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1 - 10 of 11705 Posts
Hallo! Ich bin 37 Jahre alt. Gewicht - 80 kg. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren gewann 15 kg. Ich habe Hypoglykämie. Die minimale Niveau des Zuckers im Blut lag bei 0,8 (war bei Bewusstsein). Diabetes ist nicht installiert. Insulinoma gefunden wurde. 3,5 Jahr...

i live in germany. i'd like to speek english very good i know english but with germany language .every thing lost

Hey there! I'm writing from Germany with a problem which gets more serious to me every day. I did an HIV-combination-test (HIV 1/2 - antibodies / p24 Ag) here in Germany last friday. It was negative, i got my results a few hours later that day. My "...

Hola Dr. disculpe la molestia. bien pues tengo una enorme duda, tuve un encuentro sexual con dos chicos pero observe que el chico A le hacia sexo oral al chico B y despues viseversa (el chico B al chico A) despues el chico A me practico sexo oral a mi y no...

I made a test at 8 weeks after the incident ECLIA test is called the fourth generation, and combined (combo) antigen that is accurate? Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield, MD and Dr. Jose say that such a test generation combined antigen 4 is 100% conclusive at 6 week...

Four months ago I was bitten by a black insect (like a piece of rice) in my right thigh. I pulled it out with my fingers. About ten days later, I began to feel dizzy and wake up every two hours during sleep. I went to see a doctor. The result of regular te...

Its been since June 2007 when I finished my 48 week journey with Ribavirin (1800mg daily) and Peginterferon. I relapsed three months later and over the course of the next few months of trying to decide what to do I went with the recommendation of Dr.John M...

doc, pls help me. here is my story from germany: i am male, 35 i had sex with a girl on 17th dezember, but somehow the condom slipped while having vaginal sex, so i think i had unprotected contact to her vagina at least for 1 or 2 minutes i dont kn...

So I'm pretty sure I want to breast feed my baby girl because I feel like it would be cheaper. What are your guy's opinion on breast feeding Vs. Formula feeding? What should I choose and why?

I'm getting really sick and tired of seeing people on here insult large people. Just because we're fat doesn't mean we don't have emotions too! Ugh! I think it's time for me to leave this site. It has changed so much to me.

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