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31 - 40 of 231030 Posts
I have asthma since 8 years ago. (I am 52). I have allergie to the dust, however sometimes something in the air could start a crisis. When a have a cold usually it causes a crisis. The doctors told me about this desease and they are treating me. I have the...

I've been coughing for about a week now, and it just won't go away. It keeps getting worst. It feels like there's something in my throat tickeling / scratching it. When oxygen goes through my throat it feels tickelish again and I feel like the air can't g...

im 11 i have had a cough now for 5 weeks i have been to the doctor twice first i got some medication then it was still here so i got an emergency appointment cause it was that bad the he gave me different ones then it went for a day then it was back but ev...

Hi, I stop smoking 1 week ago because I felt lungs pain. I'm now, since yesterday night with high fever, 38,5 / 39, plus heavy cough and lung back pain ( both right and left). I also have a pain below and under the rib only on my front left hand side. I...

I woke up and couldnt even see and now I have the worst migraine ive ever had and nothings helping I just want to cry ! Anybody have any advice? I also have been throwing up yellow stuff and water

I know it's a good thing for baby to move...but I can't sleep and my back is killing me..any tips to calm baby down??,lol

My body has been going through some wierd things latley and it has been making my anxiety grow, and doctors keep shrugging me off. My hand will not stop shaking and recently my legs have joined them. my wrist also feels like i had jammed it for a couple da...

For the past week I have had terrible cramps, they last for a few minutes and come every 20-30 minutes. I went to the hospital when it first started happening but they said it was just my uterus stretching. But it just won't stop, is anyone else experienci...

Hey, I'm 19 and i've had my period for the past month now and i still have it. I don't know what to do. I'm always tired and i feel like i'm going to faint. My hair is falling and i have bruises on my legs. I Don't know what to do. Is this normal? Is it ...

I'm 39, I keep my teeth brushed and floss. I went to the dentist for extreme pain in my lower left teeth area. I thought maybe cavity or root canal. Dr said no its perio. I freaked because I take good care of my teeth. My girlfriend says my breath does not...

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