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Hi, I had a hysterectomy years ago and have been taking the estradiol pill for years. I started recently using the patch since I thought it would be better for my liver and a more natural way to get the estrogen. I'm doing this to protect again osteoporo...

I am in need of finding a better treatment for all this nausea (side effect of the triple treatment for my Hep C) and was wondering if any of you have tried the Transderm-Scop patches that you wear for 72 hours. Have tried Zofran and all it gave me was en...

I am researching a question that an pharm instructor posed to us allowing us to use on line resources. Case study, there is a 58 year old female at the clinic for follow up angina appointment. Last visit she was started on NTG transderm 0.4 mg/hr every 24 ...

I've read somewhere that estradiol (I'm on the patch) can increase your T4. Has anyone else heard this? Also, that time of day and fasting can affect TSH. I'm going for TSH, FT4, and FT3 tomorrow. Thanks! ~Sue

I am 55 and went through menopause almost 5 years ago. I use a generic weekly estradiol patch (.1 mg) and Prometrium (200 mg) every night due to extreme menopausal symptoms. I change my patch on Monday evenings. I bleed for several days beginning every oth...

Is there any way to give the body a contiuous supply of thyroid hormones that could mimic the glands own output as closely as possible?

I have been on the fentanyl patch now for over a year, I started off at 100 mcg and slowly got down to 25mcg now. I had a really hard time decreasing so far, every step down I took (100mcg to 75mcg to 50mcg now 25mcg) I went through horrible withdrawal. I ...

I am a 28 year old woman who has been on some form of pain man. for almost nine years. I have switched my long acting med from oc 80mg + 40mg to fentanyl175 every 48 hrs. It has been a few months and I am still feeling very unstable, when I talk to my doc...

I injured my peroneal nerve two months ago and the pain has been exhausting/unrelenting....allowing me no sleep at night and no position comfortable to sit or stand for long without having to "shift". I work full time but in the last 2 weeks called out 3 t...

My sister's doctor says he can't perscribe Actiq for her any longer because she doesn't have "active" cancer. She gets severe attackes in her throat (especially when she tries to eat) because of radiation treatment. Is there any truth to what her doctor ...

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