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31 - 40 of 1192276 Posts
Over 50 Newbie here…I have been having this daily headache for about 6 months. It started right after I had this weird cigarette smoke smell (phantosmia) that wouldn’t go away. My headache starts every morning around 8 or 9. They are mainly left side of my...

My belly aches and I am constantly naseaous. If eat just the right amount. Not too much, not too little, I feel like I've had multiple servings of my meal. And I've have the urge to vomit, like I gag, but still no puke. Tums aren't cutting it either. Any t...

I was diagnosed with IBS years ago when I was much younger. When my IBS flares up I typically go through sudden bouts of diarrhea with stomach cramping. Sometimes I'll experience periods of constipation. I've been dealing with gastro problems for sev...

More unresolved problems. Very long story. I suffer from chronic mouth and throat problems. Seen numerous ENT doc's. Took myself to a new GI doc and he ordered a nuclear dumping test which was normal. Told him of my feeling of nausea. Anyway, again havi...

Does anyone with anxiety suffer from stomach upset alot? I feel like someone with dumping syndrome all the sudden. It has gotten worse the last couple of weeks! Everytime i eat or think abnout something !!

Is it normal to have nausea and an upset stomach so close to my due date? I'm 38+5 weeks. I feel terrible and I still have a week of work left.

I'm 16 weeks and been having diarrhea for about a week. On and off. I havent ate anything unusual. Is this something I need to go to the doctor for immediately?

Hi All, About two months ago I started getting some burning/pain in my upper middle stomach. Over the next week it turned into adding bloating and pretty bad gas pains, constant belching, and slight pains in the ribs. The pain isn’t excruciating but it’...

I woke last night feeling nauseous and with a strange buzzing in/on my head. I moved to the couch, where I experienced another episode. This time I was aware that the buzzing came along first and seemed to cause the sick stomach feeling. I've been compl...

Hi Forum Friends :) I have noticed that some of you have talked about nausea. I went to lunch with my sisters today and enjoyed my seafood teryaki but then promptly threw it up. Sorry but this discussion's a little messy-gross but I think you guys can h...

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