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Search Results for "Zarontin"

1 - 10 of 12 Results
My 7-year old son was diagnosed with Absence Epilepsy about 8 months ago. We are still trying to get his medication right as he was originally taking Lamictal which didn't help much. We switched him over to Zarontin which seems to be controlling the seizur...

i read that people who are on depakote can risk plates sticking together..and im on warfarin ( blood thinner)? any info on this..thanks james......i have d.vt. had a pulmonary embolism in 2000.

I just found out my 21 y/o daughter has been taking half of her doctor ordered dose in order to save MONEY! She is on lamictal, works 2 jobs, has health insurance, but Lamictal is a third tier drug for them and costs $5 a pill in the US. I bought her Zaro...

Hi, my 17 yr old daughter has been feeling dizzy or like she is in a dream-like state. I also experience this dream-like state occasionally so I know what she means. Mine passes quite quickly but she says she feels like it almost all the time lately. She s...

Freddie has been building up on lamictal since May and it now on his level of 100mg in the morning and the same in the evening. His seizures have become more frequent since we reached this level (once to twice a week lasting for no more than 40 seconds) a...

I've been on Adderall for several months now. I recently was prescribed Lyrica for pain in my foot. Can these medications be taken together?

I'm a 22 yr. old male. When I was a kid I was diagnosed with siezures {they also said I had a left, frontal, cavernous angioma. I had two doctors. The brain surgeon said that caused the seizures, but the pediatric neurologist said the cavernous angima had ...

My 3yr old daughter has been diagnosed with Epilepsy for about a year now. She has only had 3 episodes of seizures all up. All her seizures have been bought on by vomiting. Each episode consists of about 5-8 mini tonic seizures, each lasting less then 30se...

My ten year old son has seiuzers and has been on depakote since we found out in 2006.And we have been seeing the doctor for two weeks now and they have upped his depakote ER and yesterday I notice that when he went to the bathroom 2 hours after taken all ...

My 7 year has been on Keppra since March when he first had his seizures. He also has ADHD and is on medication for that as well. He had really come along way with his behavior before having to be put on seizure meds. Now, his behavior is terrible. He is ve...

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