will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
41 - 50 of 315079 Posts
Hey folks, I have been in a chronic pain condition for the last 14 months on my neck and back. Multiple docs etc don't find anything definitive until finally being told that it's a pain spasm pain cycle and that i need to be on some kind of anti depres...

I have a herniated disc in the lower lumbar that is pushing at all times on my sat. never. I have always exercise. what kind of exercise can i do?

right handed. small bump has arrisen on the area of the wrist where the thumb and wrist attach. painful to use thumb. can move thumb with other hand no pain. skin in this area also sentitive to touch. hard to grasp anything with right hand. I wear a small ...

I read comments on here all the time and ladies say they are having pains and cramps and everyone reassures it's just ligament pains. Well usually I see those comments for ladies in their first trimester. I'm 29w 5d and have a sharp pain on the right side...

Im having sharp pains in my stomach, and sharp pain in my private area. Should i go to the E.R? Im 17 wks

I have pain in my right side right where the hip is and sometimes can feel it around back on top of butt it really hurts when i walk

i have had back surgery 6 weeks agp and m back feels better but my legs are still hurting badly i figured when he remowed the buling disk and bone spur i would feel better

I have two question to ask 1. I was told by my mother that I have a thorn in my foot like she does and it is genetics, I was hoping maybe is there a treatment? 2. In my left foot, my Achilles tendon has pain. Its not swollen, I dont think, but its pain...

what are those fruits,vegetable,foods good for gouty?

Okay i had my decompression surgery on the 17 of feb and my neuro is already taking me off my pain meds saying that he is gonna wing me off so my question is what is to soon to be takin off when my pain is still tremendous like real bad should i get a seco...

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