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Is the amount of alcohol in this product too irritating for use once or twice daily? Thank you!

Im overreacting (i work a lot and became bit neurotic lately) but I was interested about possible way of getting some viral infection. I had a small cut on my finger, it was one day old, dry mostly but also still a little bit wet. I handed to my pocket to...

On my right index finger there seems to be a wart that is growing hair. Kind of like it's own sod farm, it's insane! It's towards the knuckle on my hand and hurts a lot! It's red around it and sometimes will look cauliflower-like. I've tried otc wart remov...

I'm currently experiencing rather extreme reactions from my skin: redness (especially on both cheeks and jawline), very dry, painful to touch and flaring up when I attempt to put on moisturizer (Neutrogena oil-free, at that), and slight swelling all around...

I am breaking out. :/ bad. And not just on my face. Did any of you guys have any good cures? I'm desperate! Thank you! (:

After a diamond microdermabrasion treament, is it safe to use an anti acne cleanser bar soap (recomended by my dermatologist) containing: Salicylic acid + Melaleuca alternifolia + Allantoin? If not, how much should I wait before using it again? Thank yo...

So i just read that salicylic acid is not safe for pregnancy. I been using it this whole time. Not just toner but pure in diy facial mask. Im worried now i may have caused some prob with baby. Im 17 weeks and my anatomy scan is in three weeks. Im worried n...

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Well I've got a question. I've noticed this growth on my bottom toe, between the joints, and have ignored it for nearly a year, possibly. I really did not think anything of it, until about a month ago and noticed a black spo...

I had a pimple and I used salicylic acid (garnier spot treatment) to try to get rid of it. It was a gel and it formed a layer of dead skin on the pimple and then when I gently cleansed my skin, that layer of dead skin came off exposing the new sensitive sk...

I've pretty much told everyone on here that my acne is bad and only getting worse!! It seems to be only on my forehead with minimal breakouts on my chin and cheeks. But its horrible!! I've never had bad skin so I don't really know what to do. I wash my fac...

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