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Search Results for "Nystatin Topical Cream"

1 - 10 of 39891 Results
I am a 25 year old male with a rash in my groin region. It is in my inner thighs and has been there for almost 6 years. i am a runner and for the longest time thought of it as "jock itch". But in recent years it has become more and more painful and vary...

My 1 month old daughter has this stubborn rashes that won't go away. At first her skin was red and then it looks like her skin peeled, day after it looks like it loses few layer of skin while the center being shallow and red. I went to a pediatrician and s...

I found out a rash on parts of my chest and abdomen is tinea versicolor (spelling?). The dermatologist prescribed Ketoconazole cream. Anyone know if that is safe to use with Lyme Disease.? I looked online but found only mentions of the pill.

About 6 yrs ago my daily inhaler stopped working & I was diagnosed with a pneumoniae & on very strong antibiotics. A red blotch appeared under Dr gave me Diflucan saying candida. Was having breathing problems but after 1 pill of Diflucan I re...

I was diagnosed with ringworm 2 months ago. There's only one outbreak on the back of my leg, and it's not spreading, but the healing is very slow. I've been on Nystatin prescription cream all this time & it's barely changed. Has anyone tried Melaleuca (t...

i'm 21 years old..i've symptoms of balanitis and left it untreared for several years..the symptoms appear as white dots on the glans and around the glans..i try to treat it with clotrimazole cream/lotion but the infection doesn't settle..recently i try clo...

I was given nystatin and triamcinolone acetonide cream for balanitis. It has been several weeks and it is still hanging around. It seems like it begins to go away, but never fully does. After masturbation my penis looks red and irritated. I have gone about...

Last week he had the last of his own teeth removed and the dentist had him put in his dentures right afterwards. Starting yesterday he has a thick white coating all over the top of his tongue; which will come off easily using a tongue scraper and a very s...

My skin under my forearms are losser and crinklely after being treated with topical steriods for LICHEN PLANUS. Will my skin return to its toneness eventually? BTW...I'm fit from working out and bellydancing for years and NEVER had any loss skin anywhere ...

thrush ?? Help ??

1 - 10 of 3 Results
Bumps in the genital area might be STDs, but are usually not serious. Treatment is usually for possible infection or to manage symptoms.

Discharge may not be normal, and could mean an infection or an STD, especially with burning, pain, itching or urinary frequency.

STIs are the most common cause of genital sores, but allergic reactions, autoimmune disorders, fungal infections and many other conditions may, too.

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