Search Results for "Addiction"

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can one become addicted to hydrocodone-APAP 10-325 if one takes one half a pill a day?

Could anyone tell me if there is away to get through the withdrawal symptoms, so not to suffer so much. My worst is at night, I can't sleep if i don't have any of the pain meds left. The feeling I get in my arms & legs are so bad, it makes me feel like wan...

can taking xanax for 30 years cause depression over the years of taking it?

i'm addicted to gravol really bad, i take 30 or more daily plus methadone at 50 mg and this is administered by my pharmacist, he doesn't know about my gravol addiction, i'm lost and don't know what to do

Is it even possible to help someone who won't help themselves? I thought my husband was tapering and was almost to the end, then I find out he has been getting pills all along. I don't know what to do, he says that he gets stressed out and that is what m...

I am a 27 year old female mother of two. I have been struggling with hydrocodone addiction for about 16 months. I had 8 teeth cut out which took over 3 months to heal. I couldnt stop taking them. I hate myself right now and have for about a year when I rea...

Dear Dr. Julia M Aharonov, DO i have written you 2-3 questions regarding addiction of pentazocine(IM) and i get very good answers and in todays time it is very very useful & from one of the best doctors of the world.i was taking pentazocine(IM)12 ml a ...

Hi everyone I hope every one is ok, im not I used tyn. 4s to get away from the methadone wds, well I graduated to norcos 7.5 big mistake, I get 90 a month Im suppose to take three a day well that's a joke I should have known better, I ran threw 90 in 2 wee...

My husband is addicted chatting with stranger women on wechat. and I found out they have been changing picture I mean indecent photo. Please advice what I supposed to do to stop all these? Thank's everyone for the advice.

I'm 52 year old man since four to five year I take Ativan and now I addict this drug,my daily dosage 150mg.per day basic,but till this drug not work,I leave this bad habit,I lost my future needs please help me.i want to die

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