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31 - 40 of 1183474 Posts
Hi. Basically I've been feeling horribly fatigued and dizzy with terrible muscle cramps, nausea, low appetite, and now diarrhea. Badgered the doctors over and over but they kept thinking I was just depressed or something. I was on prednisone for a month in...

Can anyone help me decipher this? Base ACTH: 6.60 8:30am Starting Cortisol: 11.7 Cortisol 20 min later: 19.3 Cortisol 30 min later: 19.0 Cortisol 60 min later: 22.6 T3 0.99 ng/mL (0.58-1.59 ng/mL) FT4 0.73 ng/mL (0.70-1.48 ng/dL) TSH 11....

Yes PATM is adrenal insufficiency.# I AM WORKING WITH DOCTORS Adrenal insufficiency is an endocrine, or hormonal, disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of certain hormones. The adrenal glands are located just above the kidne...

For about two years, I've been low in Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy, and abnormal high for Vitamin D 1,25-Dihydroxy. My Vitamin D 1,25-Dihydroxy were over 100ng/mL, both first noticed in July & Sept 2010. My Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy was under 15 ng/mL I took Vitam...

I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. I also have migranes, scoliosis, COPD, and sciatic nerve on my left side. Recently I had blood work which revealed high sed rate of 30, and positive ANA. I stay tired, have problems with my memory, have m...

I have suffered from chronic fatigue for years. I have no quality of life and half of the time I can't get out of bed until the afternoon, and then I just make it to the chair. My husband and I split 3 years ago and I needed to get a job. After 8 months...

hi im not sure whats going on with me, i have all kinds of symptoms and i have posted a few posts, it seems like the adrenal insufficiencuy fits my symptoms, it all just began 10 months ago i was simply was feeling weak for weeks, had abit of stres...

Labs completed 12/30/10 (Post hemithyroidectomy) Symptoms: Racing heart, fatigue, fluctuation between hot/cold, and still have hair loss. Labs: TSH: 1.87 Ref range: 0.3-3.0 mcU/ml FT4: 0.71 Ref range: 0.58-1.64 ng/dl FT3: 3.44 ...

I am 58years old and have hypothyroidism, and my latest results came back; FreeT4 13.1 pmol/l TSH 16.40 mIU/l I am concerned I have adrenal insufficiency,as I have complete exhaustion, find it hard to wake up, let alone get through the day. All...

I was diagnosed with secondary autoimmune adrenal insufficiency in December. I feel lousy most of the time, have chronic abdominal pain and abnormal stools, and feel best flat on my back...which doesn't work well for someone who works 12 hour shifts in a b...

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