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Extreme Nail Biting Problem

I have a nail biting problem.

My nails are chewed down past my fingertips. My ring fingernails are shortest, at about an eight of an inch long. The skin where my nails used to be is scarred and ugly. Despite the intense pain and bleeding, I can't stop biting my nails. When I can't get a grip on the nail with my teeth, I find myself picking at them with a knife, nail clippers, pencil, or whatever's on hand.

I've tried nail polish. I ended up picking it off and then chewing as usual, all without even thinking about what I was doing. I tried bad tasting stuff, but I chew anyway, ignoring the bad taste, again without thought. I've even tried gloves, but I end up taking them off almost immediately, as I need absolute precision for my career- I'm an artist.

I've also been through some other supposed cures. I had braces for two years; rather than making it harder for me to chew, I ended up just picking more effectively at my nails with the metal brackets. The same can be said for the retainer I now wear. I've tried replacing my habit with something else, like gum chewing, but I find myself still chewing my nails even when the gum is in my mouth.

I know exactly why I bite my nails. It isn't because I'm anxious, and it isn't a leftover habit from finger sucking, which I never did. I do it because I can't stand my nails to be at all uneven or sharp. If I develop a hangnail, I pick at it because it's an aberration. So i bite and bite, trying to even things out. But then the leading edge of my nail will get sharp or cracked, and I bite it back and scrape it smooth with my teeth, often causing more aberrations in the smoothness of the nail. It hurts like a mother, and it bleeds hideously, but I barely notice when I'm chewing my nails. And that's why nothing works. I don't realize I'm biting my nails until after the fact.

Don't get me wrong, I am VERY embarrassed by this habit, and always have been. I used to say I broke my nails playing with my dogs, or they got smashed in the door, and other things like that. More recently I've just been fessing up, but it still hurts and humiliated me to see people cringing at the sight of my hands. I was too embarrassed to get my nails done for prom, because I barely have any. I hate people watching me draw and sculpt, because they'll be focused on my hands. I sit with my hands curled into fists, so my nails are hidden. Nail biting is like alcoholism for me. Everybody knows I do it, I'm extremely embarrassed about it, but there's nothing I can do to quit. I'm too embarrassed even to go to a doctor about it, and WAY too embarrassed to go to a hypnotist. Also, there's the fact that I'm strapped for cash, and couldn't afford it anyway.

And so, I'm coming here for help. Is there anything I can do to try and kick this habit? I'm convinced that if I can grow them out and keep them tidy, I can stop my nail biting, but it's impossible for me as things stand right now. Please help!
34 Responses
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I am looking for a way to stop my 7 year old from chewing away what is left of her nails. I could not think where she picked up the habit, but I just figured it out. Despite my nails looking fairly OK, I tend to bite my own hang-nails and any bits of loose or ragged skin around my nails myself, I just don't chew the main nail, but she probably saw my fingers go to my mouth many times. I think we should both get a manicure. Would she benefit from gel name tips to extend her short nails and would a professional consider doing it for a child?
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I quit after 25 years of chronic nail biting!

I started a gluten free diet and have not had the urge or desire to bite my nails or cuticles since! I didn't file my nails to make them smoother and less tempting.  

There are several studies over the past 10 years that talk about the correlation between gluten intolerance and anxiety.  Since anxiety is what chronic nail biting is considered I gave it a try as ridiculous as it sounds.

I hope this helps someone. If you are helped please drop me a comment on my blog because it would feel good to know it helped someone else. http://www.****.com

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1790633 tn?1328145000
omg that almost happened to me but yea i still bite my nail
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I have the same problem. The repetition just makes it worse. I quit for a month once because I was so ashamed and the guy I was dating had mentioned them (in a nice way). It was easy after the first couple of weeks, when they started looking good.

Unfortunately I started biting again as soon as the semester did. Sometimes I'll destroy all of them in one night, if I'm working on a paper or doing a take-home final. It's bad and not the only compulsive disorder I have. I also binge eat and pick my face sometimes, although these aren't as bad.

One thing that really HELPS for NAIL BITING is LOTION.
- It softens the skin and nail so less to pick at.
- It also burns if you've picked to much which definitely prevents you from making it worse.
- Lotions don't usually taste that great.

Hope this helps somebody... hang in there, you're not the only one.
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yes I bite too! 33 years I am from europe, couldn't quit biting for over years. I guess 25y now..
What to do, what to do, sure you get used to your own finger nails, but i can image other people would think WTF?
Maybe i'll post a photo of my fingers (without nails lol) soon, my pinky is about 1mm at the moment 0,04 inch..?
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"So I bite and I bite, trying to even things out"..

Yes, that's the compulsive, OCD aspect of it..the other part is anxiety and fear..

I have been a compulsive nail biter since 5, I am now 52..
For the past five years due to high stress I have been a chronic biter often having ruined cuticles, damaged tips. brittle ends bleeding swollen, sore fingertips with varying layers of damaged nails..

Eventually, I hurt so bad it almost drove me crazy..I couldn't sleep and would
wake up in the night crying from the pain..

I think the nail polish method ( bitter tasting or not ) is probably the worst thing to try
especially if you like to continually "even things out"..nail polish flakes or chips and there
you go...OCD..eating the nail polish all off and heading right for the nails once the polish is gone..

I have no recommendations on how to stop as I think this problem correlates so
much with life and how stressful it can be on the more sensitive people in the world..

I will offer you my very best treatment to heal and soothe your fingers very, very quickly..
and if you continue to do this twice a day, it does take away the "anxious need" to bite
bite, bite because your fingers feel so good..


-Use a tupperware bowl with a lid, I use the ones that you can buy lunch meat in at the store..

-Fill 1/4th full with cool water, add 6-8 ice cubes..

-Take a medium stalk of aloe vera plant and cut into 8-10 chunks, then add to water..

-You can buy aloe stalks in the vegetable section at the grocery store or buy yourself
an aloe plant or if no plant available purchase a bottle of pure aloe gel in the suntan
section or pharmacy at the store..mix 1/4 cup of the bottled gel into the water..but the
plant is best to use by far..

-Place a small towel under the bowl, lay down on your back and relax..place your
right hand into the water..yes, it will be extremely cold at first, chronic biters will
love it, but dip your fingers in and out until you find your comfort zone..

-You will soak half an hour on each hand..add more ice if needed..

-While soaking, pick up a cold aloe chunk and stick your fingertip right through
the center of the chunk..Your fingertip will be surrounded with cold aloe gel which
is probably one of the most soothing sensations in the world..

-Alternate all fingers and your thumb so each one gets this treatment, if the chunk
"breaks" just wrap it around your nail area and hold it in place with your other fingers..

-Some aloe stalks have prickly points, just hold the chunks carefully and swirl
them and the ice around in the water with your fingers..

-Yes, it does feel rather weird to play with cold jelly..

-This is so soothing it may put you right to sleep if you are a chronic biter and in lots of pain..

-After one full hour of soaking, start pinching or squeezing the aloe chunks which releases
the inner pulp into the water, do not throw this water out..leave all the chunks and jelly water in the bowl..

-Put the lid on the bowl and stick in refrigerator.

-Soak again, one more time for this day..before bedtime is best, don't rinse
or wash your fingers until AM, just let them air dry then hit the hay..

-Soak twice again the next day using the same water..Add ice as you need it
depending on how badly inflamed your fingers are..mine are usually on fire so I love ice..

-By day three, you will not believe how much better your fingers will feel..the more
you soak, the more healing you will have..damage is repaired by day four as long
as you can keep from biting while healing..

-After day three the water starts to look like blood, it is very weird to see a pretty
green plant turn water to red..take it and water your aloe or other plants as it is
very good for them, too..

-At this point, my fingers usually feel so good I don't bite until my stress level
sky rockets again..I do recommend to keep soaking using a fresh aloe stalk
every three days as it is so good for you and your fingers..

-My alternative to this when I can't find aloe is a touch of cream or whole milk
added to the water and ice, same soak time..will leave your skin and nails soft
with less pain but you won't heal as you do when using the aloe plant..

-I hope this will help you to find some relief from the pain..

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