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Possible ulcers/marks inside Urethra

Can you help Please. Since early 2007 i developed a weird sensation inside my penis opening, I went to the doctor who gave me antibiotics tablets for uti infection. After 2 weeks had passed the weird sensation had not passed. I opened the tip of my penis opento reveal a rasied lump with grey/white marks over it to the size of a pin head. this enlarged over a month to the size of 2 pin head, thendied down back to 1 pin head size. In the mean time i visted the STD clinic (twice) and they did all the tests they could, all negative. i explained my syptoms to the clinic who before she looked thought it may be Herpes. When viewed she wasnt sure so she took the viral swab test which was negative. Since this i have been to the doctor on many times who blood tests have been done for inflammation etc. all ok. The pain in the groin comes and goes but the weird sensation is still there most sometimes then others. often when i urinate its very cloudy and steady slow but not fast, other times the urine is strong  but clear (i know i dont drink enough). The urolgist had checked and said we will look inside the bladder to see any problems. but he says the lumps are fine, of which i said they never used to be there and have this weird sensation. I think that is may be herpes as the syptoms seems to be spot on or would you say its something else ?  The urologist may though it could be a kidney stones that may of passed.  But would Herpes ulcers/blister inside stay there for months with weird sensations throughout the day ? It seems that none of the Doctors can say yes to one thing its nearly a 12 month.
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please tell me gayboi the antibiotic you used.
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Me too, same problem, discovered few days ago.  I was sleeping and had a morning erection, in the sleep i did something and felt pain. When i woke up I had a bit of blood on the meatus, at first i said "damn i'm peeing blood", but that was not the case since i had a small cut on the meatus, the blood stopped right the way. I'm hypocondriac, so i started to check myself without stopping and when i opened the meatus i saw its was red on the left side, a left cyrcle close to the little cut i had. It is like a little ulcer, it's like when you bite yourself inside the mouth and an aphthous ulcer pops up.  I ran to a urologist, the first I found, didn't look like a good one (we hypocondriac always think the doctor is not the right one), he checked my penis, testicles, inguinal rings, bladder and everything looked fine. He said the cut could be caused by a stone passing by, but i told him i never felt like i peed a stone in my life. He then said maybe in the sleep i cut myself in the meatus top and that's the results. He said it doesnt' look like something sexual and i assured him i have not cheated to my long time girlfriend and that's true.
Despite all i still am really worried, my mind runs fast and i already think i have some sort of cancer.
the more rational part of my mind thinks that maybe i cut myself and i got this little ulcer just like it happens to me in the mouth.
If gaiboy can tell us exactly what kind of treatment he used that would be great.
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I have the same problem ulcer inside meatus wall and which spots. Except herpes and hPV every result came negative. I am worried I did multiple sex encounter but I used condom . I had 2 times oral sex but it was 17 months ago and these symptoms arouse 3 months ago. My uti or bacteria in bladder has been cleaned and my urine is whiter.

Please help if any updates!
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Hi, did you find a cure?
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GayBoi thank you very much for your posts. They have been very educational.  I have also had pain in the urethra going down to the scrotum and prostate.   This has lasted for a few years on and off. I am a gay male but do not have unprotected sex. I also masturbate which exasperates the pain. I have used tobacco chew to relax while masturbating or just feeling the sensation of being hard.  I have been tested for all STDs and HIV and all are negative through the years.  In addition I have had a  cystoscopy once and it did seem to show a small lesion in the urethral but the doctors were not concerned.   I am taking 500mg of ciprofloxacin antibiotics for infection of the prostrate as well as 2mg Tamsulosin to relax the prostate when I urinate.  I feel the problems are twofold – meaning there is a tear in the urethra and irritation and pain coming from prostate. I work out and have been increasing the strength of my abductor leg muscles which causes The muscles around the prostate to be tighter and stronger. I have also had back pain from the prostate come and go through time.  I believe if I just stop touching myself and masturbating then it would probably alleviate a lot of the symptoms. Of course I am dealing with addiction from the tobacco.  I am finally getting good medical insurance and hope to get all the tests done including cystoscopy.  I am sharing this to see if anybody else has had similar issues and can share their experience with me. I do not have any visual sores on the outside of the penis or testicles.  
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gayboi and everyone else who posted/has the symptoms, Please let us know the name of antiobiotics and what was the diagnosis.

Having similar symptoms, was tested negative for STD's, took 10 days of doxycycline, but symptoms persist.
Might be anxiety/stress related too, but want to rule out any infection
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gayboi can you let us know what you were diagnosed with and what treatments were used?
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Wow i have the exact same symptoms as you. When i look down into my urethra i see a grey-ish ulcer/blister, and i constantly have mild discomfort at the tip of my penis. This has been going on for 2 months. All my STD tests are negative, and the doctor is 50/50 whether or not it's herpes. I'm going to wait another month to get a blood test done again to look determine if it is herpes or not.

Did you find out particularly what was wrong with you and what antibiotics you took, so maybe I can point the doctor in the right direction?
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I went to see urologist yesterday again, he said its nothing to worry about it, also he think it is my mind-think too much of it.  I know my own body and I know its a problem, it become a big issue for me. please can anyone to help!
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I have a similar lesion. I happen to also have psoriasis. I am not surprised if it is some trauma to the skin due to sex etc. At first there was swelling of a little lip of skin around the meatus opening. Then I noticed a pinhole size lesion. Seemed like blood inside. Then a white plaque (psoriasis? but sometimes mucus in your mouth, like you bite your cheek, heals a little white). I notice that if I drink more water, urine is whiter, not as bad, but semen or yellow urine irritate the fukc out of it. I have also experienced kidney stones. I suspect I need to drink more, maybe combination of these factors, such as mucus dried out a little, urine is cloudy due to kidney stones, irritates urethra more, etc. I am hoping drinking more water & time will heal it. I am not sure what good the camera down the urethra will do, it could cause more irritation than was there to begin with. There is nothing they can do for irritation anyway. I suspect antibiotics do not reall do much. Maybe it would heal with time/adequate hydration etc without camera and antibiotics? I am so sick of anyone assuming any lesion to the penis is an std. Makes it hard to deal with this with stigma.
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my problem is very similar to gayboi. I am taking Cephalexin and Bactroban cream,for two weeks ,it didn't seem woking for me. I am so frustrated... please I am so desperately for help!
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I have same problem for months, and have had back and forth to the GP, also have had a few different cream and antibiotics tablets,it did not gets better. can you please tell me what name of the antibiotics that cleared it up?
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thank you very much for replying .  for sure its gonna help me . i visited urologist twice. as per him he doesn't find anything wrong but now at-least i can ask him to check with camera. thank you again.
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Yes I have had it all cleared up after months and months of back and forth to the GP.  I ended up having a camera placed down the penis and into the bladder.  The diagnosis was inflammation on the exit of the bladder to the urethra and narrowing around the prostate which was causing the discomfort, which radiates to the tip and just inside the penis.  1 month of antibiotics, cleared it up. not had any issues since.  I also make sure that I drink plenty each day to prevent any change in the urine.  Hope this help you.
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can any one please tell me what is current status of gayboi . is there any way to reach him and get his current status on his pain . kindly advise.
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i have same problem the one you are telling. could you please tell me what happen in your case. if you get better then what specialist did you visit. please advise. thank you.
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You haven't mentioned of any similar lesions in the body?

You have been assessed rather completely and your physicians have excluded most differentials like STD's and UTI.

I suggest you seek consult with a dermatologist to have this lesion thoroughly assessed.If this indeed a psoriasis, then this may be psoriatic balanitis.Your dermatologist may be able to provide an assessment after a thorough physical examination.

An eczema or allergic reaction may be one of the differentials.
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Well a further update, been to see the clinic and now they think it could be psoriasis on the penis. Im still not sure this is the case I have now used the cream to clense the skin and oilatum for the bath water. but it still has not made any difference. Its still red & shinny around the opening and a little raised including the Y piece at the back of the opening. Any suggestions of any thing else it could be that could cause this.  Oo i forget to say it feels fine sometimes and then burning shooting pain mildish but can be after a wee and last for 20mins or more. or if i need a wee it seems to flare up, so wondering if there is anything further down (doc says the prostrate is not enlarged). I didnt know so much could go wrong down there. Could my urine cause this pain or the pressure in bladder radiating to the tip ?
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The change in your urinary character as you have metioned in your initial post may be explained by prostatitis. Pain of prostatitis may be felt  on physical examination during prostate palpation. There is tenderness over the area. This may involve pain in ejaculation and urination and even decrease in urine flow. Culture of prostatic secretions may help determine if prostatic infection is present. At this point however, if prostatitis is a main differential, it may not outrightly explain the lesions.

Chronic pelvic pain syndrome or prostatodynia may present with groin pain but there is no evidence of intense inflammation or swelling.
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I recently read on an another website which the syptoms are very similar and wondered if this was the case, here is what they wrote from the Dr. "Common cause of these complaints is an inflammation of the prostate gland, so called prostatitis"  It has Flarred up again and is weird feeling with lumps/ulcers inside the tip again. Any suggestions ? as not getting anywhere with the Medical over Here
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Had no genital warts. Viral tests were for HIV & Herpes, but the clinic did say the virus is very weak and can die before hitting the labs for testing.  The Dr wont fw to dermatologist as still under urologist consultant. Awaitng the test for Cystosopy. but i dont think that will tell them any more. .
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Was a cystoscopy done? Any diagnostic test done to directly visualize the urethra?

Any history of a genital wart ? You have mentioned that some viral tests were done .What were they?

Have you visited a dermatologist?

I know this is frustrating .Do keep us posted.
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Had the X-rays done seems to be fine. the Ulcers in penis tip seemed to go down which was good, but a red mark around the opening was tender like a burn mark from an oven without the intense pain.  Looked inside again and the ulcer things have raised yet once again. so went to the clinic a further time, where the Dr checked and said you dont get Herpes inside the urethra, but checking websites this is not the case. The clinic seemed to think i dont drink enough, but im not so sure. The urologist says it looks fine, but i know my own body and a get this weird feeling and twinges allday even when im busy thinking about other things. I am running out of answers and mental stress. Any suggestions anyone ?
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Thank you for your comments made me feel a bit better knowing someone has taken the time to answer my concern.  I thought i will visit the STD clinic one more time for a check up with a different doctor, he said 95% sure its not Herpes and is something else that may be causing inflammation.  So now waiting to see the specialist for the x-rays.
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Discharge often isn't normal, and could mean an infection or an STD.
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Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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