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Search Results for "Sarnol Hc"

1 - 10 of 1415 Results
Hi all, thanks in advance. I have hasimoto's, and am on Armour thyroid. I was just prescriped 10mg Hydrocortisone. Here were my adrenals.... AP Free Cortisol Rhythm - Saliva 06:00 - 08:00 AM result: 15 Normal; ref values: 13-24 nM 11...

I keep hearing that 20-30 mgs of HC is the standarad dosage for most people---but that a few people need as much as 35-40 mgs. I have come to the conclusion that I am one of those people who needs more HC. I was discussing it with my GI/internist. He a...

Hi, Just wondering, does anyone take only DHEA for adreanal fatigue? I'm taking HC at the moment. The first week was good, gave me more energy (and only taking 4mg total a day because I get dizzy and getting more facial and body hair). But now a month l...

Hello, I was put on HC 10/5/2.5 to help with the anxiety from taking naturethroid hormone. I started today but whats weird is i feel like my anxiety was increased by tenfold. Is this possible?

I've been having anxiety issues a couple of times a week for the last 2 weeks, and trouble sleeping at night. I fall asleep fine, but wake up with jitteriness and anxiety, where I feel I have to move around. I usually can't get back to sleep unless i get o...

i take hc 20 mg and T4 174 for 30 years after a toumor surgary on my head at germany , lateley altougt i am on an austere diet i cannot loose more than 4 kilos , can you advise me for example how to take the hc or something else ...

Hi, I just started taking compounded Thyroid 1/2 grain twice a day. My TSH was 3.6 and I have all the symptoms of hypo. I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I also crash when stressed and I am unable to function during day time and unable to sleep at night wi...

I've been suffering from exhaustion, sleep apnea, fatigue, for months now. I've had low cortisol with these labs: 2.4mg 1pm, 4.0mg AM level I feel much better and can rest and breathe better on 25-50mg/day of Hydrocortisone and I've been trying pregnene...

I finally ended up calling my endoc for an rx of steroids. Of course, I think the office is now closed (I left a message). Can someone explain to me why hydrocortisone is ideal, and if the physiological doses are as I read: 15-20 mg Total day, split up 2...

Hi, I posted the other day. I have been diagnosed at Hypo and just started Levo. I am taking the generic brand and I started off on 25mcg and then worked my way up too quickly ( took 120mcg on one day ). I then took 4 days off and tried taking 12mcg befo...

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