11 - 20 of 562 Posts
Hey guys, I have severe seasonal allergies and can't take really any allergy meds due to issues with tachycardia and palpitations. My doctor suggested Flonase, but I am allergic to sulfur (used a sulfur mask once and my whole face swelled huge, used to hav...

I have had a endoscopy and was told I have a fairly serious case of this disease, which is why I have swallowing difficulties and I given a prescription for flovent to treat it. However, I now have a $4000 deductible on my health insurance, and can no l...

Over the past about month and a half, I have gotten sick around 4 times. Around 2 weeks ago, I went to the doctor and was told I have viral pharyngitis. My symptoms were a slightly sore, but scratchy throat. I had some pain in my right tonsil and right ear...

I have had a bump or pimple inside my nose for a little over a week know it goes from sore to just irritating. Feels like something stuck in my nose. Went to my dr last Thursday June 27 she gave me Bactroban ointment to put in my nose once a day. How lo...

I swear by zinc lozenges on the first onset of a sore throat. I'm only 5 Weeks pregnant and wouldn't you know it, I have the start of a sore throat. anyone know if it's ok to take the lozenges? I know, I know, I need to ask my OB but I don't even have one ...

Does anyone know if its ok to take flonase on tx for allergies?

Hello! I am 25 years old, female. I am generally healthy and I never smoke or drink. On the 10th of March (about a month ago) I fell down with tonsilitis. My fever was not really high but my throat was sore, my ears were hurting, i felt weak etc etc....

I've never had allergies of any kind. Then I noticed my nose was runny sometimes. Sneezing some. Nothing alarming. Then I woke up and was having trouble swallowing - felt like something was stuck in my throat. Doc said there was tons of drainage - the diag...

i'm curious if it is ok to use flonase. also, is benadryl ok to use. I just finished using my netti pot for nasal allergies. I'm trying to be careful about drug interaction; I haven't started the boc yet.

Hello. I have been experiencing moderate to severe postnasal drip and ringing in the ears. Moved to Chicago several years ago from Phoenix so the doctor suggested that I may be suffering from allergies as a result. Blood test confirmed grass allergy. Hav...

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