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21 - 30 of 87892 Posts
Mild discomfort in urethra after urination or ejaculatuon. (Almost insignificant after Tylenol and or Naproxen) General discomfort in lower abdomen from pelvis to naval area. No discharge from penis at all Does not hurt during urinating or sex - only ...

Hello Doctor, First let me state I'm a smoker and concerned. I have had this issue now for roughly 2 months. It all started with minor irritation of my inner cheek and area in lower cheek near bottom of last molar on right side. I developed a single ...

My 7y girl has had uti for three years and has several types of antibiotics last one was amoxicillin/clavulanic acid,57mg. She now has Pseudomonas and doctor wants to give her cipro. think I should handle this differantly?

Hi, My 11 pound 14 year old Chihuahua has high liver enzymes. My vet put her on Ursodiol 100/MG/ML Susp. for her liver. As I read about medications for high liver enzymes, I don't see any information on this drug being prescribed for high liver enzymes. ...

for the past 16 days I have had an extremely sore throat. it started off mild enough. dr put me on amoxil for 7 days. finished it up, by the time I finished it, my throat was worse. then i was prescribed biaxin xl for 10 days, today is day number 10 and th...

This is a question for those of you who currently use a triptan as part of your acute migraine treatment plan: Which of the following Triptans do you currently use? In the comments below, let us know if your triptan is a tablet, an orally disintegra...

When I wake in the mornings, my left thumb and my 3 middle finger joints and thumb on my right hand hurts like mad. What can this be? I work in an office and use the keyboard and mouse constantly, can that be the reason this is happening? Is there some ...

Hi 32 y/ M, I have constant 2/10 pain to the epididymis at site of attachment to the testicle that is painful on palpation. No redness, swelling, discharge or issues urinating. Same goes for sexual activity and ejaculation. It has persisted for a yea...

I will be having laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a couple of weeks. I was given a list of drugs to review and stop taking any that I may be on for 10 days before procedure. I am having trouble determining whether my migraine medication, Imitrex, is one ...

I hear that naproxen may hurt one's kidneys, and surely I don't want that to happen. But the naproxen helps relieve some of my pain but I don't take it too often. So how much is too much?

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