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1 - 10 of 1190953 Posts
Hello, recently the artery in the base of my thumb is throbbing off and on throughout the day. You can see the pulse bulging in and out and then it stops. My hand also falls asleep during the night. Is this something that needs to be checked out or will...

I broke my 4th and 5th metacarpal a week and a half ago. I had surgery done 2 days ago and had wires put into place. The thing now is that my thumb area is extremely stiff, swollen, and painful. The pain from my swollen thumb area radiates up to my bice...

Am I suppose to feel numbing in my toes, right foot only. Middle of my body also numbing feeling. Feel real stange to touch. Copaxone injected everyday for 3 months. I am scared.

So about 11 days ago i cut my palm at work and had to go to ER to get 6 stitches. Nurse or doctor cleaned me up, give me a numbing shot around wound and stitched it up.The cut is about an inch below the thumb, length of the cut is about an inch wide but it...

I had a recent cut on my thumb, about an inch long 5-6 days old but had not fully healed or scabbed over yet. Got a massage from a female sex worker whom I have never met before. Did not have intercourse, or oral, but placed by cut thumb inside her vagina ...

Im 23weeks is it normal to have a numbing feeling in my leg ?

Lately I have been feeling tingling in my thumb and I'm not sure of what it may be. Could it be because I lay on my left side alot??

I’m afraid I have Scleroderma I have this dry skin crackle skin around my middle finger on my right hand and this numbing feeling in that finger like novocain hasn’t wore all the way off its been like this for a week now finger feels tight, numbing feeling...

For about a week now I have had a strange pain in my arm that I can best describe as a burning sensation. It is not my entire arm, but a thin strip from the base of my thumb to about midway up my forearm, and another area on my bicep. There is no bruising,...

I had a stroke last week where I temporarily lost feeling in my right hand or arm. During my hospital stay an IV was put in my left hand. Now a week later I am having lots of pain in my right hand. The pain goes from the spot where the needle was to my thu...

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