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Search Results for "Euthyrox"

1 - 10 of 138 Results
hello, i am 32 female i have tested my TSH 5.68 Anti thyroglobulin Antibudies 308.5 IU\ml Free T3 4.6 pmo\l T4 11.81 pmol\l i took Euthyrox 50 mg for six weeks then did the test again i had mad results TSH 0.050 mu/l T3 7.85 pmol/l T4 28.70 pm...

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto´s 17 years ago and have been taking Synthroid since (1mcg). About a month ago I had to replace Synthroid with Euthyrox, and I am having symptoms again, like palpitations, loss of appetite and energy. Is this normal? I unde...

Thirty years after radiation therapy for Hodgkins, my thyroid developed a goiter and had to be removed due to too many abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells. A tiny morsel was left behind, less than 1 cm. For 15 years, I've been on 125 mg Euthyrox, and all thyroi...

I am 52 years old. I am doing my exercise and dieting from last two months but not losing weight.. Before that never happened that I exercised and not lost weight. Why its not happening now? Am I too old to lose weight? Please somebody help me . I am very ...

hi there is have hoshimotos since the age of 14 - I have had years and years of not being able to regulate my thyroid levels- in 2010 at the age of 44 I had a total thyroidectomy - I am still battling with my medication - the doctors have put me on eltrox...

Help :o( I am a morbidly obese (130kgs @ 5'10'') man with a previously diagnosed Hypothyroid condition. I am on Cynomel (which i believe is Cytomel in the US) of 0.0125, and 125mcg of Euthyrox (T4). My latest results have come back and show the following...

First of all, english is not my native language, so excuse the errors. I`ve done some tests as follows, and I really need your opinion on this. First in may this year: TSH:14,785 (normal values: 0.49-4.67), Ionic serum calcium-3.91 (n.v.:4.04-5.2), PTH -33...

I am 21 weeks pregnant. I am tested to be Hashimoto's thyroiditis for more than 2 years. But I have not take any pills as I only got a high anti-tg and nothing more. But from last month, I was tested to be with normal TSH, 1.76uIU/ml. lower FT4 10.91pmol/...

Hi I am 27 year old girl. I have psoriasis, diabetes and hypothyroidism. For hypothiroidism i am using therapy with euthyrox. Beside that i am living normal life. I had unprotected sex few times in my life, but the last one was about 5 years ago. I am in ...

doctor i have been diagnosed of PCOs and hypothyroidim at TSH of 6.10 but after 2 mnths of taking euthyrox 25 mcg my TSH levels have reduced n will be below 2.5 by nex mnth. My gynae put me on Diane 35 to regulate my periods for 3 mnths. will i be fine til...

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