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1 - 10 of 25 Posts
Hello. Any tips on how to make urine more friendly with my penis?.I notice that urine sometimes makes my penis sore,not the tip,but all around the head. I am due to see a dermatologist shortly,just in case its a type of skin infection. So,what can...

I have used indoor tannging salons for about 2 years now. I buy a month membership every so often. I try not to go everyday within a month because I know that it's not good for your skin (not that any tanning whatsoever really is). In the middle of Januar...

Hi, For the last few day's I've been experiencing hives all over my body. It all started when I found this quarter sizer circular dry spot on the back of my shoulder. The Hives are worse from yesterday when I started taking Benadryl and the doctor gave me...

I have chopped skin my backside .always itching and i feel crazey .which cream best for me

I have an appointment to see a derm but not till next may so hoping for some help here. on my hand, just the palms( from finger tips to mid palm) I have these what sool like extremely dry patches some are the size of a pea and some the size of a penny. T...

I think I have perioral dermatitis caused by prolonged use of a steroid cream, Hydrocortisone Valerate. This was not proscribed to me, it was my sister's, she has severe eczema. I was using the cream for a patch of eczema by my mouth, so when the rash appe...

I've pretty much told everyone on here that my acne is bad and only getting worse!! It seems to be only on my forehead with minimal breakouts on my chin and cheeks. But its horrible!! I've never had bad skin so I don't really know what to do. I wash my fac...

Dear MedHelp: I come to seek help since I've yet to find it so far. I lived in Tanzania, East Africa for three years and in April 2006 started to have pretty severe penile/testicle pain. This all started after masturbating in the shower and using the wa...

I am a 30 year old male from India, currently in US for 6-7 months. I will be here till December 2008. I have seb derm, rosacea and psoriasis on my legs-now in remission for about 4 years. Since December 2007, I have observed reddish inflammation on my pen...

A few days ago, I noticed a small lump under my right arm (on my right armpit). It wasn't painful at that time, but when I touched it while taking a bath, it started getting painful after that. Right now there are 2 lumps, one above the other on my right a...

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