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1 - 10 of 7418 Posts
Hi guys..u remember me, the idiot that is hooked on oxy's while pregnant. I decided to stop and talked to both dr's (ob and reg dr) both said to I started on Wednesday, using the 10 oxy's rather than the 5 40's as usual...I used the tens til y...

Hi all, thanks in advance. I have hasimoto's, and am on Armour thyroid. I was just prescriped 10mg Hydrocortisone. Here were my adrenals.... AP Free Cortisol Rhythm - Saliva 06:00 - 08:00 AM result: 15 Normal; ref values: 13-24 nM 11...

Im worried Sick I put self at risk on January 8th two weeks later I have fungal infections all around my groin!! I have tried daktarin cream for a week no response plus been on fluconzole tablets for 2 weeks not responding, fungal infection still there!...

i explained you the incident with the CSW that i dont know if the condom broke, i came up with this atopic dermatits these days and i use medication to treat it as the doctor prescribed and it seems that it doesnt go away, i am worry that it might be due t...

I keep hearing that 20-30 mgs of HC is the standarad dosage for most people---but that a few people need as much as 35-40 mgs. I have come to the conclusion that I am one of those people who needs more HC. I was discussing it with my GI/internist. He a...

Hi, Just wondering, does anyone take only DHEA for adreanal fatigue? I'm taking HC at the moment. The first week was good, gave me more energy (and only taking 4mg total a day because I get dizzy and getting more facial and body hair). But now a month l...

Hello, I was put on HC 10/5/2.5 to help with the anxiety from taking naturethroid hormone. I started today but whats weird is i feel like my anxiety was increased by tenfold. Is this possible?

I've been having anxiety issues a couple of times a week for the last 2 weeks, and trouble sleeping at night. I fall asleep fine, but wake up with jitteriness and anxiety, where I feel I have to move around. I usually can't get back to sleep unless i get o...

i take hc 20 mg and T4 174 for 30 years after a toumor surgary on my head at germany , lateley altougt i am on an austere diet i cannot loose more than 4 kilos , can you advise me for example how to take the hc or something else ...

Hi, I just started taking compounded Thyroid 1/2 grain twice a day. My TSH was 3.6 and I have all the symptoms of hypo. I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also crash when stressed and I am unable to function during day time and unable to sleep at night wi...

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