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31 - 40 of 1698 Posts
Hi guys. I'm suffering so bad here. I have a horrible yeast infection. I went to my doctor and she prescribed diflucan and also clomitozole?? (Sp)...I am so itchy and sore I want to cry. Should I try monistat 7. Or wait out the diflucan?. What works for y...

Hello and thank you for reading my post. I visited the doctor about 3 days ago for some unusual redness and 2 small white blister looking spots on my penis head. He diagnosed it as a yeast infection, which I contracted from a partner that had one but was u...

I'm 21 years old and I've had chronic yeast infections (4-6 a year) for about 3 years now. 2 years ago my doctor prescribed Diflucan and it worked well for a while (cleared up the infection right away). About 8 months ago the Diflucan stopped being as effe...

I have a yeast infection (though it is hardly bothersome at all.. was found during my annual) and my dr (who is new and i do not normally see) prescribed me diflucan for 12 weeks, one pill, once a week. I have never heard of this or treated a yeast infecti...

So, I have this raging yeast infection. It's gotten a little better, but here are the treatments I've tried and it's still here after over a week (not itchy, just cottage-cheesy discharge): Day 2: Monistat 1600mg one day dose Day 4 & 6: diflucan 150 mg ...

Need to rant lol I'm so frustrated! In the beginning of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with bv, and was treated for it...and ever since I got treated I've gotten yeast infections every few I was diagnosed with chronic yeast and put on a new me...

It has been over 2 months of my vagina producing a white thick substance, and it hurts everytime that I have sex or any penetration. I have been on birth control for over a year, and my doctor put me on diflucan and a pH balancer and nothing seems to be cl...

I had a yeast infection and I use Monistat but forgot to use the last one but the symptoms went away and the odor came back but I started dating someone it's three weeks in and he said he thinks I have Easton faction because his urethra hurts so I got us ...

Ok, guys please read my last few post to get an idea of where i am coming from with this question, but i have a white milky discharge coming out of my vagina and I am freaking out as to what it is. its not thick, it doest itch, it doesnt burn its just gush...

This would be my first time ever having an yeast infection. I scared me so much I didnt know what to do. I went to a walk in center and I told them about my symptoms and the jus decleared it an yeat infection. (didnt run no test or anything) They gave me a...

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