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Eating Disorder Problems

I'm 14 and i've been suffering from Anorexia & Bulimia for a little over a year now. As much as i don't like eating, due to the disorders, i still wanna keep as healthy as i can. I do eat things i think are safe at times that appeal to me..i was wondering if there are any healthy low calorie foods you recommend? The more food i feel comfortable eating the more i will recover.
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you should tell your parents thats a serious mental disorder anorexia has the highest death rate of any disorder please get help
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Charohutch, please do not trust your judgement when it comes to making food intake decisions  and don't believe for a moment you can just manage this disorder on your own.
pixieinlibraryland is spot on!

If you want to have a healthy and "normal" life, you need to "surrender"
and come forth with this in the open and let your parents help you get
the professional guidance and support  you need  to fight this successfully.

It's a very lonely, painful and challenging path, should you choose to endure this on your own.  
The biggest problem you're facing is... yourself.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
---Mark Twain---

I don't know if our comments will make any difference in your life,
but put this way:
You don't know anyone here,(it's totally anonymous), we're total strangers and have absolutely no bias, no reason , no interest other than the desire to help another fellow member.

Best wishes.

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Hello Charohutch, my name is Noelle. I am also 14, and I have also been struggling with anorexia nervosa for a while now. Please tell your guardian, or anyone you trust what you have been going through. I recommend talking to a counselor because I know there is WAY MORE to your story than you have told and that you have let on; these are not just surface problems. Try to eat three meals a day even if they are small. Just eat something for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eating fruits and vegetables are health and they are low in calories so you can eat a lot without feeling very guilty. I like to make smoothies for breakfast, something like a banana for lunch, and whatever my mom makes for dinner. You are very brave, I admire your perseverance. Just remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
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