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11 - 20 of 28 Posts
Hello, is there any help for terrible scarring and stretch marks. I am black fairly attractive and have a nice figure but I have never been able to wear a short skirt or anything above my calves as my . have been to my GP but have been told that it is a pr...

My son is 19 and has warts on his hands for 2 years. we have tried all the otc remadies with no success. Will they ever just go away, or does he need to have them removed? He refuses to the Dr.

Hi All - I am a first-time poster here and feeling absolutely hopeless. I have included my entire medical and travel history in case it is relevant, but the current problems are really from Summer of 2010 on. I am a 26 year old caucasian female. 5'5" an...

About 20 days ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 3. The specialist tells me the chemo will take place every 15 days for 6 months. So that means, twice a month to come to a total of 12 sessions. I am posting here to just expect some good f...

I was diagnosed with a mediastinal yolk sac carcinoma (germ cell tumor) back in October of 07. I have been through chemotherapy with good results. Before therapy, my Alpha feta protein level was over 12,000, the tumor was approx. 8 centimeters, and I had a...

I'm 29 and was diagnosed with Right Side Plural Effusion 3 months ago ... i have had over 1.5 ltrs of fluid drained ... so far my drs have found no cause they have ruled out cancer,tb, lupus .. but still dont have a clue as to what caused this ... their la...

My query is this: 1) I have a very ugly looking keloid on my shoulder. I've paid umpteen visits to the doctor and each time he suggested the same thing-- apply Contractubex gel. But this hasn't been of any use and it doesn't make sense to spend 600 buck...

I have posted you in the past. Diagnosed 3c May 06. $ ip cisplatin/taxol/ then 4 iv to finish. I had remission 7 month and ca125 started rising. Two months later I had an adhesion causing a lower intestine blockage, and my gyn/onc did surgery. No visible ...

In the past 6 months my health has went down hill. Started with big toe on left foot going black, then right, now both feet are changing colour and cold like the weather,(hands are same). Diagnosed with Raynauds, then Livido Rectularis set in legs, arms,...

My 4 year old son diagnosed with Perihilar Pneumonitis, what does it mean? Is this a disease? How did he get this?

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