579258 tn?1250649343

Day 6- This Room's Buzzing With Energy!!!!

Day 6 And This Room So Buzzing With Energy and Motivation!

What An Amazing Challenge This Has Been So Far!

Its Getting Better And Better By The Day!

Facinating Stuff From All Of You!

Great Job Everyone And Let's Finish Week 1 With A Flourish!

Here Is Your Link For Day 6 - http://tinyurl.com/3p432w
2 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
Mary ~ Losing slowly is the proper way to lose ... it is how we put it on and how it should come off to stay off in a healthy manner.  Way to go!  

The second week will be better as we are beginning to get our bodies used to healthy eating and moderate exercise.  We should start feeling increased energy and the cravings should begin to lessen now.  

You are correct that we all need to pull together.  Quitting is NOT an option!  Let's all post what's going on and support each other.  We CAN do this ..

Thanks for the encouragement you have given to your teammates!!!  What an Awesome lady you are!  Hang in there .. many huggsss ... Ranae
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624274 tn?1262709753
Well, still going strong. I am losing but very slowly. I know the second week won't be much better. I've always been told the second week is always the hardest. This means that some will lose motivation. We can't do that. For most  the second week is the make or break week,  so hang in there and remember why you're doing this in the first place! You can do it! Hope everyone is doing well. -Mary
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