Search Results for "Promethazine"

1 - 10 of 575 Results
was prescribe this by my doc and my mom told me not to take it, is it ok to take while preggo??

Anyone else take it for morning sickness my ob proscribed it for me but I don't really hear anyone else taking it.

I went to the ER on Sunday night, and was prescribed Phenagren for nausea, and when it was filled at the pharmacy they gave me Promethazine. I read about it and their not exactly sure of side effects on the fetus but said its okay to take before 38weeks ge...

I'm still up, day 3 of wd's. yesterday was horrible; body aches, twitching etc. But I managed to fall asleep for several hours last night, after no sleep the night before. And today, i was tired, but no pain or tension, and I thought I was done. but it...

Not sure if this is right forum.... I have a question on this anti-nausea med... Last night I took it becuase i have been having bad stomach problems, and I wanted to sleep all night. It worked for the most part, but now its about 16 hours later, and im so...

Is it just me or it doesn't work for nasuea at all? ?? -_- I feel the same. I take it at night and I still feel nauseous during the day. I take it during the day it takes no effect whatsoever, wth? ?!?!

Is it me or is it ineffective? ? This pill does nothing for me! (/'n')/ ยท throws pill*

What is promethazine? Related Video Treatment for Depression Treatments for depression are getting better everyday and there are things you can start doing right away. .Promethazine is in a group of drugs called phenothiazines (FEEN-oh-THYE-a-zeens...

Any other mommys been prescribed promethazine for nausea/vomiting? Is it safe to take I'm very paranoid about taking any type of medication unless im unable to stand pain/ discomfort

About a month ago I did something extremely stupid, I took about 80ml of promethazine. It knocked me out and the next day I was having very bad tremors and fever like symptoms. About 24 hours later I called poison control and was told if I made it this far...

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