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21 - 30 of 1105 Posts
I started taking Wellbutrin SR about 2 months ago and since then I have been experiencing some short term memory loss and have had a decrease in concentration, along with decreased inability to stay focused. Is this a normal side effect for this med?

im on xanax for anxiety wellbutrin sr for derpession and ritalin to boost me...been on ritalin since june 3 last couple days i have tingling all thru my body...could this be anxiety or switch from the med i was on adderaLL and prozac now its xanax ritalin ...

Can Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Trazodone be taken all together? I am trying to wean off of wellbutrin and start trazodone for depression and stay on zoloft for anxiety. If someone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

I am 26 years old woman and having 6 weeks pregenant. My Doctor diagnosed pcos before 5 months and I have been taking medicines like glycomet 500 SR, B-long and Hyponedd. Now one doctor has refered to take inj pregnyl 2000 units 3 doses each for one week ...

Dear sir, I'm 21 year old . HLA B27 +ve , I had taking INDOCAP SR since 6month daily 1tab Now according to doctor's advise I have done sgot and sgpt test S.G.O.T 54 U/L and SGPT 103 Now I am not taking indocap sr According to doctors advise for ...

Started Generic Wellbutrin 150 SR almost 2 weeks ago. Only taking 1 per day prescribed by a GP. Dose will probably change after my first actual phsyciatrist appt. this week. Question is: I got my period for the normal 5 days and have been spotting fo...

I was treated in 2001-2002 for hepatits c. 1a. Undetectable at 4 weeks into tax. SR at 6,12,18 months and still SR 2 years after ending year long treatment. My question in this... Because PCR goes lower now, do I need to retest? Or can I feel confident t...

Will I gain weight or loss weight by takeing 300mg of Wellbutrin XL a day? I started loseing weight on the wellbutrin SR but he switched me to the XL because he said the SR doesn't go any higher then 200mg... What should I do???

Does anyone know what "baseline early transition nonspecific ST abnormalities, SR HR"......means? My mother just had a heart attack and I have been very worried about my own future so I had a stress treadmill and this came up. Now I am worried this is an...

Does Wellbutrin become ineffective after long term use? Do people develop anger issues over time? One doctor told me that these effects are felt early, but would not present after years of use, and today a Psychiatrist told me that my recent emotional (a...

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