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81 - 90 of 562 Posts
Is it bronchitis or athsma or allergies? I usually cough some phlegm in the morning but am more congested in the evening and it seems a bit more difficult to breath. Still have a sinus infection. Is that was is causing the breathing problems?

I had FESS and Setoplasty one week ago, today. I have noticed that the sit of my nose where my deviated septum had been seems to still be significantly inflamed and that the generalized area around where the maxillary sinus would be hurts as well. Perhap...

21 YO Female For about a month now I've had nose pain in my right nostril that causes forehead pain/pressure and pressure behind my eye and eyebrow. Usually, the pressure/pain stays on the right side, the side where my nose also hurts. I've looked at it...

I have stuffy nose for the past 5 years right now i can hardly breath with my nose .I use Otrivin nasal drops and currently the effectiveness of this nasal drop is diminishing. Please help me, u can get me on ***@**** TITLE your mail STUFFY NOSE Thank...

Hi. This is my first time writing on this site. My dad is 80 years and has been diagnosed with PET. That is Patulous Eustachian Tube disease. He has been on steriods, antihistamines, flonase, and even alternative homeopathic medicines like a combination of...

Hello! I've been dealing with stuffiness on and off for about 3-4 weeks now. Originally my doctors thought it was a sinus infection and gave me antibiotics. However, I think it started off with bad allergies (possibly) and because I used Afrin longer than...

I am having an alley attack today and its so blah. My eyes, nose and throat really hurt and im tired. Any suggestions? I dont think they have ever been this bad.

Hi for the last year I've had troubles breathing. I sometimes feel I'm having heart issues and run to er, finally i Had some heart work up that was negative. I finally visited a ENT for my allergies and he noticed I have a deviated septum and large turbina...

After over 5 yr's of constant mucus brought on after a bad sinus infection, its like dejavu I'm trying to get rid of another sinus infec. Recently I caught a very bad "cold" or bacterial or viral infec. I have been on antibiotics and I have gotten some ch...

Well you know that we aren't supposed to eat anything unpasteurized, right? Well you can take one thing off that list. Honey. When they say its pasteurized, its really not. They can't heat up honey without changing its properties.My allergies are HORRIBLE ...

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