31 - 40 of 8195 Posts
So after my first puppy scare and 300 dollars later, my puppy is doing well again. My question is: Is it better to get pet insurance or not?

my husband's PET scan report shows SUV=3.9 to 9.7. In PET scan, there is a lymphnode in neck and some in chest. SUV of neck lymphnode is 9.7 and for chest lymphnodes, it is 3.9 to 6.4. Docotrs wanted to do biopsy of this neck lymphnode but it was found dif...

going to a grocery store with a self checkout gizmo and mommy has little suzie and johnny shopping and they're arguing over who's turn it is to scan something...meanwhile those of us to chose to patronize the machine are held up while mommy thinks it s...

Ladies, what are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to guys? My biggest pet peeve when it comes to women is double standards! But hey, thats just me.

After being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, my mom had a PET SCAN done. The scan showed "lesions" on the ribs, pelvis, tail bone, lumbar spine, shoulder, femur and liver. Does this necassarily mean these areas are cancerous?

Heiferly mentioned cuddling with her pooch so I thought I would share my news. I just got two kittens and am finding it makes me feel less isolated and is just plain good for my mood. They even sleep on my lap together, wrapped around each other. Last n...

Do any of you have pet insurance. I've looked at a couple but they seem like a rip off. A lot of stuff is excluded from coverage and after the deductible and what they don't cover, it seems like what little they do pay is not as much as the premiums.

Can a pet scan tell the difference between alzheimers and depression?

Okay i get that im only 19 but when i tell someone im pregnant and they respond with "are you keeping it" REALLY gets on my nerves. Especially when its family that says that. Its so irratating

I'm six and a half weeks pregnant with our first baby. My husband and I have two amazing dogs who we are extremely connected to. The baby's heart begins beating within this week and coincidentally my oldest dog who was our first babygirl is EXTRA sweet and...

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