61 - 70 of 207 Posts
Is there any support group for people with Re-occuring Shingles?

We are trying to decrease my son's stomach acid as it is causing issues during his athletic events. Anyway to counteract this? Alkaline foods? I have read that oatmeal can help but there is a lot of information to go through and it becomes contradicting....

Hi, I went to a Dermatologist a few years ago and was told that I have Sun Sensitivity. He gave me a prescription for Desoximetason, 0.25% ointment, and said that I should use Neutrogena sunblock with Helioplex. I am still having problems and I am ...

So, last month I thought I maybe pregnant, but I then got my time of the month. The thing I found odd about it was that it lasted only two days. Since I have been stressed and going through alot I figured that maybe why. Yet I started getting sick to my tu...

i seem to vomit everything i eat no matter what it is. soup crackers, anything you can think of i have tried they have tested me for meniers and i dont have that. they have chekced my gallbladder and that has come out fine, i have had a ct scan and that w...

I am 53 years old. A year ago or so I woke up with these little pimples in my mouth and tha back of my throat. It feels like I have sandpaper on the back of my tongue. I have been to my PCP and he took a swab and gave me Cipro. The swab was negative and th...

Hi, What do you recommend to rid periungual warts? I have 3 one right hand and one small one on left. The ones on my right I have had for years. I am so sick of them. My Doctor prescribed Carac cream, but it really didn't work and made underneath my fin...

Several years ago, I began to break out in hives for weeks. I went to all types of specialists.... dermatologists, allergists, and finally an endocrinologist. The dermatologist ran a full blood panel and discovered that my TSH was 12 and that the hives m...

So on and off for 14 years I've had major bouts with ulcers as well as constant if ever-changing stomach pain. I've seen plenty of GI doctors. My current one is as useless as he is obnoxious. He has no patience for my questions and seems frustrated that th...

About 3 weeks ago, I decided to quit nexium (on my own), not by doctors advice. This week I started have a burning in the middle upper abdomen, burping, nausea, constant swallowing and diaherria. So, I started the nexium again. I can't remember how l...

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