unfortunately no insurance to have allthe teating performed. This time the migraine has lasted 4 whole days and at the piint that i cannot lay down without the throbbing and pulsing increasing to intolerable levels. Did you learn anymore about your type of migraine?
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Sorry about the duplicate post... Internet Problems...
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Sounds to me like you need to research CLUSTER HEADACHES. They usually occur at night or during sleep, can also wake you from sleep, get worse when laying down (Symptoms kind of "dull" when you sit, a little better when standing, but still terrible all around). Generally they occur in the front of the head, especially behind one eye (usually the pain "transitions" from eye to eye, feeling like a "hot poker" or similar type of pain in, on, or around the eye, or in the nose and forehead). Unlike migraines, they do not have particularly notable "triggers", they can occur instantly, sometimes lingering for hours, and sometimes only lasting minutes. Cluster headaches are the worst, and also the rarest headaches experienced, only affecting about 1% of the population. They are more common in men than women, in fact, 90% of people that get them are men. Women who get them describe them as being worse than childbirth. Symptoms vary from person to person, can be random, or, more often, on a "schedule", at the same time each month, year etc. They also can go into remission for long periods of time, sometimes years, or occur daily without warning. Symptoms begin to appear in adults ranging from age 20 to 40. They tend to get worse as you get older. There are no known causes, but many doctors believe they are caused by sinus pressure or blockage. I too, suffer from cluster headaches. You are truly cursed if you have them, they are an awful thing to live with. Truth be told, there is not much you can do to get instant relief, but you can try some less traditional remedies. First, you will NOT get relief from narcotics, Tylenol, or NSAIDS. They just don't seem to touch the pain... I get the best relief from triptans (Imitrex) and, if I don't have any of my Imitrex, Benadryl, diphenhydramine, phenylephrine, or other such sinus de-cloggers/histamine blockers. These type of headaches are considered a Chronic pain condition, and should be managed by a pain management doctor or neurologist. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you get at least some relief from my post! Take care!
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Sounds to me like you need to research CLUSTER HEADACHES. They usually occur at night or during sleep, can also wake you from sleep, get worse when laying down (Symptoms kind of "dull" when you sit, a little better when standing, but still terrible all around). Generally they occur in the front of the head, especially behind one eye (usually the pain "transitions" from eye to eye, feeling like a "hot poker" or similar type of pain in, on, or around the eye, or in the nose and forehead). Unlike migraines, they do not have particularly notable "triggers", they can occur instantly, sometimes lingering for hours, and sometimes only lasting minutes. Cluster headaches are the worst, and also the rarest headaches experienced, only affecting about 1% of the population. They are more common in men than women, in fact, 90% of people that get them are men. Women who get them describe them as being worse than childbirth. Symptoms vary from person to person, can be random, or, more often, on a "schedule", at the same time each month, year etc. They also can go into remission for long periods of time, sometimes years, or occur daily without warning. Symptoms begin to appear in adults ranging from age 20 to 40. They tend to get worse as you get older. There are no known causes, but many doctors believe they are caused by sinus pressure or blockage. I too, suffer from cluster headaches. You are truly cursed if you have them, they are an awful thing to live with. Truth be told, there is not much you can do to get instant relief, but you can try some less traditional remedies. First, you will NOT get relief from narcotics, Tylenol, or NSAIDS. They just don't seem to touch the pain... I get the best relief from triptans (Imitrex) and, if I don't have any of my Imitrex, Benadryl, diphenhydramine, phenylephrine, or other such sinus de-cloggers/histamine blockers. These type of headaches are considered a Chronic pain condition, and should be managed by a pain management doctor or neurologist. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you get at least some relief from my post! Take care!
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i also have these similar symptoms where i get throbbing pain at the sides of my forehead and sometimes the back of my head immediately after changing my position to lie in the prone position.. ive never do anything in that position for few years now..i never seen a physician for these problem because i still can functions well.. but i starting to feel annoyed with it coz im still very young, im 21, female, no significant health issues.. just once general anaesthesia for my tonsilectomy 10 years ago..
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My 23 yr-old daughter has terrible migraines that sends her to the ER almost fainting with pain.  A head MRI showed she has a asymmetrical anterior artery.....that was the only abnormality it showed.  Is there a connection?
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I also suffer from worsening headaches while lying down and resting my back against a chair/sofa/any surface. Getting up and walking lessens the pain from a 5 to a 3 (out of 10), but there are times when I wake up with 6/7 migraine. During the day I'm usually a 4/5. In my situation this all happened following an impromptu skeletal and muscle adjustment by an osteopath.  After the adjustment, the pain started in the back and moved its way up the neck and then to the head, resulting in a 7/8 headache. I've been doing physical therapy, focusing on the tension and spasm part, and messaging/stretching the neck area under the skull. I am also taking Flexeril (muscle relaxant) and Naproxen Sodium. I have also tried acupuncture. So far the the Flexeril helps in sleeping at night but not for the pain itself (it helps to knock me out). The Naproxen and acupuncture have no effect. Both have helped me in the past but with this, nothing. In two weeks I will have an MRI. I will keep everyone posted but wanted to also tell my story in case it provides any insight for someone else.
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I have suffered for 21 years with migraines & spasmodic tortiollis.  Another name for spasmodic torticollis is dystonia.  It affects 3 out of every 10,000 people.  How I know I have it is that my neck tilts to an irregular position and I have both excurciating head and neck pain.  99% of the neurologists in my city don't have a  clue what dystonia is, therefore instead of looking stupid they masquerade as if they are an authority on the subject and do absolutely nothing for me.
There are 3 ways of getting it, genetically, through a trauma, or poisoning.
After 30+ years of being out of the military, I learned the truth.  Camp Lejeune was highly contaminated with toxic poisons in their drinking water.  
If any one of you were in Camp Lejeune prior to 1987, please view the website:  www.tftptf.com (The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten).  They can tell you exactly what was in your drinking water.  I have been pursuing VA disability since August of 2011 and they project that my claim will be completed by March 2014.....they keep prolonging the date.
If anyone on this website was at Camp Lejeune prior to 87 you are welcome to contact me as I do have resources of you are have issues with your neurologists.  My email is:  ***@****
God bless you all!
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