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Extreme Nail Biting Problem

I have a nail biting problem.

My nails are chewed down past my fingertips. My ring fingernails are shortest, at about an eight of an inch long. The skin where my nails used to be is scarred and ugly. Despite the intense pain and bleeding, I can't stop biting my nails. When I can't get a grip on the nail with my teeth, I find myself picking at them with a knife, nail clippers, pencil, or whatever's on hand.

I've tried nail polish. I ended up picking it off and then chewing as usual, all without even thinking about what I was doing. I tried bad tasting stuff, but I chew anyway, ignoring the bad taste, again without thought. I've even tried gloves, but I end up taking them off almost immediately, as I need absolute precision for my career- I'm an artist.

I've also been through some other supposed cures. I had braces for two years; rather than making it harder for me to chew, I ended up just picking more effectively at my nails with the metal brackets. The same can be said for the retainer I now wear. I've tried replacing my habit with something else, like gum chewing, but I find myself still chewing my nails even when the gum is in my mouth.

I know exactly why I bite my nails. It isn't because I'm anxious, and it isn't a leftover habit from finger sucking, which I never did. I do it because I can't stand my nails to be at all uneven or sharp. If I develop a hangnail, I pick at it because it's an aberration. So i bite and bite, trying to even things out. But then the leading edge of my nail will get sharp or cracked, and I bite it back and scrape it smooth with my teeth, often causing more aberrations in the smoothness of the nail. It hurts like a mother, and it bleeds hideously, but I barely notice when I'm chewing my nails. And that's why nothing works. I don't realize I'm biting my nails until after the fact.

Don't get me wrong, I am VERY embarrassed by this habit, and always have been. I used to say I broke my nails playing with my dogs, or they got smashed in the door, and other things like that. More recently I've just been fessing up, but it still hurts and humiliated me to see people cringing at the sight of my hands. I was too embarrassed to get my nails done for prom, because I barely have any. I hate people watching me draw and sculpt, because they'll be focused on my hands. I sit with my hands curled into fists, so my nails are hidden. Nail biting is like alcoholism for me. Everybody knows I do it, I'm extremely embarrassed about it, but there's nothing I can do to quit. I'm too embarrassed even to go to a doctor about it, and WAY too embarrassed to go to a hypnotist. Also, there's the fact that I'm strapped for cash, and couldn't afford it anyway.

And so, I'm coming here for help. Is there anything I can do to try and kick this habit? I'm convinced that if I can grow them out and keep them tidy, I can stop my nail biting, but it's impossible for me as things stand right now. Please help!
34 Responses
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I too, used to bite my nails. I would bite them until I had caused some kind of pain to myself( such as biting off a hang nail) and having it bleed. I dealt with this problem for about 5 years and finally stopped last year. What I did was I looked at a lot if pictures online of long, pretty nails and think to myself how MY nails could look like that if I stopped biting them. I started growing them out and was amazed at how nice my nails were starting to look. I now have nails about an inch past my fingertips. And I noticed  as I was growing my nails out, that many people at my school have the same nail biting problem. I hope this helps!:)
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I used to and still do bite. Oh my gosh! I never thought that I would ever hear about anybody biting to the extent that I do.

I've bitten ever since my teeth were strong enough and it's because of stress too. I have stopped 6 times in around 13 years, but each time didn't last long.

Here's a few things that helped me:

1.) I found that if I was told that when I stopped biting I would get a reward, it made me work much harder not to bite them. Such as at the moment I am fighting against nail biting for a cat, a really expensive one.

2.) Tell a friend to stop you whenever they see you about to bite. I've told my best friend to stop me every time I put my hand in my mouth. This idea isn't a very good one but is worth a try.

3.) Get a stress ball. Another kind of bad one but again it is worth a try.l

4.) get a notepad and coloured pens or pencils. You mentioned that you were an artist. Carry round a notebook with you, either big or small. I have a small one that fits into my blazer pocket at school, and a packet of inkjoy pens that I keep in my pencil case. Whenever you feel that your hands aren't occupied, whip the notebook out and doodle. It keeps both hands busy and away from your mouth. And also takes your mind off the idea of biting.

Hope these work!!

4, 1, 3, 2.
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Sorry for posting here again. I was reading through after I commented and realized I ran across this blob one other time.
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I bit my nails down to the nail beds just like the pictures I have seen here. Tried everything I could think of to stop over the years. Finally figured out my problem and maybe it is your problem too.

I went on a 100% gluten free diet. I am very strict about it as if I had Celiac Disease and I've not bit my nails in years.

I know it sounds crazy...how could gluten be the problem?

There is 10 years of research on the internet that shows type of disorder that chronic finger nail biting is has been shown to be effected by gluten. (i can't remember the term right now)

Drop me a message on here if it helps you.
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This is going to sound a little crazy. After 40 years of being a severe nailbiter I unexplainably stopped about a month ago. Thinking I had some sort of unconscious will power out of nowhere I felt proud of this accomplishment. Maybe I'm finally growing up, I thought. I mean the urge is gone. Did somebody hypnotize me maybe while I was asleep? I didn't have an explanation.
Fast forward to the other day when I stopped to get gas at a local 7-Eleven. I heard someone calling my name in a female voice. I look and see that it's a former client from back in my nail technician days. We were chatting and what not and she insisted on showing me her fingernails as if I still cared. It was shortly thereafter that she looked and noticed that I had stopped biting my nails. "OMG you have finger nails!" she said. I responded, "I know after all those years of you giving me a hard time about it I stopped out of nowhere and I don't know why."
The next words out of her mouth were, "you must have stopped eating gluten."

Coincidentally, I did. A few months ago in an attempt to relieve inflammation in my neck and spine. But she didn't know that. This was blowing my mind. All of those years of nail biting. Always wondering why I couldn't stop. freeking gluten? I'm still not even really sure what the hell gluten is. I just stopped eating things that had flour in them such as bread or crackers or tortillas etc. needless to say I don't have celiac disease not have I ever been tested for a gluten allergy. But after learning that there is a direct correlation between my nailbiting and the consumption of gluten I am becoming convinced that gluten should not be a part of my diet. Lesson learned.
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I am 48 years old and have bitten my nails my for as long as I can remember.  I pick at them when I can't bite them even pik at my toe nail until they hurt and bleed.  I wish I could stop this and reaally the only time I do stop is when I have acrylic nails on but as soon as I take them off I go right back to biting them.  HELP!  THIS IS AN EMBARASSING PROBLEM! shelly0766
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I am a chemical engineer and I own and run an independent contract research laboratory.  Like everyone who has posted a "help me" comment on this site, I too was a compulsvie nail biter for about the first 35 years of my life.  The habit is currently being classified by the shrinks of the world as an OCD.  May be some truth to that and it is possible that it afflicts Type A personalities more so than others.  As may be.  My own experience has convinced me that most biters begin because their cuticles are dry and ragged and feel starved for oxygen.  It is weird feeling and it essentially feels like one has to peel back the edges of the nails in order to let the fingers "breath".  For those still biting their nails to the nub, there are two things that are necessary to stop.  First, you have to WANT to stop.  You have to train yourself to take your fingers out of your mouth every single time you find yourself lifting your hand to your face.  You must make a very conscious effort NOT to put them in your mouth.  This first advice sounds very "duh" at first but it is critically important if the treatment I'm about to describe is going to work.  And it will.  The real issue we all face, and I still face it 24/7, is dry, ragged, split, and painful cuticles.  For now, go to the drugstore and buy a container of cocoa butter cream (not lotion - cream).  Every morning, every night, and EVERY time you find yourself raising those hands to your mouth, put a liberal amount of the cream around every fingernail.  Saturate the cuticles and keep them moisturized at all times.  You can let the cocoa butter melt a bit and then wash your hands (NOT the cuticles) if you need your hands clean to work or whatever.  Just leave a thin line of the cream around the cuticles.  You must continue this therapy probably for the rest of your life.  I am convinced from personal experience that this treatment will work for almost all nail biting adults and likely for a good number of adolescents as well.  If you follow the advice, you will find that your nails will begin to show growth at the ends after about 10 days.  The nails will be ragged and uneven.  Get a nail file and smooth them as best you can.  Put the cocoa butter cream on the cuticles again immediately after filing.  Continue this regimen as well.  If you bite your nails to the nub as badly as I once did, it can take years for your nails to grow enough to become strong again.  Mine took fifteen years to get strong enough not to break easily.  Early on, the nails will be thin and easily torn.  Don't fret over this - keep smoothing them and keep them out of your mouth and keep the cream on the cuticles.  It takes about 2-3 weekds to heal and smooth the cuticles.  But once hydrated again, you will notice that your nails do not drive you crazy as before.  You will not feel the constant urge to gnaw at them and they won't feel "starved" for air.  Any time and every time you have this sensation, put the cream on the cuticles.  EVERY time.

No one, and I mean NO ONE has ever bitten their nails to the nub worse than I did.  I don't any more and haven't for many years.  But I put the cream on every morning, every night, and usually once during the day if I wash my hands in the lab a lot.

For now, the cocoa butter cream is the best I can offer.  But my staff is in the process of creating an advanced, all natural, and reasonably priced cuticle cream especially for nail biters.  We are adding some ingredients to better hydrate the cuticles, some to heal cracked and torn cuticles, and some to strengthen the nails.  We don't have a name for it yet but we hope to commercialize our cream in the coming months.  Until then, get the cocoa butter cream and get the fingers out of your mouth.  If I can refrain, so can you.  Notice I wrote "refrain", not quit.  No such thing.  You will always be a reformed nail biter who refrains from biting and has great looking nails as a result.  To reach this new state, you must heal the cuticles first and then keep them healed.  Start RIGHT NOW!  Do it!  TheDocAtTheLab.
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Thank you that is something I will try. I'm a nail bitter who can't stop bitting and my hands hurt all the time.
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I was exactly like you, sir, or ma'am. Honestly, when ever you start biting your nails, eat sun flower seeds. I do it to this day and haven't bitten my nails for months. Sun flower seeds will keep your tongue and teeth busy. In a couple weeks it'll help you stop biting your nails. Try it! I hope it helps.
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I feel your pain! You have described exactly how I feel about my own problem.
I always go thru what I call the grow and purge cycle. I have nails, then I ruin them by picking biting and getting to the stage where I look like I've been in an accident and hate to have my hands in water as its so painful. Right now I am in the middle stage - I have fingernails but they are gradually getting shaved down here or there thru picking and biting. Don't even mention the state of my skin (or lack of it - I couldn't get in to my tanning salon recently as it would not recognise my fingerprint in the  entry scanner)
I manage to grow my nails from having gel acrylics from the salon applied and refilled regularly for over a month so my nails are protected and grow underneath. You cannot bite thru these and they are too blunt to be able to pick your other fingers. You will be surprised the magic these nail techs can work with even the smallest bit of nail. I'm so glad I faced my embarassment and went to ask for their help. Once my nails were long enough I had the acrylic nails removed and had gel manicure on my own thin, damaged nails (I recommend harmony gellish, stay away from CND or shellac it just is not strong enough) this gave them a really strong coating and looked lovely. I then made sure I continually moisturised my hands  throughout the day so that my dreadful skin was soft and there were no dry bits to pick at. This made me leave them alone and the frenzied chew/pick cycle was less as I had been unable to do so for over a month. However its expensive to get manicures all the time and as soon as it chipped I started to pick and as I cannot afford to get a manicure right now I have reverted to going at my nails again. I don't notice until I get a pain from pulling too much skin. Its frustrating and driving me mad. I am going to take a picture of my nails today, give them a tidy, paint them and begin to moisturise again to see if I can keep these for a bit longer.

You can do it. At least you want to stop, just keep trying and dont be too hard on yourself. Even if you grow a small amount of nail and end up biting it off sometime later, still at least see this as an achievement on the last time. Then each time you manage to grow, it will get better for longer. I hate myself when I bite but In the past year I have not yet ever bitten them all the way back to the cuticle so I feel I have made some progress, even with my short scrappy nails. Next I will try and get my fingerprints back....Good luck xxx
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I also have the same issue, or well did. I know there are alot of techniques people claimed worked for them. However i was a chronic nail biter, i had a problem typically known as Onychophagia to the medical world. There is no specific cure for nail biting, but i can share with you a few techniques i used to help me.

Firstly: Keep track of your progress, so wait until a specific date (1st of the month is a good one, or first day of the week) and tell yourself ok im gonna stop biting my nails today. Buy a cheap calendar or make one or just keep track of the days with a diary or notepad. Then for everyday you didn't bite give yourself a tick or smiley face or whatever on your calendar, so you get that sense of achievement, which will hopefully help you stop biting for a few days, then weeks, then months until finally you dont feel the urge anymore.

Ok secondly: Pictures, this might sound silly but take pictures of your nails, look at the damage you are causing to yourself. Imagine yourself with pretty and healthy nails. Hopefully seeing the damage and knowing the pain your a suffering will be enough to motivate you to stop.

What i did to help me stop was combining the 2 above techniques. When i started the calendar/diary, i took a photo of my damaged nails. As the days went on i could see the smiley faces next to all the dates i didnt bite on, and every week or so, or whenever i felt my nails where making progress i would take another photo and keep imagining what they are going to be like when they are pretty and healthy. Eventually after just over 6 weeks i completely removed the urge to bite my nails, i no longer feel uncomfortable talking to people or allowing them to see my hands. I haven't even attempted to bite a single nail for over 3 years now, i was a chronic nail biter for at least 10 years.

I just hope everyone can manage to accomplish the achievement i accomplished. So you can be happy with your new healthy nails. Good luck! Dean.
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I have the same issue, I've picked and picked and picked until I've mutilated the nail causing emense pain. As you describes I've used knives and clippers and my own teeth. I do it with my toes as well, minus the biting, which has given me ingrown nails. It's an odd thing, I see one hangnail so I try to remove it, end up making it worse, and for some reason can't help but to maticulously inspect my other nails, inevitably find an "issue" and start at them as well. It's mostly the cuticles that drive me crazy, especially when they look uneven, or at peeling up. I go in phases, on and off. When I'm really busy, it seems like I forget about them and my nails grown without me messing with them. I went for almost a year last time before I messed them up last time. I've been jobless for about six months now so my nails are destroyed. I'm also an artist and have had to work with stinging fingers, it *****. I start a new job tomorrow so maybe it will help being busy agian.
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I am looking for a way to stop my 7 year old from chewing away what is left of her nails. I could not think where she picked up the habit, but I just figured it out. Despite my nails looking fairly OK, I tend to bite my own hang-nails and any bits of loose or ragged skin around my nails myself, I just don't chew the main nail, but she probably saw my fingers go to my mouth many times. I think we should both get a manicure. Would she benefit from gel name tips to extend her short nails and would a professional consider doing it for a child?
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I quit after 25 years of chronic nail biting!

I started a gluten free diet and have not had the urge or desire to bite my nails or cuticles since! I didn't file my nails to make them smoother and less tempting.  

There are several studies over the past 10 years that talk about the correlation between gluten intolerance and anxiety.  Since anxiety is what chronic nail biting is considered I gave it a try as ridiculous as it sounds.

I hope this helps someone. If you are helped please drop me a comment on my blog because it would feel good to know it helped someone else. http://www.****.com

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1790633 tn?1328145000
omg that almost happened to me but yea i still bite my nail
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I have the same problem. The repetition just makes it worse. I quit for a month once because I was so ashamed and the guy I was dating had mentioned them (in a nice way). It was easy after the first couple of weeks, when they started looking good.

Unfortunately I started biting again as soon as the semester did. Sometimes I'll destroy all of them in one night, if I'm working on a paper or doing a take-home final. It's bad and not the only compulsive disorder I have. I also binge eat and pick my face sometimes, although these aren't as bad.

One thing that really HELPS for NAIL BITING is LOTION.
- It softens the skin and nail so less to pick at.
- It also burns if you've picked to much which definitely prevents you from making it worse.
- Lotions don't usually taste that great.

Hope this helps somebody... hang in there, you're not the only one.
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yes I bite too! 33 years I am from europe, couldn't quit biting for over years. I guess 25y now..
What to do, what to do, sure you get used to your own finger nails, but i can image other people would think WTF?
Maybe i'll post a photo of my fingers (without nails lol) soon, my pinky is about 1mm at the moment 0,04 inch..?
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"So I bite and I bite, trying to even things out"..

Yes, that's the compulsive, OCD aspect of it..the other part is anxiety and fear..

I have been a compulsive nail biter since 5, I am now 52..
For the past five years due to high stress I have been a chronic biter often having ruined cuticles, damaged tips. brittle ends bleeding swollen, sore fingertips with varying layers of damaged nails..

Eventually, I hurt so bad it almost drove me crazy..I couldn't sleep and would
wake up in the night crying from the pain..

I think the nail polish method ( bitter tasting or not ) is probably the worst thing to try
especially if you like to continually "even things out"..nail polish flakes or chips and there
you go...OCD..eating the nail polish all off and heading right for the nails once the polish is gone..

I have no recommendations on how to stop as I think this problem correlates so
much with life and how stressful it can be on the more sensitive people in the world..

I will offer you my very best treatment to heal and soothe your fingers very, very quickly..
and if you continue to do this twice a day, it does take away the "anxious need" to bite
bite, bite because your fingers feel so good..


-Use a tupperware bowl with a lid, I use the ones that you can buy lunch meat in at the store..

-Fill 1/4th full with cool water, add 6-8 ice cubes..

-Take a medium stalk of aloe vera plant and cut into 8-10 chunks, then add to water..

-You can buy aloe stalks in the vegetable section at the grocery store or buy yourself
an aloe plant or if no plant available purchase a bottle of pure aloe gel in the suntan
section or pharmacy at the store..mix 1/4 cup of the bottled gel into the water..but the
plant is best to use by far..

-Place a small towel under the bowl, lay down on your back and relax..place your
right hand into the water..yes, it will be extremely cold at first, chronic biters will
love it, but dip your fingers in and out until you find your comfort zone..

-You will soak half an hour on each hand..add more ice if needed..

-While soaking, pick up a cold aloe chunk and stick your fingertip right through
the center of the chunk..Your fingertip will be surrounded with cold aloe gel which
is probably one of the most soothing sensations in the world..

-Alternate all fingers and your thumb so each one gets this treatment, if the chunk
"breaks" just wrap it around your nail area and hold it in place with your other fingers..

-Some aloe stalks have prickly points, just hold the chunks carefully and swirl
them and the ice around in the water with your fingers..

-Yes, it does feel rather weird to play with cold jelly..

-This is so soothing it may put you right to sleep if you are a chronic biter and in lots of pain..

-After one full hour of soaking, start pinching or squeezing the aloe chunks which releases
the inner pulp into the water, do not throw this water out..leave all the chunks and jelly water in the bowl..

-Put the lid on the bowl and stick in refrigerator.

-Soak again, one more time for this day..before bedtime is best, don't rinse
or wash your fingers until AM, just let them air dry then hit the hay..

-Soak twice again the next day using the same water..Add ice as you need it
depending on how badly inflamed your fingers are..mine are usually on fire so I love ice..

-By day three, you will not believe how much better your fingers will feel..the more
you soak, the more healing you will have..damage is repaired by day four as long
as you can keep from biting while healing..

-After day three the water starts to look like blood, it is very weird to see a pretty
green plant turn water to red..take it and water your aloe or other plants as it is
very good for them, too..

-At this point, my fingers usually feel so good I don't bite until my stress level
sky rockets again..I do recommend to keep soaking using a fresh aloe stalk
every three days as it is so good for you and your fingers..

-My alternative to this when I can't find aloe is a touch of cream or whole milk
added to the water and ice, same soak time..will leave your skin and nails soft
with less pain but you won't heal as you do when using the aloe plant..

-I hope this will help you to find some relief from the pain..

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1487841 tn?1294867967
i used to bite my nails i still do.... then i got gel and acrylic nails. and they help when i first got them on i would bite them off. but then i loved how they sounded when i clicked them on a surface. now a few months later maybe a year later i just recently got my nails done again and this is the first set that i have left on for more than a week. so maybe try that
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This is the first time I've ever actually come across people who have a similar problem to me. When you search for help & solutions pictures come up of these barely-bitten nails and I instantly think "mine are SOOO much worse than that, there's no hope for me" I started biting them when I was about 4 or 5 and I'm 26 now  (eek) but there just HAS to be a way!

I wore fake nails that you buy at the chemist for a few years when I was 16/17 and took loads of time shaping and painting them so they looked real. Everyone used to comment about how amazing my nails were... But they would come loose, dirt would get under them, my real nailbed got infected sometimes and they took SO MUCG time. My real nails were wrecked afterwards with uneven ridges which just made me bite them more!

Now I want to try to stop again but I do it so constantly it's like it's part of me now. I'm going to try the icky tasting stuff (again) AND the accountability (you guys all know now!) AND rewards/punishments... If I can get them just a little longer I figure it will be less embarrassing and more empowering to go to a proper salon and see about acrylics (or just get regular manicures)

Keep going everyone. WE CAN DO IT!

p.s. please keep in touch or lend any advice you can, thanks!
ash.snow at localdial.com
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I saw the picture, I've got the EXACT same problem, my nails (or lack of) are just like yours, down to the swollen tips and all that jazz. It was weird reading your post because I do the same things, I always close my hands in a fist so no one can see my fingernails, and I also used my braces to bite better, nothing seems to work.
Don't worry your certainly not alone!
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Thanks for all the suggestions and support- I appreciate it. I haven't been able to stop biting my nails, but I'm trying really hard. Unfortunately, I accidentally cracked the length of my ring finger's nail about a week ago, and consequently attacked it until the whole nail had been entirely torn off. On the bright side, it ought to grow in nicely, so I'll probably be able to leave it alone without too much effort.

I would try artificial nails, but I don't know how much nail there actually needs to be to have them glued on. Some of my nails are painfully short- well, actually, most of them are. I guess I'll have to look into it.

Thanks again!
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Many counselors will recommend applying a non-toxic gel to your finger tips and nails that has an unpleasant taste. Every time you go to bite your nails you will have a horrible taste in your mouth. If you apply the gel consistently that should cure that habit rather quickly. Emphasize- NON-TOXIC.
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