Search Results for "Bactrim Iv"

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A few months ago, before getting my lyme diagnosis, I had a severe herx reaction to oral Bactrim. I took it twice and an hour after taking it I started having stroke like symptoms. My heart started racing, II got a strange purple rash, I had difficulty wa...

I have ringing in both ears and sinus wont clear. Been to ER, ENT, and GP several times. On two occasions, once I was given Rocephin injection, and another time had Rocephin IV. That seemed to cure my ear ringing and sick feeling for 12-24 hours. But the a...

I am scheduled for IV Rocephin next week. My LLMD just started me on Mepron and A-Bart this week and told me to continue all meds while on IV. So in total as of next week I will be taking: Nystatin 2x daily, Plaquenil 2x daily, Azithromyicin, Doxycyclin...

I have MRSA (found through colonization of urine due to UTI). I have had chronic UTI's for years now and my dr just treats them with antibiotics everytime and does an ultrasound to make sure nothing serious going on in there like cancer or kidney disease. ...

Hi All, I've been on Mino now since Dec. and added Zithro a few weeks ago. Last night I started Bactrim. I've felt just awful since a couple hours after taking this new med. I had horrible lucid nightmares in which I was screaming and being awful...

I have ringing in both ears and sinus wont clear. Been to ER, ENT, and GP several times. On two occasions, once I was given Rocephin injection, and another time had Rocephin IV. That seemed to cure my ear ringing and sick feeling for 12-24 hours. But the a...

My dog scratched my arm over 2 weeks ago. I have kept it cleaned and civered with Neosporin. I am 62 anh have had problems the past year with thinning skin and bleed under the skin easily. :-(. Last night I noticed a small,red area above it on my firearm ...

I have had MRSA several times. The last one was in my mastoid bone in both ears that was cleared up this past January. Well I have come down with a boil on the left side of my face next to the eye that was lanced and cultured today. It hurts like hell...

Hi all. So the lyme docs have diagnosed Lyme, Bartonella, and Mycoplasma. It has just been over 3 months now since I have been infected. Does anyone have any ideas on what the best possible early treatment should be? I was literally taking minocyclin...

About 7 wks after I had my baby (vaginal delivery no epidural) I started 2 get classic uti symptoms burning feeling ,having 2 pee when no urine in bladder,constant pressure . When I was a child i was in hospital 4 a month with complete kidney failure due 2...

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Herpes sores blister, then burst, ooze, they may scab, and will then heal. Sores may be confused with acne, fungal infections, and ingrown hairs.

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