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Search Results for "Pravastatin"

1 - 10 of 131 Results
Is atorvastatin or pravastatin better at monitoring cholestoral? My doctor prescribed the generic pravastatin as a more afordable alternative to atorvastatin but also doubled the amount I take (from 20 mg of atorvastatin to 40 mg of pravastatin). Should ...

Can someone explain what, if any, evidence there for a switch from simvastatin to pravastatin? My husband's doctor said there is new evidence that simvastatin may be detrimental. Unfortunately, my husband did not quiz him further. He already has one ste...

Does anyone know if the medicine Pravastatin (for high cholesterol) can cause your sugar to go up? I had quit taking it for about 2 weeks and my sugar which is usually high came down to 90-120, when I started taking it again my sugar went back up to 180-23...

Hi Folks, Got my cholesterol #’s back and I thought they were pretty good. I was on 40mg of Pravastatin and now am on 80mg. Is my doc just being aggressive? Or is there another reason for the big increase? I welcome any speculations. HDL: 75 LDL...

I am a 39 year old, female. I was put on Pravastatin about 9 weeks ago as my cholesterol had gone from 190 to 225 from the previous year. I have a family history of heart disease (my father passed away after a second heart attack at 53). I was diagnosed wi...

I have recently had a cath. The doctor doing the cath said "everything here is clear, you're fine". The cardiologist I'm seeing said the cath showed a 30% blockage. I'm still trying to get a clarification. Anyway, the cardiologist put me on Amlodopine ...

I was recently prescribed this medication for cholesterol, doc said my good was low and bad was high. Does anyone know much about this medication? Side effects? Or things to expect while taking it? Thanks for any advice!!

I was put on Pravastatin about 9 weeks ago as my cholesterol had gone from 190 to 225 from the previous year. I have a family history of heart disease (my father passed away after a second heart attack at 53). I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 years ag...

I recently was prescripbed pravastatin and I notice a higher number when I test after a night of fasting in my Blood Glucose. Is there a posibility that could cause the rise.

Hi, I took Lovastatin 10 mg. for 8 yrs. with no problem. Last Sept. Cardio Dr. wanted my HDL higher. He prescribed Pravastatin 20mg. After taking the Pravastatin for 3 mos. I noticed muscle fatigue and discomfort. I do a Sr. Aerobics class and ...

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