51 - 60 of 96040 Posts
Hi, i am 30 yrs and married. And embarrassed to go to the doctor. One day my vagina was very dry that we had problem having sex. After 3-4 weeks it starts itching and its burning also while urination or washing it with soap. and now its burning, itching an...

My daughter started developing a breast bud when she was 7 years old. It was very small so the pediatrician told me it was normal & I asked if it could be the food and she said yes to switch to organic. The breast bud stayed small. At age 8 close to 9 it g...

What exactly does your Estradiol numbers measure mines was 277 today?

what exactly does it do during pre-ovulation time? they always measure it at the dr's office right before they trigger me.. this time they said it was a little low, but thats to be expected with the femara (since it blocks estrogen production) Anyone know ...

How long after a confirmed pregnancy are you suppose to continue taking Estradiol? Just read on the internet that it can cause birth defects and I can't reach my doctor to confirm this.

On Wednesday I went to see my gynecologist because I felt that I had a yeast infection. She gave me three Diflucin and vaginal cream for the itching/pain. The past three days I have been very itchy and may have scratched myself from rubbing with toilet pap...

today i went to the drs for my blood work and ultrasound... before i left the dr gave me a script for estradiol and told me that my cervic liner was a bit thin and they like it to be a little bit thicker when iui's are the treatment and that my blood work ...

New doc took CD3 blood and these are the numbers. She seemed happy with the Estradiol but said FSH was okay/normal since it was under 10. It's not much under 10? Any thoughts?

I have had blood tests showing a pm Cortisol blood level of 4.4. My Dr says this is 'normal'. I suspect adrenal fatigue and have thyroid and blood sugar problems which I am receiving medication for (at low doses). Is 4.4 a low level? And if so, what can I ...

I am 11wks 4days pregnant. I just got off 3 types of antibotics for a uti and BV, about a couple days ago. Almost the day after, I started having vaginal itch.. i read it could be a yeast infection if accompanied by disharge. I do have discharge but no odd...

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