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41 - 50 of 254 Posts
I have had a sinuse infection for almost 2 weeks it seems like. In the past couple of days I have noticed I keep blowing blood out my nose. I get chronic nose bleeds from a blood vessel so I know it's not that. Why do I keep seeing blood which seems to com...

My babys name is going to be Mia jaylene <3 what are you ladies naming your daughters??

I got some bloodwork im concerned about what it means. I'm a 22 year old female. Most concerning, my B12 levels were very high (1373 pmol/L) (I don't take supplements). My RBC and hematocrit were also high. Cholesterol was also high (very unusual, I'm almo...

Hi All .....I have withdrawn from Oxycontin 40mg 3x a day and Percocet 10/325 3x a day ( that is the prescribed amounts of what I am supposed to take) the first two withdrawals happened because I took more than the prescribed amount and ran out early ......

In 2003 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, since then I take my medicins. Nothing went wrong until a couple of months when my doctor told me to lower the medicins, which I did. I use Thyrax (Dutch name don't know the English name, sorry) and I had t...

Hi I just had a question see if anyone could answer it. I'm I 29 year old girl I recently went into my doctor, I got a blood test done and my white blood tests seem to be getting lower they have been lower then average since I was a kid they thought I had ...

I am 14 years old and started my period when i was 12. they are always regular and i would only be on for 5 days. I have been on my period for 13 days now and im starting to get worried. Its red blood so its normal i have no pains buts its heavy. My mum...

I take SP daily getting weakness in body, looking very thin and energy, wht should i do..

Hey All... I am on day 4 and feeling so so much better... the only real lingering thing is Fatigue which hopefully will subside once I get a full nights sleep. I just want to give back as everyone here has really been so encouraging and supportive. I am ...

Hi there you guys I was wondering I got my period normal on the 23rd of July then on the 7th of August I got it again so I got two periods 2 weeks apart . Now I have been spotting since Thursday the 3rd so far I have had 4 negative pregnancy tests. This ha...

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