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1350886 tn?1295667199

Chewing & Spitting, Green Tea diets?

I'm 18, female and currently 122.8lbs.
I want to lose 22lbs so I'm 100 pounds because I'm only 5'4".
My BMI is about 20% which is normal, but I want it better than normal.

I enjoy candy a lot, so dieting is difficult for me because of this. I was thinking about doing the chewing & spitting diet to avoid the calories candy gives you. I was also thinking about drinking Green tea as lunch and dinner since Green tea is shown to burn belly fat.

I would exercise, and I do with my bike, but I can't run or do a lot of things other people can due to a knee injury that tore all the ligaments and broke cartiledge in my left knee (my left knee can dislocate any time).

I tried the Special K diet while I was still in school since the school didn't offer any healthy choices other than water or salad which had fried chicken in it. =(
(This is why a lot of teenagers and kids are becoming overweight.)

I'm terrified at the prospect of becoming overweight, when I was in the hospital I came out weighing 132lbs  and dropped all the weight as soon as I could.

I drink a lot of water, and do abdominal exercises, but nothing seems to drop me below 118 (which has never held as a steady weight).

I need diets an 18 year old who can't really cook could follow, or simply food suggestions. I have two kinds of candy in my room at the moment, a box of poptarts (chewing and spitting those) as well as Hot Tamales (chewing/spitting these as well).

Can anybody help with diet advice and fat burning foods???

2 Responses
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1138687 tn?1548643978
Yeah, I looked up your BMI and it is normal, and actually on the skinny side of normal according to the charts I went to. And usually I hear that those charts are inaccurate, meaning that they expect people to be much lighter then they should be.. so I think you are good!

Personally, I notice that when I eat healthily I stay fit, but when I eat unhealthily I get fat, chubby especially in my belly area. I used to eat horribly when I was @ 18 actually and I was very unhealthy and had the body fat to prove it. I ate taccobell, mc donalds.. a bunch of junk. I basically didn't know how to eat good.

But within the last like 7 years I have been a heath freak, from being vegan for four years and now I just eat very healthily, it is something I had to learn about!!  But just recently I have been eating  alot of local restaruant food such as pizza, lasagna, and bagles with extra creemechese, because this is as tasty and healthy combo I can imagine coming from those places, and I notised I started getting some pudge.

So I don't know if its just me, but I notice that there is a huge correlation between eating healthily and being fit! Actually, I eat a lot of healthy foods and stay fit, because it gives me a good metabolism!! And I also have heard that the best way to diet is not to eat less, but rather to eat more healthy foods. This is what I strongly believe.. and yes of course try to do some exersize as exercise is needed to "lubricate" as I hear the gigestive system. But yeah, exercise. walking works for me, and I don't even do much of it, but I manage to stay fit!

Ok, so my mottoe for eating good is nutritious healthy whoelsome food, which also tastes good, though you may need to aquire a taste for healthy food to some extent, but it should be pretty darn good off the bat!

So hear is my diet:  Lots of whloe fruit that I peal, fresh!  Phish is excellent! No fried food, and try not to overcook food. I am actually not cooking these days, so I fet my fish steamed for me often at the groceriy stores here in VT, do they have them in TX?  i eat a lot of non-fat yogurt cos it tastes the best to me (Stoney Field yogurt is firm and delicious), but I think it is in just VT. But they should have good non-fat yogurt in tx too! There is also another healthy yogurt product called Keifer, there are a lot of good probiotics, good nutrition, protien and all that will traet your body good, and keep you fit! These are in those yogurt products!  Pick out food b what is good at the time. And you can tell if food is good if it smells good. See, most people are discouraged by fruit cos so much of it isn't ripe and fresh, but if it gives of a fragrance it should most likely be excellant! Pizza or lisagna, or other cheese products occasionally are not bad. If you can eat rice, or stuff that has rice product in it. Stay away from too much milk, don't eat excessive chese, icecreeme, and junk food. If you like candy I hear hard candy is good.

But yeah, I hope this helps you, and I know how poorly the American Quizene is, so don't go mainstreme. And you're right, obesity is a probaly because of what we eat, and feed our children.

I hope this helps
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649848 tn?1534633700
A quick look at your height/weight, here's what I find:

Height                   Small Frame           Medium Frame                Large Frame
5'4"                         114-127                   124-138                          134-151

At 122 pounds, you are just about perfect for your height.  Losing down to 100 pounds will make you underweight, which is not healthy.  

I'm not familiar with "chewing and spitting"; it really doesn't sound very pleasant, nor does it sound healthy and I would imagine that you are still getting a good dose of sugar in your saliva.  

Why not try replacing that candy with some fruit?  You get to satisfy your "sweet tooth" and get nourishment at the same time.  There are a huge variety of salads that are easy to make; you can eat low/no fat yogurt, cheeses, milk, etc for dairy, along with things like tuna, low fat/low sodium luncheon meats, eggs, grilled meat for protein, and whole grain breads.  Veggies are easy to fix; you can roast them (if you have an oven or toaster oven) or they can be steamed in the microwave.  A lot of them can be eaten raw.

You might try checking out the Healthy Cooking forum -- I'm sure you could come up with easy to fix meals; AND this would be a good time to learn to cook.

There are so many health issues that can be causes by not eating properly; now is a good time to develop eating habits that will stay with you for life and help keep you healthy.  

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