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1 - 10 of 244 Posts
Does anyone take buspar with doxepin? My doctor prescribed me both and so far i have only taken the buspar. I have read taking both could cause serotonin syndrome and scared to take the doxepin. I take 15mg x 3 daily of buspar and was given 50 mg of doxepi...

Hi! I have had anxiety my entire life and just about two years ago I developed chronic hives. I never had allergies of any kind in the past and now by entire body explodes in hives, my lips swell. I have been to the ER a few times. Doctors cannot find a ca...

So I've posted about how I'm coming off norco and Ambien. My rehab doctor has me on Doxepin for sleep. It is a non habit forming, non controlled medication. I believe it has anti depressant qualities. I am wondering why no one uses this and very few docs p...

Hey all, so I've been suffering with CU for 6 months now. I have seen my doctor, allergist, dermatologist, and an acupuncturist, and no one can figure out what's causing the hives. I don't physically have the hives on my body unless i put pressure somewh...

We just got back from a week in Cleveland for testing for my son. They confirmed POTS, autonomic neuropathy, abdominal pain, chronic nausea syndrome. They are not sure of the cause of the nausea. When they ran a 'stick' (for lack of a better word) ove...

I have chronic urticaria and sometimes have angioedema ( lip swelling). I have stopped taking doxepin HCL because of side effects of weight gain. Am taking one Allegra in the AM and one Zrytec at night for about 3 days. The itchy rashes are a big annoyanc...

My upper arms on the outer side gets very red (looks sunburned but I stay out of the sun). I live in Florida. When I lived in NJ I would get poison ivy and have a hard time getting rid of it. After living in Fl for 3 years my arms became itchy. Not unbeara...

I just came back from bringing my son to se Drs Chleminsky in Cleveland. After being told by two other doctors that he has POTS, these doctors are saying he has migraine dysautonommia. Does anyone know the difference? The treatment seems similar but I dont...

Hi I'm Ari I've had such a crazy 9 months of so many medications. I didn't have a problem sleeping but when i was put on a antibotics everything changed. I've been on so many medications. None have allowed me to really sleep. I think my brain is damaged f...

hello, i suffer from chronic hives and joint pains, i have been to my general doctor and dermatologist, my general doctor ran blood tests and found nothing out of the ordinary. my dermatologist just has me on anti histamine drugs singulair etc.. these dru...

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