51 - 60 of 72064 Posts
My Dr. changed my prescription from Lorcet to Norco because Norco has less Acetaminophen in it. He is concerned because of my liver (another story for another day). Since changing to Norco my intake has doubled and has me concerned. I know they both have ...

Dr said I could take up to 1500 mg a day of either for fever n aches. I only have 1 kidney n somehow have it in my head not to use acetaminophen. I'm using children's Motrin. Any advice here? Karen :) thanks guys..

Hi all! I was just wondering if it was safe to take aceiteminophen chronically if prescribed in conjunction with a narcotic by an orthopedic doctor for degenerative disc disease (norco 7.5/325)? I have been taking the medication for about a month now and I...

does anyone get headaches from hep c , and if so what can they take that dont hurt the liver... ???? Is asperin ok? My husband is 62 he never had high bp but recently its been slightly high, maybe causing headaches.. but from what i researched beta b...

I was prescribed 5/325 Vicodin for a spine problem. I took more than I should have but never more than 2.8 grams of acetomeniphen in a single day. I did this for 7 days. 2-2.5 grams most days. I became worried that I might have damaged my liver. At 96 h...

I'm tapering off pain pills under a Doctors care. Anyone doing the same? Long term opioid use just doesn't make sense. My body is developing a tolerance & the original prescribed dose isn't working for me any longer. Who feels the same way I feel ? Pamela ...

I can't take asperin as I have trouble with my stomach... As far as I know, tylenol, is the only pain pill I can take without stomach upsets... very bad.. I don't want to upset my ulsers... so , I need to find some pain medication to replace the norcos.. I...

Good morning. I am a mother of three and odd for the summer. I have been on lortab for 8 years for a chronic condition. I want to stop taking these but any time I try I get extremely sick. I have tried before and failed. I need to do this and be able to fu...

I have hep C stage 3 1b... I have had 2 urinary track infections in 2 month after fininshing treatment. just last week my doctor prescribe Cipro 500mg sub>Ciprofloxacn 500MG tab west-ward...and I just now looked up this medicine and found out after taking ...

I have been on Pain Medication for a very For a very long time. Please check everything out before taking it. Percocet, Vicodin have Acetametophen which taking to many more then 10 a day can kill you. ...

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