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732206 tn?1237293122


Hi, I am ok in morning, means I can control my deit in mornings but in noon I break all the rule and I ate lots of calories. Help me out. And one more thing I weight in morning 155.6lb but in night 160.2 which one is my real weight
4 Responses
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269786 tn?1243793707
I've been eating a boiled egg for breakfast with toast several days a week and it is pretty filling. I like it. Fruit for snack if I get hungry before lunch. (when I'm on track.)

Here's an idea for dinner. So you don't overdo it. Try to plan a walk after dinner. Even a short 1/2 hour walk. I bet you find you don't overdose at dinner after a while. You'll look forward to the walk and not want to be so full.

I'm going to try and get back to doing yoga around 7pm. That way I know I won't overeat at dinner. And it keeps my appetite in check the rest of the night too.

Good luck.
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732206 tn?1237293122
Yes you guys are right.... Sometime I ate a bowl of cereal, sometime I ate too much but I ate dinner before 6 or 6:30 bit overloaded but after that I dont eat till morning. But my weight is still fluctuating.
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Your real weight is what you weigh in the morning.  By the end of the day you're full of fluids and a day's worth of food so of course your weight is going to fluctuate a few lbs. Only weigh yourself in the morning, before you eat or drink anything and after you go to the bathroo. That is your true weight. And there's no need to weigh in any more than once a week. It will just drive you crazy. Once a week, once a day in the morning is all you need to do :-)

What do you eat for breakfast? I agree with PMoon, maybe you're not eating a substantial enough breakfast to keep you full. Also the quality of what you're eating makes a difference. If you're just having a bowl of sugary cereal, that won't fill you for long. Eat some complex carbs like fruit, oatmeal or any other kinds of whole grains, and some kind of protein such as yogurt, egg whites or nuts. And some healthy fat should be included with your meal too (if you have nuts then you're covered with protein and fat).

Some people find it best to control their appetite by eating 5-6 small meals a day. That personally doesnt work for me. I actually feel hungrier doing that because I feel like I'm not able to sit down and enjoy a "real" meal. What works for me is 3 balanced meals with about 2 snacks in between.
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269786 tn?1243793707
Are you maybe eating too little in the morning and then overdosing at lunch? What times do you eat and what do you have for breakfast?
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