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51 - 60 of 222 Posts
Is weight gain a common problem with using Cortef? I am a very lean, fit person who has been given a script for Cortef due to adrenal fatigue. What is the likelihood of weight gain on this product? Super nervous to start this treatment to say the least ...

Hi, I'm 14 years old and 5 years I wa diagnosed with a craniophryngiamo. I had surgery and it went fine. But after the surgery I started to gain weight and it has kept rising since then. I have tried almost every diet and exercise plan out there but I stil...

My wife has been diagnosed with secondary adrenal insufficiency. This diagnosis was made approx FEB 2007 after many months of Hospitalization. Over the past month she has been getting worse. She was hospitalized 2 weeks ago. Earlier this year she started d...

I've been suffering a lot strange symtoms and many of which could easily point to adrenal issues. I'm wondering if anyone has any info on how easy adrernal issues are to diagnoise via blood test.

Hi. This is my first post and I am thankful for a forum such as this. I love my doctors (at Johns Hopkins) but I find that as brillant as they are they are very much "in the box" with conventional medicine. My primary doctors is an integrated physician and...

Hi all, I had pituitary resection surgery for an 18 x 18 x 12mm pituitary adenoma on March 19, diagnosed after I experienced worsening peripheral eyesight over a 3 month period (immediately postpartum). Both pre- and post-operatively, I tested low horm...

I have another thread in the unknown diseases forum from a long time ago, but I though I would start another since it's not unknown anymore. I have been feeling tired, with constant headaches above the eyes (it hurts when I look up too), dry mouth, dry ...

Hi all, I've been struggling for yrs with cold hands, feet , akways up down in weight, random hair loss,low morning cortisol,anxiety, puffy face , muscle aches severe mental fog and horrible fatigue which is worse now. I did a TSH test which was 2.790 , ...

For over 1 year, I have had extreme itching, mostly on my arms and back. Itchy, Small white spots develop into open sores that bleed and leave scars. Antihistamines, cortisone lotions etc., make condition worse. Only wet, cold cloths give any relief. Hea...

49 y/o male h/o organic encephalopathy 1 year ago. New PCP during initial eval conducted HPA axis blood work to discover 39.2 daytime testosterone using scale 390-800. 8 AM test was 9.9 same scale. PCP started testosterone cypioate and referred to endo....

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