649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In April 1, 2018

Good morning. Wow - another week has gone by already; it's hard to believe they're going so fast and it's time for another weigh-in...

I haven't done really well because there's been a lot going on, but then under the circumstances, I haven't done badly either.  

As far as diet is concerned, I've only partially stayed with what I'm supposed to be eating.  My husband wanted fast food the other day and I agreed, even though I shouldn't have.  I should have told him to pick a day and do that by himself; next time, he gets a taste for Mickey's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc, that's what I'll do.  That particular day, we did go to Wendy's and I settled for a salad and some chili, but the salad wasn't very fresh and they seem to have changed their chili recipe because it didn't taste like I remember it.  I have to 'fess up to making another batch of the homemade "no churn" ice cream, too...it's really good and I can't make it for hubby and not eat it myself, though I didn't eat that much of it.  It's gone now and I don't plan to make any more for a while.  Exercise?  What exercise? Oh, that... well, I didn't exactly keep up with it either.  :-(

So - all those confessions behind me, I've ended up weight neutral, so I guess that's not so bad.  I just need to get back into my "good" routine, including walking or something similar so I'm getting some exercise instead of spending so much time on the computer.

I still haven't gotten my blood test results back from the draw I had over a week ago. I'm not sure what the hold up is on that, but I hope to have them in the next couple of days.  I know if I keep making/eating that ice cream and not exercising, my cholesterol isn't going to stay down and the first thing they will want to do is slap me on statin drugs.  I'm not going that route, so there's that incentive.

So that's me... how about everyone else?  Today is Easter and some of you had Easter baskets to buy, Easter egg hunts for children/grandchildren and of course, it's always hard to resist indulging in that creamy chocolate with them, not to mention the goodies most of us prepare for Easter dinner with family, if you celebrate Easter.  

Now, it's your turn... how have you done over the past week? Are you on goal?
Happy Easter

~~have a wonderful week~~
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Happy Easter Barb135:)  well I'm accepting the challenge and I weighed this morning.  I am determined to lose weight and exercise. I'm taking baby steps and taking this one day at a time. I can relate to everything you said.  You made me smile when I've been really depressed about my weight.  Thank you for inspiring me this morning.
Helpful - 0
Hi Kelcoo and welcome to the challenge... We started this about a month ago, but of course, anyone can join at any time; we're flexible that way and the more the merrier...  

I'm glad you found us and that something I said made you want to join us.  I've gone through my share of feeling bad about my weight, so I can identify with you.  

Baby steps are what our challenge is all about since safe weight loss is 1-2 pounds/week using a healthy diet and moderate exercise.  You've certainly come to the right place.

If you like, you can read the original challenge via the following link:


If you want to tell us something about yourself, that would be great.  There are some medical issues that cause weight problems - I have some myself, including hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and adrenal problems - so I recommend that you try to have those under control or be working on them prior to strict dieting.  But then diet helps get those under control, too, so it can be a double-edged issue...

Anyway, again...welcome
973741 tn?1342342773
Sooooo, I missed last week.  Kids were on spring break.  We got away for a few days.  I gained 2 pounds.  I am trying not to hate myself.  LOL  I ate the biggest, fattest steak and it was GOOD.  And I had a blizzard from DQ.  And I had chips in the car when we drove.  And pizza.  Like three times.  AND, the free breakfast buffet every morning (which isn't really free as you pay for it with your room) which was heavy on the bacon and pancakes.  And at least one piece of chocolate a day.  Vacation man, what can I say.  

I'm a total blubberpus.  BUT, I'm back on it.

Did I mention the meal in the 8th haunted building in the US where the waiters dressed in period clothes?  Had roast beef in gravy with mashed potatoes on bread. One of those open faced sandwiches.  Tasted like a ghost had made it. A really old ghost on really old ghost bread.  But it took about an hour and a half to make it to our table and by then, I was crazy hungry so ate it anyway.  Know it was not good for me and it just tasted not too delicious.  But by then, I was used to feeding the belly and had to go through with it.  Vacation man, what can I say.

But I'm back on it.
Did I say that already?
Helpful - 0
We went to dinner tonight, at the only local place that was open due to the holiday. The food tasted less than 5 on a scale of 10. I'm not sorry, it was ordered with no eye to losing weight, it was just whatever we felt like. What I was able to eat was almost all carbs, so I assume I will pay on the scale tomorrow.
SM - vacation is vacation and somebody's gotta do it, right?  You've got the right idea - 'fess up and move on.

I'm sure you'll do great this week and lose those 2 pounds with no trouble at all...
495284 tn?1333894042
,I hate to even report my weight loss but i read every fricking word Specialmom wrote about the food(thank you for letting me live thru you!)  I lost 1 1/2 lbs this week.  I have stuck to my chicken, fish, green veggies, salads, pinto beans and my new yogurt Oikos.  I am bound and determined to get my cholesterol and triglycerides down to normal range.  I have oatmeal with blueberries, cheerios or Raisin Bran for breakfast.

I was hoping to get outside and walk but there is another snow storm moving in tomorrow morning with upwards of 6 plus inches AGAIN so that will have to wait and there is more snow for later in the week.  I am so sick of winter!!

We never fail if we keep trying~
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I love it when people are determined. I ate an Easter egg or two today but wasn't that interested. Good, right? But it's not through determination, which would be more admirable. It just didn't taste that great.
Sarah, your determination is inspiring; I wish I could stay with my eating plan as well as you do.

Congratulations on that 1.5 lb loss.  That's awesome.  

Good luck on getting the cholesterol and triglycerides down the rest of the way.  I had to cut dairy in order to get mine down - I have a small amount of milk/cheese "maybe" once a week at the most.  Then when I got cholesterol down to 101 (normal is 100), my cardiologist informed me he wants it down to 70 now.  That was the pits...
More oatmeal, Barb.
134578 tn?1693250592
This morning I was down from my weight at the beginning of the challenge by 4 lbs, a little less than 1 pound down from last week. But then I had one cup of coffee, and suddenly I was exactly the weight I was when I weighed last week. How can one lousy cup of coffee make my weight go up over a pound?!? It wasn't even one pound of liquid!

Anyway, yes it's Easter, but luckily also April Fool's day. Instead of the usual, in Augie's Easter basket he found three pounds of raw broccoli, a can of beans, some Campbell's chicken noodle soup, Play-Doh, some new socks, Tabasco sauce, and a pair of underwear with a banana in them. (They have been making banana jokes in 5th grade at lunchtime for quite a while, tee hee, tee hee. But let the Easter Bunny try it and it's OUTRAGEOUSLY EMBARRASSINGLY HILARIOUS. He's just lucky the two lemons I had bought kept rolling out the legs, so I put them back in the fridge.) He didn't think getting a lime in an Easter egg was particularly April Fools-ish, though ... in fact, he likes limes, so that one backfired. ("Hey! a LIME!") I also gave him Play-Doh.

But we did hide chocolate eggs inside the snap-together plastic ones, around the house. Luckily, Augie likes the seeking better than the eating, and (not like Halloween) I didn't buy the kind of candy I love most, so we scraped through. I ate a few small Easter sweets, but haven't eaten many or craved sweets either. (I took care of that yesterday by sneaking a Dr. Pepper when doing my recently deceased dad's taxes. Stress drinking.)

I could tell when getting dressed this morning that I wasn't going to be knocking it out of the park with a loss, my stubborn tummy was right there. But it could be worse considering the nature of the holiday treats.

I made cream of broccoli soup with the broccoli, and we had it for lunch. It was delicious.
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Sounds like you did really change things up in Augie's Easter basket this year...lol  

Hopefully, you got the candy eaten, so the temptation won't stay very long...lol

The cream of broccoli soup sounds good.  I'm looking for a recipe that doesn't use milk or cream - yeah, I know "cream of broccoli" without dairy...lol   I'm sure there's a recipe out there, I just have to find it.
I wouldn't be too surprised if the one I used could be done with chicken broth. It's a simple job -- chop the broccoli, cook it with a little onion in just enough water to cover, and when it's tender (but hasn't yet turned olive green) scoop it a couple of ladles full at a time into the blender and pulverize it. Leave a few chunks of broccoli in the soup for something to chew but put the puree back into the soup so it's mostly puree. Season (my mom uses "Beau Monde" seasoning, I use dill or tarragon depending on my mood) and add (in my case, cheese and cream, but in your case, here is where you could try some chicken broth). Cook a little longer and it's ready. The creamy nature of the soup comes from the puree, not the actual cream, which is more there for flavor.
1235186 tn?1656987798
I stayed the same. I hope it doesn't go up tomorrow. I made lasagna.
Yummy. Easter candy and desserts. Tasted Good but time to get back on track.

Yes so sick of winter we are getting the same stem tomorrow sara but not as much as you. Our ground is warmer so I hope it doesn't stick.

That's continue to press on. Keep on moving forward.
Helpful - 0
Weight neutral is good - seems to be the story of my life... I'm glad to see someone else shares it.

I think everyone is tired of winter and I really feel for all of you that are still getting snow.
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