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21 - 30 of 41402 Posts
I have a 10 month old baby boy. I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. My son is still being breast fed. I am wondering if it is safe for my pregnancy to keep breast feeding my baby? Also every time I sit down to feed him I get cramp like symptoms, i...

anyone else pregnant and still breastfeeding their little ones? Or have been in the past? Any advice?

during the last physical exam I had ECG done which showed first-degree AV block. the reason was supposedly my insomnia which lasted for a couple of moths on and off, and has improved lately. I am overall in great health, physically active, and do not exper...

Ok so I'm 17w4d pregnant with twins. This is our first set, 3rd pregnancy. I have a 8 & 6 year old daughters. So all this is new to me. I'm not sure what to expect, the first 17 weeks has been tiring and very exciting. So I thought I could start a chat for...

Is anyone else pregnant and still nursing their older child. My daughter is almost 14 months and nurses quite frequently. I think its going to make us both very sad when our milk turns into colstrom. I cry just thinking about it.

Hi guys just wanting to know if any muumies out there breastfed while being pregnant and if there were any complications

Age:23 Sex:at least once a day for the past month with my new girlfriend, prior to her I believe the bumps may have been there, I remember trimming(not shaving) and thinking it might have been a reaction so dismissed it. Was tested for STD prior this mont...

Is anyone else BF while pregnant.? I'm 26w now. My daughter will be due on Feb. Idk when to stop BF my son. I wanted to wait til he makes 2 yrs on May but my baby girl will be here and idt I can BF both of them. Or is it possible?

OK, here we go. my neuro's office called and his secretary told me she called 8 places to get a PT and OT person to come to my house, because i do not drive. She could not believe there were no services available here. I asked her if I could hel...

I'm currently pregnant with my second child. My children will only be a year apart so I want a double stroller. I really like to contours option tandem stroller but its $300. For the moms who own it or know someone who owns it, do you think its worth the p...

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