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I want to get my baby circumcised first one is (heave insurance issue)  when is it too late to circumcise?
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Circumcision can even be perfromed on adults. Obviously the later you wait the more "traumatic" it would be for him.

If his brother and father are circumcised and he is not, you'll have to deal with the "why am I different" question later on.
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647273 tn?1292091141
Please don't have your son circumcised? There is no medical need now adays.
There are no benefits for having your son circumised.
Would you have your new born son undergo surgery to remove his apendix just because there might be a chance that he might have a problem with it later?

Do you know of all the problems that circumcision might cause. The least of all these problems and risks would be the fact that the cirmcision  might not be as it should normaly turn out. Permanent damage to the penis might result, even acidental aputation of the penis or part there of.

The penis belongs to your son, therefore he should make the decision to be circumcised or not.

Are you aware that infants are circumcised without anesthetic. The risk of anesthetic are too great.

You would not want to harm your son nor would you want to do anything negative towards your child. Circumcision does cause pain but also alters his penis through circumcision. Circumcision harms the penis permantly!!

To answer your questions, there is no age limit to circumcision. Your son will handle things well even with a circumcised father or brother. You can tell him that you have left the choice up to him. Tell him that he was born that way, tell him that you thought of what would be the best for him.

Think about the folowing? If it is not broken, don't fix it.

Please look at the link?


God bless,

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The circumcision debate has been going on for a while and sometimes gets heated on both sides. Although I don't think it matters one way or another, the fact is uncircumcised males have an increased risk for penile cancer (although it's very small) and current studies are showing an increased risk of HIV transmission. These may not be significant enough to warrant routine circumcision but to say there are no medical reasons is incorrect.
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647273 tn?1292091141
Paul please do a careful research. Cancer of the penis is very rare and can be caused by HPV.

There are more uncircumcised males then circumcised. The HIV study is not correctas it was compared to uncircumcised and circumcised males. Since there are more uncircumcised males the study is not accurate.

Circumcised males have a dry glans and at some time small cracks can develop on the glans or the remaining skin.

I myself am not cirumcised but had a brother who was due to fact that he was unable to retract his foreskin. There was a medical need.

Any parent who puts their child through unneccessary surgery would normaly be seen as bad parents. Circumsion is no different.

Most of us will clearly say that female circumcision would not be right. Why would it be right for males? Are  we worried about urine remaining under the foreskin? Women have urinate over the pubic area. Are they then considered to be unclean.

Are most circumcised males too lazy to retract their foreskin if they had remained uncircumcised? It takes less then 10 seconds to wash under the foreskin.

I am tired of the pro circumcision population who are willing to put boys through unneeded circumcision surgery. Please look at all of those who have had bad results from circumcision. Is it right to make alternations to a persons genitalia without giving them a chance to make their own choice. If it proves that there is a medical need for it, then by all means decide for your child. If they decision can be left until a person reaching the age of conscent, then let the individual decide.

God bless,

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My 21-month old son was circumcised when he was a day old. I really didn't have a lot of information to go on, and my husband said he was circumcised, and I mistakenly thought that most boys were. I read that it was necessary to reduce the risk of penile cancer, and for hygiene,etc. I wish I had known then what I know now. My son had an excessive amount of foreskin and it adhered to the head of his penis. My pediatrician referred him to a urologist who said my son needed surgery to correct the circumcision due to redundant foreskin and adhesions. I felt horrible that my baby had to go through this. Now that's he's had the surgery, I only see the head of his penis. It looks like the rest is buried under extra skin. I have to pull the skin back to see it. It looks smaller than before. He's not very heavy, about average size. I have an appointment for him to see the urologist next week. I wish I had never had him circumcised in the first place. I feel I was misinformed and trusted the wrong information. I would not recommend anyone to have their son circumcised. The risks outway the benefits. I just pray that my son is not permanently damaged. I am not a bad parent, but I made a big mistake. I hope someone else can learn from it and avoid putting their son through this unnecessary trauma. --Full of Regret.
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647273 tn?1292091141
Hi Kim,

First off, I'm sorry to hear about the problems with you son's circumcision.
I like to thank you for posting your message.

There are for more uncircumcised males in the world then there are circumcised males. Due to this studies in regards to the transmision of HIV and other conditions are not accurate. The cases of conditions out weigh the circumcised population strictly by numbers.

Most parents of circumcised boys have the best interests of their son's in mind. One thing that they don't seem to realize is the fact that there are risks with any type of surgery. Also each surgery (circumcision) has different out comes. A surgeon can not garrentee that 2 boys circumcised within 1 hour of each other have simmilar out comes.

No parent in their right mind would have their child under go an apendectomy just because there is a possiblity of apendicitis.

Once a male has become an adult, they them self can decide on circumcision or not. As an adult the decision is their's and their's only.

There is a movie  based on actual facts of parents having twin boys. During the circumcision of one of them some thing malfunctioned during the procedure. The remainder of the penis as well as the scrotum and testicles were removed since the surgeon felt that it would best to raise the botched boy as a girl.
the sad part of this was that the boy raised as a girl as well as the other son ended up committing suicide.
The parents of these two boys had their son's best interest in mind. They never even considered that this could have happened with something as routine as circumsion.

I would never consider risking my son's life with a circumcision that was not needed in the first place.

Most males will be able to retract the foreskin at the age of about 5 to 10 or even 13. Some of these boys would indeed need circumcision. It is possible to have the phimotic skin removed only. There are also different ways to deal with it.

Those that clame that the uncircumcised penis is un hegienic have never considered the following. They clame that urine and dirt (smegma) acummalates under the foreskin.
When females urinate some urine does drip on the the vagina and possibly on to the labia. We would all agree that female circumcision or the removal of the labia would be barbaric. Most of us would not consider altering the female genitals, there is no difference in males. IF IT ISN'T BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!

Kim thank you for sharing your experience. I hope and trust that your son will be OK.

God bless

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Ron, the site you posted is a PRO-circumcision site that completely denies the reduced sensitivity suffered by circumcised men.

Sites with more accurate information are:

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647273 tn?1292091141
Hi Jenny,

I'm familiar with the sites that you have pointed out.
The link that I had given states that circumcision is the one most practiced surgery in the United States. It states that some European countries and Asian countries do not preform ritual circumcision.
Being from one of the more developed European countries (The Netherlands) circumcision there is not the norm as it also is the case in most European countries.
Circumcision in the US has almost become a routine surgery to supposedly cure all things.
With most of the Dutch male population not being circumcised the cases of those with penile cancer are very rare. As I have stated earlier, there are many more uncircumcised males in the world than there are circumcised. Due to this fact some of the studies are not correct.
As long as good hygene is practiced there are no benefits in being circumcised. The issue is a case of preferrence towards circumcision than there is medical facts.
As I have stated previously, I don't think that the decision of circumcision should be made by parents if there is no medical need to do so. As for religious reasons circumcision is justified by some, yet I still feel that this matter should be decided on by the person who the penis belongs to. Should the child at later age decided for circumcision due to religious convictions, then it is their choice.
As for medical ethics it would be wrong to perform an unneeded surgery in any case. This is no different with circumcision.

All the best,

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There is not a limit of age to be circumcised. I was circ. first at 19 y.o., but at 28 y.o., before my marriage, I was circumcised again to tighten she skin that was a little loose. No pain at all , using local anesthesics and only to weeks of healing ( the type, at my request,  was the best - "low& tight" technic ), with only 2 weeks to healing and return to sexual activity. Absolutelly success, no scars, no dark lines in the suturings, no lost of any sensibility at all and a better phisiology of the organ, with excellent benefits for both partners. My wife adore it. This way I knew, at an adult age, the before and the after the procedure. Circumcised penis is the best !
There are a insane and absurd campaign again circumcision in United States with totally distorced and wrong arguments, forgetting that the human body changes with the evolution, turning obsolete many of its organs, like the foreskin, so useless as the apendix, only good to bring troubles to you life, as its terrible supurations and infections, without any benefits, as many several other organs, as the wisdom teeth, which must be also expelled from your mouth to put the other teeth in the right dentition, just because our maxilares decrease in size with the evolution, by the type of our food, and can't contain, today, all his original 32 teeth, but only 28.
I circumcised my two boys at 7 y.o. with absolutely sucess. The benefits are so great that I think all country should adopt the mandatory circumcision, paid by the health security, as a target to of preventive public health. Just that, no less !
Be happy, forgetting all those absolutely nonsenses and dumbs arguments, made by ignorant and fundamentalist personel.

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647273 tn?1292091141
Your statements are thoughtless.

Evolution is not true as it would improve the species thereby making us more resistant to disease. I think that we can all agree that this is not taking place.
I would also like to say that I don't compare myself to an ape, eventhough some of you might think that I look that way.
Humans have more in comon with pigs.

We are not born with obsolete parts, each part organ has a function. We can live without many of them but we should not just remove them because we can live without them.

I lost my left testicle due to complications after a vasectomy, do you think that I should have had it removed when I was younger? I hope that you can see how stupid that statement is.

We can live with one kidney, without a spleen, gall bladder and the list continues.

All, please look at this article on Medscape to decide for your self. You will have to become a member, but it is free and it is a medical site with good helpful information.

The male in question was circumcised at birth but ended up with a lesion. This required him to get circumcised again and have the removed tissue checked for disease. It shows that even being circumcised does not prevent all conditions.

Bill your parents gave you the choice at 19 and than you decided to get it done again. That is your choice and I respect that. I cannot agree that this decision can be made for a minor.
please look at the following link.


Most parents have good intentions but do not allways have all the facts.

There are more uncircumcised males in the world than there are those who are circumcised. Most uncircumcised males don't experience any problems with their foreskin or penis.
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Evolution is a proved scientific fact. The monkeys have 98,6 % of our DNA. Even ours haemoglobins are the same. The pigs, just a little far, are also our relatives, as the mouse, the most primitive of the mammals.
"Against facts, there are no arguments".
I have religiosity, my personal religiosity - the laws of nature, but I'm not a religious person at all. Religion was and it is a pernicious happening for the progress of humanity. Look the world of the past and today - many of the world wars were and are produced by religious fanaticism and ignorance. Look at Bush, that nightmare of ignorance and stupidity. Look at the talibans.
Do you know why the US is a land of intolerance, very similar to the islamic countries ? Just because of the sick minds of the the calvinist pilgrins who founded that country. England, who expelled them to the United States, under penalties, is not a intolerant country at all ! Why, if they are the same ethnia ?
Alan Kardec, a spiritualist, with a lot of knowledge, said many years ago:
" When your religion crashes against the science, stay with the science".
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647273 tn?1292091141
Hi Bill,

When it comes to evoulution I am a creationist and don't have enough faith in random acts to believe that there was no inteligent design in the earth's make up.

As for Christian believes, circumcision is no longer required in the New Testament. Paul speaks about circumcision of the heart. There is no longer need for circumcision according to the way we keep bible laws. If a gentile follows the law it can be seen as circumcision of the heart. This is what I believe and there is now way of changing that. Nor will I force my religious beliefs on others.

As for cisrcumcision I grew up in the Netherlands where there is no routine circumcision. Every part of the human body does have a perpose. You may want to disprove this but if you claim that we don;t need certain parts, you did not do your research. As I stated in my own case I ended up with problems in my left testicle that required and orchiectomy. Even men with only one testicle can lead a normal vertile and funtioning live. Since there is a chance for every male to end up with testicular cancer, should we be castrated after we have had the number of children desired. Also the prostate can give problems and we can live without it, should we remove it to prevent problems later.
in today's society there is no medical need for routine Circumcision. It than becomes a matter of religious and personal prefferrance needs.

I'm not sure as to what all you wanted to say in regards to th US being a land of intolerance. To me this does not explain the view point on circumcision.

Now living in Canada where a lot of men are circumcised, I gave our boys the choice to decided for themselves. The oldest will be 18 in a few days and our adopted chosen son will be 18 by next December. My wife, the boys and I have talked about circumcision and presented both view points. Both boys are not in favor of circumcision even with the fact that most of their friends are circumcised.

Circumcision has allways been a subject of choice and prefferrance. There is no medical need for most males to have this done. Only a very small numbers of males end up with problems relating to the foreskin.

If you did look at the link to Medscape, than you can see that circumcision does not prevent penile conditions requiring surgeries later in life.

I cannot and do not tell you and others what to do, but I would like you to tell you and others about the things that can go wrong. There are many sites that present facts on both sides of the debate. Given the fact that there are more non circumcised males in the world, I do not believe that the information is ballanced.

Circumcision has allways been viewed as a resort to end all penile conditions. Some of these view points are inacurate.

All the best.


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